World War I

Soldiers of the Great War: Michigan
compiled by:
W.M. Haulsee, F.G. Howe, A.C. Doyle
Washington, D.C.: Soldiers Records Publishing Association, 1920
Compilation of those that died in service during WWI for the state of Michigan.

Isabella County Draft Registrations for WWI - June 5, 1917
1,753 Registrants of Age: All men born June 6, 1886 to June 5, 1896
Registered all men between the ages of 21 and 31 years of age.

World War I Draft Registration Information

The following is a listing of persons registered in Isabella County who are of Military age.

City of Mt. Pleasant

  World War I Draft Lists

       August 1917 Initial (FIRST) Draft List

       August 1917 Certified Draft List

       June 1918 Second Draft Registration List
Held June 5, 1918 and registered all men who
became 21 years of age since June 5, 1917, not previously
registered.  Men born June 6, 1896 - June 5, 1897.

       August 1918 Draft List Additions
Supplemental Registration - August 24, 1918
Men born June 6, 1897 - August 24, 1897

World War I Service Men and Women

Isabella County Casualties in the Great War for Democracy

The Enterprise - listing of WWI fatalities and soldiers from Isabella County

© 2001 - 2009 by Donna Hoff-Grambau
for the exclusive use of the Isabella County, MIGenWeb site.