World War I Draft Registration
Under the Selective Service Law and Regulations in
1917 and 1918 all Michigan men were required to file a Selective Service
Registration Card.
Three Draft Registrations Were Held:
First Registration: held June 5, 1917
(men born June 6, 1886 - June 5, 1896)
- registered all men between the ages of 21 and 31
Second Registration: held June 5, 1918
(men born June 6, 1896 - June 5, 1897)
- registered all men who had become 21 years of age
since June 5, 1917, not previously registered or already in the military
Supplemental registration - August 24, 1918
(men born June 6, 1897 - August 24, 1897)
considered part of the second
- registered all men who became 21 years of age
since June 5, 1918, not previously registered or already in the military
Third Registration: held Sept. 12, 1918
(men born September 13, 1873 - September 12, 1900)
- registered all men between the ages of 18 and 45
not previously registered or already in the military
Points to Remember:
- the draft lists are a finding tool only,
they are particularly good for researching males born between 1873 and 1900
and who lived in Isabella County, Michigan during the years 1917-1918
- the lists for Isabella County are the
published newspaper lists, the draft registration cards themselves contain
the name, place of birth, birth date, parents and residence of the
- microfilms of the actual lists are
available through the Family History Library loan system
- all men "of age" had to register, even
the blind or otherwise disabled; registration was a requirement
- registration for the draft does not mean
that the individual actually served; exemptions were requested and the
individual may not have passed the physical examination
- if a man was already in the armed forces
at the time of the draft he would not have been required to register for the
- registration cards are held by the local
draft board
© 1999 - 2009 by
Donna Hoff-Grambau
for the exclusive use of the Isabella County, MIGenWeb site.