The beloved pastor of St. Philomena's Roman Catholic church in Nottawa township and one of the popular priests of the diocese of Grand Rapids, was born January 6, 1869, in Konigheim, Baden, Germany, and spent the early part of his life in the land of his nativity. He was primarily educated in the gymnasium schools of Baden, where he pursued his studies until his nineteenth year, when he came to the United States and during the four years ensuing attended St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, following which he finished his theological studies after one year in the Grand Seminary at Montreal.

Father Zugelder was ordained priest at Grand Rapids, Michigan, on June 29, 1893, and immediately thereafter entered upon his first pastorate at Cadillac where he labored with great acceptance for a period of eighteen months, at the expiration of which time he was transferred to Provemont, this state, where he ministered to the spiritual wants of a growing church during the ensuing four years.   From the latter place he went toBeaver Island, where he spent six very useful years, and then came to his present field of labor in Isabella county, where, since 1905, he has been pastor of St. Philomena's church, one of the leading Catholic organizations of central Michigan and the largest church of any denomination in the county outside of Mt. Pleasant.

When Father Zugelder took charge of the work in Nottawa township he found the parish in an embryo state and no house of worship for the congregation. He at once turned his attention to the remedying of this ill conditioned state of affairs and by skillful leadership and able financial management soon succeeded in arousing his flock to an appreciation of their needs and ,to prepare them for the enterprise which he had in view. The old building having been struck by lightning and burned the year previous to his arrival, he at once inaugurated a movement to erect a temple of worship more in keeping with the growth of the parish and the advancement of the community. In due time work on the new edifice began and being pushed forward as rapidly as circumstances would admit, it was not long until the present imposing temple, fifty-two by one hundred and twenty-eight feet in dimensions, constructed entirely of the finest granite with steel ceiling and absolutely fire proof, was finished at a cost of twenty-five thousand dollars and formally dedicated to the worship of Almighty God. (For a more complete account of this building, see history of St. Philomena's church by the pastor in another chapter of this volume.)

Since the completion of the building, which is acknowledged to be one of the finest specimens of ecclesiastical architecture in the central part of the -state, a residence for the Sisters who teach in the parochial school has also been erected, being, like the former, a beautiful and substantial granite edifice, two stories high and containing ten commodious roams which are fully equipped with modern improvements and conveniences. In connection- with his clerical duties, Father Zugelder has charge of the school under the auspices of the church, which now has an average attendance of two hundred pupils, a number which is constantly increasing. He is greatly beloved by his  parishioners, also by the public at large, and is a most zealous worker in- the cause of the church and as a devout and highly esteemed pastor has made his presence and influence a power for good since taking charge of his present field.

Through his generosity, genial disposition, pious enthusiasm and indefatigable - labor in behalf of his parishioners, he has won an abiding place in their affections, besides gaining many warm friends regardless of creed, and he stands today a true exemplar of Christianity and the Catholic faith. Being in the prime of life and influence, with the greater part of his mission yet to be accomplished, it is eminently fitting to predict for him a long and brilliant future in the noble work to which his time and talents are being devoted.



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