Gradation, Classification and Standing
for the Term Commencing ___________and ending __________
No dates were given for this group of students, the entry was on the second page of the register.

Teacher: Nellie Campbell

Given Name of Pupil

Surname of Pupil



Lena Merrihew 7 1
Georgie Merrihew 5 1
Grover Hines 6 1
Ella Archey 8 1
Emmerson Archey 5 1
Floy Pennington 7 2
Johnnie Sheldon 7 2
Fred Loomis 8 2
Mina Loomis 12 3
May Loomis 10 3
Luella Sheldon 10 3
Walter Sherman 11 3
Willie Darnell 12 3
Dewain Sheldon 12 3
Oscar Leiter 12 3
Mnnie Sheldon 14 4
Gordon Holsted 12 4
Loie Carr 14 5
Nora Sherman 14 5

©  2003 by Donna Hoff-Grambau