The enterprising business man whose name introduces this sketch is a leading citizen of Winn, Michigan, and since moving to the town has been untiring in his efforts to promote the matters of interest of the same and give it publicity as a desirable place of residence, a fine business point and a favorable locality for the judicious investing of capital. W. C. Perkins is a native of Lenawee county, Michigan, born in the town of Hudson on April 19, 1869. His father, Chester J. Perkins, came to Michigan a number of years ago from New York and settled in Lenawee county where, in due time, he married Charity Smith, later, about 1872, moving to St. Louis, this state, and from that town, in 1874, to Isabella county, of which he is still a resident.
Wilson Chester Perkins was three years old when his parents moved to St. Louis and five when they transferred their residence to Isabella county. After spending the ensuing seven years in Coe township, he went to Gratiot county, where he remained fifteen years, during a part of which period he studied pharmacy, having previously obtained a good literary education, graduating from the Alma high school with a creditable record as a student. Having decided to make the drug business his vocation, he devoted two years to the study of the same at Alma and Ithaca and for three years was in drug stores at the latter place and Ashley, making rapid progress and in due time acquiring a thorough knowledge of the profession.
In 1896, Mr. Perkins established a drug business at Winn, which from the beginning was very successful, more than meeting his expectations and gaining for him a prominent place among the leading business men of the town. His establishment, one of the largest of the kind in the county, was stocked with every line of merchandise found in first class drug houses and in the management of the same Mr. Perkins displayed business and executive ability of a high order while his proficiency in pharmacy drew to him an extensive patronage in that line, and gave him wide publicity as a skillful and accomplished druggist. On the 5th of September, 1910, Mr.- Perkins sold this business to 0. J. Baker and engaged in the general mercantile business, embracing dry goods, groceries, etc., under the firm name of W. C. Perkins & Company.
As indicated in a preceding paragraph, Mr. Perkins is an intelligent and enterprising man of affairs whose interest in the growth of his town is second to that of none of his fellow citizens and who has left nothing undone to promote the material prosperity of the community. To him more than to any other man belongs the credit of establishing various public utilities, including among others, the telephone from Shepherd to Winn, to the furtherance of which enterprise he devoted his time and energies until a sufficient number of subscriptions were procured to justify the management in extending the line between the two places and establishing a local exchange at the latter. The Winn Rural Telephone Company, which has been doing business about three years, operates one of the best lines in the state, the management being in the hands of capable and thoroughly reliable business men and the patronage including all of the best citizens of the towns where exchanges are maintained and along the various lines.
Mr. Perkins was married on the 5th day of October, 1895, to Almina Miller, who was born in Gratiot county, this state, October 23,1876, the union being blessed with one child, Leon Chester, whose birth occurred December 19, 1902. Mr. Perkins takes a pardonable pride in the large business which he now commands, and the establishment of which he is the head is certainly a credit to himself and decidedly a valuable asset to the commercial interests of the town. He is an influential worker in several secret fraternal societies, being a member of Cedar Valley Lodge No. 393, Free and Accepted Masons, which he served one term as secretary; is identified with the Knights of the Maccabees at Winn; the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at the same place, and formerly belonged to the Knights of Pythias lodge at Ashley, though not connected with the organization at the present time. Interested in all that pertains to the general welfare of the community and keeping in touch with the times on matters of public import, he wields a strong influence for good, and as a business man, neighbor and citizen, is held in very high esteem.
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