Youths Under 21 Make Up Most of ‘43’s First Group
Isabella County Times-News, Thursday, January 7, 1943
Contingent Number 21 Left Monday for Fort Custer
The armed forces of the United States were swelled by 21 Monday as Isabella county contributed its first contingent of 1943. The group that left Monday consisted of those who were qualified at the induction station December 28. Only two of those sent for physical examinations failed to qualify on that date. One of the youths, Dennis McCarthy of Mt. Pleasant, chose immediate induction and waived the seven-day furlough granted selectees. Prior to this date most of the inductees were granted from 12 to 14 days furloughs before reporting to active duty.
John G. McGuirk, of Mt. pleasant, was in charge of the group that left Monday, 14 of which were from Mt. Pleasant or of rural addresses. Other communities contributing to the quota were, one each from Rosebush, Shepherd, Weidman, Remus, Farwell, Lake and Clare.
In contrast to groups of the past it was noticed that Monday’s group consisted mostly of younger men. Only three of the contingent were over 21 years of age. Draft board officials have indicated that the next two, and possibly three calls will consist mostly of the younger men (between the ages of 18 and 20) after that date, those married men without children and a flux of single men with collateral dependents will comprise the major portion of the calls.
Those who left the first of the week for active duty in the army consisted of three Mt. Pleasant me transferred here from other boards. They were:
Joseph W. Doepker, has transferred here from Hancock, Illinois; Cecil L. Goffnett, transferred from Clinton County, and Carl E. Lunsbert, transferred from Midland County.
Francis E. Mitchell of Rosebush, a registrant of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, also left with the Mt. Pleasant contingent. Others who left Monday were:
Charles L. Grewe, Mt. Pleasant; John E. Strauss, Mt. Pleasant; Clifford E. Petoskey, Mt. Pleasant;
Louis J. Sugar, Jr., Shepherd; George W. Winesburgh, Mt. Pleasant; David A. Flower, Weidman; Robert C. Cox, Remus; Jesse J. Seeley, Mt. Pleasant; David Lumbert , Farwell; Paul Hellinger, Mt. Pleasant; Max E. Lukens, Mt. Pleasant; John E. Reen, Mt. Pleasant; Joseph D. McCormack, Mt. Pleasant; Robert E. Mitchell, Mt. Pleasant; John Ackerman, Clare, and Carl W. Hayes, Mt. Pleasant.
Officials of the Isabella county draft board office announce that enlistments for general service in the navy have been terminated. State officials say that a “limited number for special service” will be accepted. These registrants are advised to report to their nearest recruiting office, and if acceptable, will be given proper forms to be completed by the draft board. General enlistments, however, have ceased for the time being, and if a registrant , who had previously indicted the navy as his choice by volunteer enlistment, is now confronted with induction into the army, he has no alternative, unless he can qualify as a “specialist” and obtain the necessary forms from the navy recruiting office.
Coast guard enlistment for the month of January has also been halted, but the Marine Corps is still anxious for men. Those desirous of enlisting in the Marines will proceed to the nearest recruiting office, either Bay City, Flint or Grand Rapids, and make application for enlistment. If it is determined a volunteer is acceptable, the Recruiting office will give him the necessary forms to be completed by his local draft board, and in due order the registrant will be inducted into the Service of his desire.
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