Twenty-one Men On Draft Call November 19

Examinations Due For 48 Isabellans By December 20

Isabella County Times-News, Thursday, November 8, 1941


   Selective Service state headquarters has sent a requisition to the Isabella county board of Selective Service,

for twenty-one men to report at the US Army examination station, St. Mary’s hospital, in Saginaw, at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, November 19.  A tentative list of the men who will report for examinations includes:


   Benjamin Amaya, R-2, Weidman; Joseph McGuire, R-1, Mt. Pleasant; Harlan Shook, R-1, Lake; Virgil Sisco, R-1, Lake; John Stumpf, R-5, Mt. Pleasant; Melvin Cross, R-1, Blanchard; Patrick A. Quillen, R-1, Mt. Pleasant; Thomas Pelcher, Rosebush; Ira Daily, Blanchard; Josiah F. Mitchell, 1106 North Fancher, Mt. Pleasant; Robert Collins, 316 S. Washington, Mt. Pleasant; John Dobias, R-2, Mt. Pleasant; Clifford Russell, 216 South Arnold, Mt. Pleasant; Peter Cashen, R-5, Mt. Pleasant; Theodore Mester, R-1, Mt. Pleasant; Charles Hall, 1413 Lyons, Mt. Pleasant; Dorsan Strong, R-5, Mt. Pleasant; Robert Visger, 708 North Lansing, Mt. Pleasant; George Riggs, Jr., 311 North Arnold, Mt. pleasant.


   Robert Kirvan, of Weidman, transferred from another board, will report with the twenty-one men from Isabella county, at the Saginaw examining station.


   The Isabella board has been warned by state headquarters of a particularly heavy requisition for pre-induction examinations, between November 8 and December 20.  Approximately forty-eight men will be called for examination.  However, all those who pass the pre-induction examinations would not necessarily be called immediately.


   The law provides for ten to sixty days grace following the passing of the examinations before the selectees will be sent directly to reception centers such as Ft. Custer, Ft. Sheridan, or Camp Grant, all within the sixth corps area.



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