Salt River
From Isaac Fancher:
Platted by Elijah Moore on 5 September 1866. It consisted of two blocks and twenty two lots, and was located on the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 9, township 13 north, range 3 west.
Note: The village was located in Coe Township, Isabella County, 10 miles southeast of Mt. Pleasant, and 12 miles northwest of St. Louis, the nearest railway station. The village took its name from the stream it was located on. In 1877 there were two sawmills, a gristmill, one planning mill and a Baptist church with J. J. Struble as the postmaster.
On this plat, the same Elijah Moore built a hotel which for many years was the only tavern in that part of the county. In 1867 George W. Miller, one of the old settlers of the place platted Miller’s first addition to Salt River, consisting of three blocks and divided into forty-five lots. This plat was considerably built upon in the early days of the village, and there are some very good buildings on a portion of it at the present time (1911). Later, in 1870 on March 9th, Miller laid out another plat on the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 9 township 13 north, range 3 west, called Miller’s second addition It consisted of one block and twelve lots.
On April 26th 1870 Elijah Moore laid off another plat, consisting of one block and five lots. This was located just south of his first plat and was adjoining the highway running north and south, which street is called Chippewa west.
In 1889 the village was incorporated with the name Shepherd.
1999 - 2009
by Donna
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