Prominent in the affairs of Isabella county and distinguished as a physician and citizen far beyond the Iii-nits of the locality honored by his residence, the name of Dr. Thomas W. Robinson stands out conspicuously among the successful and representative men in his chosen line of endeavor in central and southern Michigan. Characterized by remarkable breadth of wisdom and strong individuality, and in all his undertakings actuated by noble motives and high resolves, his success and achievements represent the result of fit utilization of innate talent in directing effort along those lines where mature judgment, professional skill and rare discrimination lead the way. He is a studious man and is tireless in his research in an effort to keep abreast of the times in everything, especially his profession, and as a result of such habits, coupled with his native tact and gentlemanly attributes, he is held in esteem by all who know him and has the utmost confidence of all classes.

Doctor Robinson was born on. February 13, 1841, in Canada. He is the scion of a sterling ancestry, being the son of John and Margery (Montcreaf) Robinson, both natives of the state of New York, and people highly respected and influential in their community. They moved to Saginaw, Michigan, when their son, Thomas W., was eight years of age, and they remained there four years, then, in 1851, the subject went to Iowa and worked chiefly as a teamster until he was twenty-three years of age. Then he returned to Hartings, Peterborough county, Canada, and remained there until 1871, when he came to Saginaw, Michigan, and there he worked as check clerk for the Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad Company until the fall of 1873, when he located in Loomis, Wise township, Isabella county. He was interested in the lumber business at first. In 188o be bought flighty acres of land in section 8 and settled there in the spring of 1882, and he still runs this place and has been very successful, having developed an excellent farm. He also has sixty acres in section 4. He has placed many valuable and substantial improvements on these farms and they rank with the best land in the county.

Doctor Robinson was married on February 25, 1862, at Norwood, Ontario, to Eliza Watson, who was born in England, of an excellent family, on February 22, 1845. Her death occurred on January 18, 1876, at Loomis. This union resulted in the birth of the following children: George, who married Miss Davoe, is a veterinary surgeon and lives in Clare, Michigan; Violet married Robert Atkinson, and they live in Niles, Michigan; Sheldon is single and resides in the state of Washington; Beverly is married and lives in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. On February 22, 1900, Doctor Robinson married Mrs. Tellie Webb Walker, of Alma, Michigan.  

Doctor Robinson had the advantages of a fairly good early schooling and he has since supplemented the same by extensive home reading and study. He took up the study of medicine and has specialized on the eyes and diseases of the head and has been very successful, being widely known as a specialist, and he has numerous patients from other states. He always has about ten patients in Loomis and vicinity, where he maintains his office. He is well versed in this line of work and keeps abreast of modern science. He also maintains an office at Clare, Michigan, where he goes two or three times a week and where he has numerous patients. He has been health officer of Wise township for the past ten years and has been very faithful in the discharge of his duties in this connection. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He has been -a notary public for two years, school director for three years and justice of the peace for thirty-four years. -He is known to be a very conscientious and able public servant and always discharges his duties to the best of his ability. He has seen this :country grow from the wilderness to its’ present advanced stage of civilization, and he has played well his part in this development. Fraternally, the Doctor is a Mason, and belongs to the Knights of Honor Court No. 1772, at Loomis. .


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