Mt. Pleasant, Shepherd, Blanchard,
Rosebush, Alma, Clare, Coleman,
St. Louis and Weidman
(Note: some of the information on these articles is missing - I put 'unreadable' or (?) where I could not read, or stated 'rest of article is missing.' Different spelling of same names is as it appears in this directory. Barbara Lesser - July 2001)
EAGLY, Alverady B (Lucretia) Ethel. 0120-A Sec 11 Denver, Coleman, R. 2.
EAGLY, Ralph A. R50-A Sec 11 Denver, Coleman, R. 2 (Chev)
EARL, Dorcey. Painter, Winn Village.
EARL, Mrs Estella (Wid Dorsey) Laverna. 010-A Sec 21 Deerfield, Mt. Pleasant, R 2.
EASTMAN, Francis (Estelle) Josephine, Viola, Dorthy, Peter. 040-A Sec 10 Denver, Rosebush, R. 1.
EATON, Austin K. Teacher, Blanchard Village.
ECKERT, Clare 040-A Sec 23 Lincoln, Shepherd, R. 2 (Dodge)
ECKERT, Hiram (Florence) 0120-A Sec 23 Lincoln, Shepherd, R. ;2.
EDGAR, Chas F (May) 020-A Sec 13 Union, Mt. Pleasant, R. 8.
EDMONDS, Arthur A (Ila) 080-A Sec 24 Broomfield, Mt. Pleasant, R. 2 (2 F'ds)
EDWARDS, Otto (Flora) Ernest & Irvin. 0268-A Sec 12 Fremont, Mt. Pleasant, R. 3 (Ford & Fordson)
EGBERT, A Charles (Flossie) Lawrence. R80-A Sec 30 Rolland, Blanchard, R. 3.
EGE, Anthony (Bertha) R80-A Sec 28, Isabella, Mt. Pleasant. R. 5 (Ford)
EGE, Joseph (Rosa A) 080-A Sec 3 Union, Mt. Pleasnt, R. 5 (Ford)
EISENBERGER, John H (Amelia) Carl, Theodore, Pearl. 0360-A Sec 18 Chippewa, Mt. Pleasant, R. 8
(Willis-K, Star, Titan)
EISMANN, Albert. 010-A Sec 11 Union, Mt. Pleasant, R. 7.
EPPLE, Frank X (Catherine) Victor, James, Alfonso J. 0160-A Sec 20 Denver, Mt. Pleasant, R. 7 (Ford)
EPPLE, Joseph C (Mary) 080-A Sec 19 Denver, Mt. Pleasant, R. 7 (Studebaker)
ELDRED, Carnie J (Rose) 060-A Sec 10 Rolland, Blanchard, R. 1 (Buick)
ELDRED, E Edward (Alice) Violet & Sherman. R320-A Sec 13 Rolland, Blanchard, R. 3 (Ford & Buick)
ELDRED, Fay M (Flossie) Slsm. Weidman Village (Ford)
ELIAS, Mrs Aurilla (Wid Joseph) 040-A Sec 21, Nottawa, Rosebush, R. 3.
ELIAS, Mrs Caroline (Wid Hubert) Beal City Village, Weidman, R. 2.
ELIAS, John E (Lovina) 080-A Sec 4 Nottawa, Weidman, R. 2 (Overland)
ELKINS, Harry. R160-A Sec 27 Fremont, Shepherd, R. 1 (Ford)
ELKINS, James. R160-A Sec 27 Fremont, Shepherd, R. 1
ELLIOTT, Cecil (Hazel) William & Lucile. Farm Laborer. Sec 31 Wise, Rosebush, R. 1.
ELLIOTT, James (Lottie) R40-A Sec 24 Sherman, Weidman, R. 1.
ELLIOTT, John J, Robert & Mytle. 0120-A Sec 29 Isabella, Mt. Pleasant, R. 5.
ELLIOTT, Lanson (Josephine) 080-A Sec 29 Isabella, Mt. Pleasant, R. 5 (Dort)
ELLSWORTH, R D (Elizabeth) 080-A Sec 8, Sherman, Weidman, R. 1.
ELMORE, John W (Mary) 070-A Sec 3 Union, Mt. Pleasant, R. 1 (Buick)
EMBERY, Edgar L (Minnie) R165-A Sec 23 Sherman, Weidman, R. 1.
EMBERY, John W (Sarah) 0165-A Sec 33 Sherman, Weidman, R. 1.
EMBERY, Roy J (Phebe) 040-A Sec 33 Sherman, Weidman, R. 1 (Ford)
EMERY, Cecil R. R240-A Sec 25 Union, Mt. Pleasant, R. 4.
EMERY, Charlie. R120-A Sec 35 Deerfield, Mt. Pleasant, R. 6 (Ford)
EMERY, Clyde W (Anna) R240-A Sec 25 Union, Mt. Pleasant, R. 4.
EMERY, Frank L. R120-A Sec 35 Deerfield, Mt. Pleasant, R. 6 (Buick)
EMERY, Harold A (Ruth) R120-A Sec 35 Deerfield, Mt. Pleasant, R. 6 (Ford)
EMERY, Jefferson. R10-A Sec 9 Sherman, Weidman, R. 1.
EMLINGER, Barney (Sarah) 040-A Sec 4 Chippewa, Mt. Pleasant, R. 8 (Overland)
EMLINGER, Russell (Bernice) R80-A Sec 2 Chippewa, Mt. Pleasant, R. 8 (Ford)
EMMERSON, Ray M (Eliza) R80-A Sec 29 Rolland, Blanchard, R. 3.
ENDRES, John M (Lena) 080-A Sec 33 Nottawa, Weidman, R. 2 (Ford)
ENDRES, Joseph (Mary) Will & Christine. R120-A Sec 23 Union, Mt. Pleasant, R. 4.
ENGLER, Mrs Anna (Wid Mathias) 080-A Sec 2 Deerfield, Mt. Pleasant, R. 1.
ENGLER, Frank J (Viola) R80-A Sec 2 Deerfield, Mt. Pleasant, R. 1. (Buick)
ENGLER, John M (Evelyn) 080-A Sec 2 Deerfield, Mt. Pleasant, R. 1.
ENGLISH HOTEL, Mrs. Minnie English Prop. Rosebush Village.
ENGLISH, Mrs Minnie (Wid A J) Prop English Hotel, Rosebush Village.
ENSLEY, Benj (Marie) R80-A Sec 29 Rolland, Blanchard, R. 3 (Ford)
ERNEST, Frank (Mary) Anna & Frances. 05-A Sec 22 Union, Mt. Pleasant, R. 4.
ERSKIN, Bernard C (Hazel) Farm Laborer. Sec 15 Fremont, Shepherd, R. 1 (Ford)
ERSKIN, Floyd M (Rose) R200-A Sec 15 Fremont, Shepherd, R. 1 (Ford)
ERUIN, Jonah (Ellen) Thos. R40-A Sec 23 Union, Mt. Pleasant, R. 4 (Ford)
ERVANS, Fred J. 040-A Sec 35 Union, Mt. Pleasant, R. 4 (Buick)
ERVANS, Glen K. Sec 11 Lincoln, Shepherd, R. 1.
ERVANS, Martin E (Rose M) 0180-A Sec 11 Lincoln, Shepherd, R. 1 (B'k & T'n)
ERVIN, John (Mary) Mildred. 040-A Sec 23 Isabella, Rosebush, R. 1 (Ford)
ERVIN, Stanley. R80-A Sec 13 Isabella, Rosebush, R. 1 (Ford)
ERVIN, William. R80-A Sec 30 Union, Mt. Pleasant, R. 6.
ESCH, Enno (Catherine) 0100-A Sec 4 Deerfield, Mt. Pleasant, R. 1 (Essex)
ESCH, John J (Carrie) 060-A Sec 25 Nottawa, Mt. Pleasant, R. 5 (Ford)
ETTINGER, Clare A (Blanche) R100-A Sec 20 Chippewa, Mt. Pleasant, R. 8. (Ford)
EVANS, E Emery (Amy) 080-A Sec 33 Rolland, Blanchard, R. 3.
2001 - 2009
by Donna
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