Among the enterprising, progressive and public-spirited men whose activity in business and private circles as well as public affairs has made Isabella county one of the best sections of the great Wolverine state and the town in which he resides, an important trading center, is the gentleman whose name forms the caption of this, biographical; review, who is now engaged principally in the real estate business in Shepherd but, whose reputation rests principally as an educator, in which line of endeavor he holds rank second to none.
Orion L. Burdick was born on October 15, 1865, And is the son of Daniel and Mary (Hackett) Burdick, his father born in 1843 in Williams county, Ohio, and the latter born in Jamestown, Ontario, August 15, 1847, but she came to the United States when a child and was reared in Ohio. The parental grandparents were Lewis and, Rachael (Cook) Burdick, natives of Massachusetts and New York, respectively. Daniel Burdick remained in his home country until he was thirty-eight years old. He served through the Civil war in the Federal army, principally in Tennessee.He was with Sherman on his Atlanta campaign. In 1865 he bought eighty acres in Lincoln township, Isabella county. He took charge of the land when it was a wilderness, through which he had to cut roads and clear and improve in general, erecting a splendid set of buildings. The place is now owned by the brother-in-law of the subject and the father is now living in Lincoln township on a farm.
Mary Hackett was born in 1850, in Ontario, Canada, and she and Mr. Burdick were married in Ohio about 1862. The following children were born to them: Orion, of this review; Ernest E., Theron D., Grace, and Bessie. The mother of these children is still living.
Orion L. Burdick, of this review, received his education in the district school and he worked on the home farm during the summer months in his youth. He attended the high school in Mt. Pleasant and was graduated from the same in 1889, completing what was known as the English course. Then for three years he taught in the district schools, two years at Loomis in Wise township, and one in Lincoln township. He had a second grade certificate and served five years on the board of examiners for teachers. After he finished teaching at Loomis he attended the Ypsilanti Normal School for two years, graduating with a life certificate. He then taught in Shepherd one year, was superintendent of schools there, and he was elected school commissioner, serving two terms of two years each, in a manner that brought him much praise from all classes, and during that time he did a great deal to promote the cause of education here.
Mr. Burdick was married on June 19, 1897, to Lotta Hibbard, at Alma. She was born July 10, 1878, in Mt. Pleasant. this union has been graced by the birth of one daughter, Frances Josephine, born December 30, 1907. Mrs. Burdick's mother, who is now living in Shepherd, is a sister of Frank and Judge Dodds, of Mt. Pleasant.
After attending the literary department of the University of Michigan one year. Mr. Burdick taught one year in the normal at Mt. Pleasant, teaching civics, English, United States and general history. He made a splendid record as an instructor and his services were in great demand, but he gave up teaching to go in business with his father-in-law, Frank Hibbard, in 1903. He has been very successful in this, carrying on insurance, loan and real estate business on an extensive scale; he also does a little law business in justice courts, but because of lack of time he does not go into the law very extensively. This partnership was continued until February 8, 1908, when Mr. Hibbard died, since which time Mr. Burdick has continued the business alone in Shepherd,. but he has a real estate office in Mt. Pleasant with his brother. He is a Republican in politics, and he takes an abiding interest in all matters looking to the general good, of his county.
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