
Found Dead in His Bachelor Apartment Monday Afternoon

June 1924


William McLain, a well known character of Shepherd was found dead in his bachelor apartment in the north part of town shortly after noon Monday.

Mr. McLain was last seen on the streets Saturday evening and when he failed to put in an appearance on Sunday nothing was thought of the matter as he was rather of an eccentric turn of mind and peculiar in his ways.

When nothing was seen of him Monday, his niece, Mrs. Vera Field and son, Arthur, went to his home and found the door locked and received no response to their calls.

They then called Dale Ashworth to their assistance and admission was gained by breaking in one of his windows.  Mr. Ashworth and Arthur entered the room together and the body of Mr. McLain was found laying on the floor near the stove, partly disrobed.

Indications lead to belief that he had gone home on Saturday evening and after preparing the kindling for the following morning (which was near the stove) he had started to disrobe when he was overcome with heart trouble, to which he had been subject for some time.

Coroner Abbott and undertaker Wm. Moody were called and the remains taken to the Moody undertaking apartments where they were prepared for burial.

Mr. McLain, or "Bill" as he was better known is said to have been between 65 and 70 years of age.


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February 16, 1924


Allan G. Caliman, son of Moses H. and Amanda Caliman, was born near Cumberland, Ohio December 27, 1874, and departed this life February 16, 1924, at the age of 49 years, 1 month and 19 days.  He came to Michigan in Nov., 1904 and was married to Ola V. Guy on February 15, 1905.  To this union were born five children, two, LaVerne and Alden, preceding their father to the great beyond in their infancy.

He leaves to mourn their loss, a wife, one son, Merle,  two daughters, Marie and Amanda Belle, two brothers, John of Blanchard, Horace of Denver, Colo., one sister, Mrs. Betty Cowen of Barnesville, Ohio.

The funeral was conducted by Rev. Roy Miller, with interment in Pine River cemetery.


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May 31, 1924


Laura Lauretta Gaudard, daughter of Jerome and Delia Gaudard, was born in Isabella county, December 10, 1887, and departed this life May 31, 1924, age thirty-seven years, five months, and twenty-one days.

She was always at home until her mother's death in 1915.  since that time she has lived with her sister.

She leaves to mourn their loss a loving father, five sisters and two brothers.


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October 6, 1924


Benjamin H. Hazen was born in Gaines, Genesee County, July 16, 1849 where he lived until he was 25.  He then moved to Owosso, where he lived until 1917.  He married to Amanda Gove in 1873.  To them two children were born, William Hazen of Mt. Clemens, his daughter Myrtle, having died in 1917.  The last few years of his life were passed at Shepherd, where he passed away October 6th.  The funeral services were held at the home of Mrs. James Black and the remains were taken to Owosso for burial beside his wife.


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Sept. 15, 1924


Dewane Allen Landes, eldest son of N. C. Landes and wife, was born June 1, 1921, on a farm near Charlotte, Mich., and departed this life at his home in North Lansing Sept. 15, 1924.

He was a patient little sufferer during his brief illness.

Not only was he a favorite among his relatives but his ready smile and golden curls won him deep appreciation wherever he went.

He leaves to mourn their loss a mother, father, one brother, Russel, two sets of grandparents and a host of aunts, uncles and cousins.


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Feb. 18, 1924


Miss Lavina Robbins was born Aug. 13, 1845 , and departed this life at her home two miles south of Shepherd on Feb. 18, 1924, at the age of 78 years, 6 months and 5 days.

She was married to Philander Childs March 30, 1861.  To this union were born three sons and three daughters.  Their father passed away nearly 33 years ago, leaving the mother with the care of six children, four of whom afterward died:  Matilda, Eva, Adella and Ira.  Two sons, Arthur and Charles are left to mourn the loss of a mother.

Mrs. Childs with her husband moved on the farm soon after their marriage and continued to live there until her death.  She has been a member of the Christian church of Shepherd for many years.

Funeral services were held Wednesday, Rev. Rendall officiating.


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June 19, 1924


Ruth Kleinhans was born Feb. 28, 1909 in St. Louis, Mich., and was taken to abide with the Great Shepherd, June 19, 1924 at the age of 15 years, 3 months and 22 days.

She was united with the Methodist Episcopal church at the tender age of eleven and was an active worker in the Junior and Senior Epworth Leagues, the Sunday School and the "King's Herald."  She was the happy possessor of many friends who will miss her bright presence more than we can say.

She has gone from us for a while but has left with us the comforting hope of a reunion in heaven.  There are left to mourn their loss, her parents, Mr. & Mrs. D. Klenihans, three sisters, Mrs. Flossie Thompson, Gertrude and Bernice, and one brother, Floyd.

Ruth was a genial and talented girl, having graduated from the eight grad Monday, June 16, and took the part of the princess in the playlette, "Silver Sandals" given as a part of the graduation program.  she proved herself a most charming and delightful little "Princess" at this time, displaying a good deal of natural ability in this line of work.  Her death came as a great shock to her family and many friends and schoolmates.

The funeral services were held at the home on Michigan avenue, Saturday, June 21, at 2:30 p.m.  Dr. W. B. Oldt delivered the sermon and Rev. Geo. Yinger, the previous pastor of the M E church, offered prayer.  The music was furnished by the Yinger Quartette.  The body was laid to rest in the Ithaca cemetery.


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July 29, 1924


Alta Rice was born in Leslie, Ingham county, Michigan July 18, 1864, and came with her parents to Isabella county, Michigan in November 1878.  In December 1882 she was united in marriage to Chauncey Kyes of Coe twp.  to this union was born one son, Judd, who with his wife and two children, reside in Alma, Michigan.  The father departed this life June 6, 1891.  January 1, 1897 she was united in marriage to James E. Priestley of Coe twp.  To this union was born two sons, James D. Priestly, who with his wife reside at Bridgeport, Conn., and Orlando, at home.  Besides her immediate family she leaves one sister, Mrs. Ethel Drum of Shepherd.  Two brothers and other relatives and friends to mourn her departure.  She departed this life July 19, 1924 in Saginaw, Michigan.  She was laid to rest in Salt River cemetery.


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August 18, 1924


Nella Cheadle was born near Wauseon, Fulton County, Ohio august 16, 1874.  In 1880 she removed with her parents to Henry county, Ohio, where she grew to young womanhood, coming with her parents to Weidman, Isabella county, Michigan in 1899.

Sept. 18, 1901 she was united in marriage to Mr. Arthur White of the same place.  No children were born to this union.

After spending a few years on their farm they removed to Shepherd, where they resided until Aug. 5, 1923, when she went to Vermontville to help care for her invalid mother.  Being taken ill herself, she was taken to the Battle Creek sanitarium where she underwent a very serious operation, never regaining her health afterward and passed away at the home of her sister at Vermontville, Michigan Aug. 18, 1924, aged 50 years, one week and 5 days.

She leaves to mourn their loss, a husband, mother, two sisters, two brothers and many other relatives and a host of friends.

Funeral services were held at Weidman, Mich. Aug 31, 1924 and laid to rest in Weidman cemetery.


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April 5, 1924


Edgar Bowns, who was operated on at the hospital at Ann Arbor last Thursday night, died Saturday morning, April 5, 1924.

The body was brought to Mt. Pleasant Saturday evening and funeral services were held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Bowns Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Ames officiating.  Burial was in Riverside cemetery.


Edgar Bowns was born at Grand Blanc forty-seven years ago.  He came with his parents to Mt. Pleasant thirty-nine years ago.  He was married February 28, 1904.

He is survived by his two children, Dorothea and Elmer Bowns, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Bowns, and three sisters,  Mrs. LeRoy Taylor of Detroit, Mrs. Joe Andres of Royal Oak and Mrs. Fred McConnell of Mt. Pleasant.

Out of town relatives attending the funeral were:  Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Taylor and daughter Clela of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Andres and children of Royal Oak


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May 26, 1924


Miss Mary Catharine Dorland was born in Ontario, Canada November 14, 1852.  Departed this life at Shepherd, Michigan at the home of her son, Erastus Fenby May 26, 1924 being at the time of her departure 71 years, 6 months and 12 days of age.

She married Mr. George Fenby (also from Canada) May 14, 1872.  To this union seven children were born, five boys and two girls.  Ransom and Ernest of Lansing,  Milton of Montana,  Erastus and Malcolm of Shepherd and Edna and Mac of St. Louis, Michigan.

The husband and father preceded her in death September 19, 1911.  Years ago they lived on a farm near Pleasant Valley.  In 1907, leaving the farm, they moved to Shepherd where they resided at the time of Mr. Fenby's death.  In 1919 Mrs. Fenby moved to St. Louis.  On March 12 she came to Shepherd to the home of her son where she passed away.

Besides the children she leaves to mourn her loss 22 grandchildren, 5 great grandchildren and a host of friends.

Burial took place at Salt River cemetery May 28, 1924.  Rev. S. L. Randall, officiating minister.


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March 26, 1924


Frederick G. Borle was born in Detroit in 1897 and was married to Gertrude Froggett in 1915.  He died at Alma March 26, 1924 at the age of 26 years, 11 months and 23 days. 

He leaves to mourn their loss a wife and four children:  Raymond, Homer, Stanley and Donald;  a father and mother, two sisters and three brothers, and a host of friends and relatives.  He was a loving husband and father. ....(the rest is missing)


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September 28, 1924


Mrs. Thomas Gilbert died at her home near this city Sunday, September 28, after an illness of more than three years, during which time she was a great sufferer, though always patient and resigned.  She had lived in this vicinity for 23 years and was widely known throughout the entire community, loved by many and greatly respected by all.

Mrs. Gilbert was born at Monroeville, Ohio August 1, 1861 and was therefore just past 63 years of age at the time of her death.  The immediate family of deceased consists of her husband, two daughters; Mrs. George Archer of St. Johns and Mrs. Clara Vanderbeek of Alma;  four sons:  Will of Clyde, Ohio,  Bert of Forest Hill,  Jesse of New Hudson, Mich., and John of St. Louis, Mich.

The funeral was held at the late residence Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. I. W. Kimberling of this city, while F. M. Dart sang a beautiful song in a very touching manner.  Interment was in Oak Grove cemetery.


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February 28, 1924


Dewey A. Davis was born July 12, 1898 in Jasper twp., Midland county, Michigan and passed away at the home of his sister in Lansing, February 28, 1924, aged 25 years, 7 months and 16 days.

He leaves to mourn his departure his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Davis, fours sisters and two brothers, besides other relatives and a host of friends.

He took a cold in the storm recently and it settled on his lungs and he was not able to fight if off and died rather suddenly.

His body was brought back to Shepherd last Thursday night and the funeral services were held from the Shepherd M. E. church on Saturday, March 1, with burial in Salt River cemetery.


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January 1924


Mrs. T. H. Colbry, one of Bethany township's most highly esteemed and well known residents passed away at the farm home, Friday morning, at the age of 72 years.

Martha Jane, daughter of Abraham and Charlotte Leopard was born September 1, 1851 in Gillesburg, Ontario, Canada.  She was united in marriage November 9, 1870 to Thomas H. Colbry and a short time later they moved to Michigan, taking up their residence on the farm where the deceased passed away.

To this happy union ten children were born.  Two have preceded their mother in death.

Mrs. Colbry was a true Christian.  In early life she became a member of the Presbyterian church and worked throughout her life for the good of those around her.  She was known by all as an affectionate wife, a loving mother and a kind and helpful neighbor.  She was well known throughout Gratiot county, having lived for over fifty years on the same farm, and was loved by all.

Four years ago Mr. and Mrs. Colbry celebrated their golden wedding, on Nov. 9, 1920.  She leaves to mourn her passing, her husband and eight children:  Mrs. E. A. Warne, Mr. Joseph Colbry  and Mr. Jerry Colbry of St. Louis;  Mrs. John Gamble and Mrs. Howard Berry of Alma;  Mrs. John Shingerland of Owosso;  Mrs. Peter Dibert of Ohio City, Ohio; and Mr. Thomas W. Colbry of Joplin, Montana, also 32 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren, besides a host of friends.

The funeral services were held Sunday at the farm home, Rev. Roberts of the Presbyterian church officiating, assisted by Rev. Oldt of the Methodist church.  The remains were placed in the receiving vault at Oak Grove Cemetery.


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June 16, 1924


Mrs. Ella May Marshall Titus, was born at Adrian, Lanawee Co., Mich., August 26, 1881 and departed this life June 16, 1924.  When a girl of four she came to Isabella county with her parents, one sister and two brothers.  Willie Marshall died one year after coming here and four years later the mother was called to the great beyond leaving the father with the three children.  Five years later the father was called to the great beyond leaving the three children orphans.  Then the Uncle (brother to their father) took Jessie, then eight years old, home with him to Adrian to live.  Then the two girls made their home with their Aunt, Mrs. Henry Stilgenbauer.

Later Ella married Mr. Lamott and to this union was born one son, Franklin Lamott.  When two years old Franklin was deprived of a father's care as he was called to answer the great summons, leaving the widow and son.

Later her sister, Mrs. Sam Titus, died leaving five children, the youngest, Joe, a baby of 18 months.  It was then she saw the need of a mother in her sister's home, so she took up the cross and bore it bravely for nine or ten years; not mother could have been more faithful.  A few years later she married Mr. Titus and she has been a faithful wife and mother.

Some four or five years ago she was stricken with that dreaded disease, cancer.  All was done that human aid could do and she was taken to Brainards hospital last august, but received no help, and the first of April they took her to Dr. Carney at Alma and there they learned again there was no earthly help for her.  She was satisfied, and said all had been done to relieve her suffering, so on June 16 God relieved her of the great bodily pain, and she was ready to go.   She leaves a husband, one son, and five step-children to mourn her departure.


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Funeral Services Held Tuesday Afternoon at 2:30 - Burial at Alma

June 6, 1924


John W. Doane, a prominent pioneer citizen of Gratiot and Isabella counties and a civil War veteran, died early Friday morning at his home on South Main Street.

Mr. Doane, who had been in poor health for a number of years, had been confined to his bed but a short time when death came.

Funeral services were held at the home Tuesday afternoon at 22:30, Rev. Horton Episcopal minister from Alma officiating with burial in Alma cemetery.


John W. Doane was born in New York State, July 2, 1833, and died June 6, 1924.  He came to Michigan in his early childhood and lived in Livingston county until the Civil war broke out.  He then went into the army and served three years, being severely wounded while in the service.  After the war he came to Gratiot county and way occupied in lumbering until about seventeen years ago, when he retired and came to Mt. Pleasant to live.

He leaves a widow, a son, E. I. Doane of Alma, a daughter, Mrs. Edith Doane Kapp of Los Angeles, Calif., and three grandchildren to mourn their loss.


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July 27, 1924


Loretta Wiles, daughter of Joseph and Lucinda Wiles, was born in Ohio the 26th day of February (no year given) and came with her parents when but a small girl.  She departed this life Sunday morning, July 27, 1924, at the age of 64 years and 5 months.

She was married to Ransom Holliday October 19, 1878.  To this union eight children were born, all of whom are living:  Carrie Lyon of Shepherd;  Sylvetus of Mt. Pleasant;  Ervie of Mt. Pleasant, Glenn of Eagle, Mich., Lucy Horning of Saginaw, Mich, Murie Jones of shepherd, Floyd of Mt. Pleasant and Arthur of Detroit and many grandchildren.

Her first husband, Ransom Holliday departed this life Feb. 13, 1907 and she was married to Joseph Tatu on Aug 7, 1913.  She also has to mourn her loss two brothers,  William L. Wiles of Sumner, Mich and Delbert L. Wiles of Carson City;  one sister, Minnie Apln of Mulliken, Mich;  one sister, Mrs. Garrett Ronk, having died May 31, 1923.  She was a devoted wife and mother.  She also leaves a host of other relatives and friends to mourn her loss.


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January 2, 1924


Mrs. Rosalphy Thompson died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. W. Ingersoll, 406 S. Hoyferd St., Lansing, Wednesday morning January 2, 1924 at the age of 83 years.

Mrs. Thompson had been a resident of Lansing for 13 years.  She is survived by four daughters:  Mrs. E. W. Ingersoll of Lansing, Mrs. Darwin Childs of Shepherd,  Mrs. William Houser of Ithaca and Mrs. John Parks of Shepherd.  The body was brought to Shepherd where funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the M. E. church.


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January 5, 1924


Emanias Stahl was born August 10, 1846, in Stark county, Ohio, and died at his home in St. Louis, January 5, 1924, age 77 years and 5 months.

At the age of 15 years he enlisted in the Civil War, was a member of Company E, 61 Ohio regiment, in which he served three years and nine months.  With his regiment he participated in the campaign in Virginia and at Gettysburg, after this he was transferred to the West.  At Chattanooga he joined General Sherman's army in their march to the sea.  He was in the battle of Look Out Mountain and was the fifth boy to climb it's height.  In 1865 he was honorably discharged from the army.

He was united in marriage to Miss Emma Abbot of Kosciusko County, Indiana in 1869.  To this union were born three sons and three daughters:  Kelly D., Eldon A., Elma L., Loia Bell, Zella A. and Zetta L.  They all survive their father except Zella A., who departed this life August 19, 1888.

In 1873, the family moved to Salt River, Michigan and settled in Coe twp.  As pioneers they helped to clear and settle the country.

In 1919 the family moved to St. Louis and there made their home until the end, which came after a long and tedious suffering, which was borne with great patience.  Besides his children, he leaves to mourn for him, his wife, who so faithfully cared for him during his long illness, two brothers, Jacob Stahl of Pearson, Ind., and Henry Stahl of Sydney, Ind., and a host of friends.

Mr. Stahl was a firm believer in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and has been a faithful Christian for many years. His remains were laid to rest in the Coe cemetery Jan. 9, 1924, after a short service at the home on Tyrell and S. Clinton streets and at the Coe Christian church in charge of Rev. I. W. Kimberling, now of St. Louis, but formerly of Coe, assisted by Rev. John Roberts of the Presbyterian church of St. Louis.


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Wellington Irish For Half a Century a Resident of Coe Township

July 23, 1924


Wellington Irish, oldest son of Smith and Ann Irish, was born at Gaines, Michigan June 20, 1848 and died at his home in Shepherd on July 23, 1924, aged 76 years, 1 month and 3 days.

When eight years of age his parents returned to New York State where they lived till he was 18 years of age, then they returned to Michigan and settled at Pinckney.

He was married Nov. 25, 1874 toJosphine Bullis and had he lived until this coming November, they would have celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.  The spring following their wedding they moved to a farm near Shepherd and have since resided in this vicinity, moving four years ago last December to the village of Shepherd.  To this union were born two children, one dying in infancy.

He leaves to mourn his departure from this world, his wife, his son, Roy O of Lansing, one brother, Darius of Arkansas, one grandchild, two nephews and other relatives and friends.  He will be missed by a large circle of friends to whom he has endeared himself by his character and disposition.

The funeral services were held at the house on Friday, July 25th, with burial at Salt River cemetery.


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Aug, 21, 1924


Ilah, six year old daughter of Archie McFarland, living northeast of this city, died at the home of her father Thursday, death being caused by rheumatism and acute Myocarditis.  The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at the Evangelical church.


**(This is another article on the death of Ilah but do notice the spelling difference on the surname)


Ilah Marie, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McFarlin was born Aug. 10, 1918 and passed away Aug 21, 1924, aged 6 years and 11 days.  She was a bright and loving child and will be greatly missed in the home and by all who knew her.

She leaves to mourn their loss, her parents, three sisters, one brother and a grandfather, also a host of other relatives and friends.  One sister, Mrs. Rena Deline, departed from this life July 4, 1924.

We loved, but Jesus loved her best - Sleep on dear little Ilah and take thy rest.


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June 7, 1924


Noah D. Montgomery, who had been ill for several months, died at the hospital in Ann Arbor Saturday, June 7th.  The body was brought to Mt. Pleasant Sunday.

Funeral services were held at the Methodist church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Hanthorne officiating and burial was in Riverside cemetery.


Noah D. Montgomery was born near Brighton, In Northumberland county, Canada January 20, 1860, and died June 7, 1924 at Ann Arbor, Michigan.

He came to Michigan about 35 years ago and has since lived in and near Mt. Pleasant.  He was the youngest and only surviving member of a family of five children.

On April 27, 1920 he was united in marriage to Miss Minnie Leetch.  He is survived by the widow.

He was a member of the Odd Fellow Lodge and the Gleaners and has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for many years.

He was a good husband and an upright citizen and will be greatly missed by all who knew him.


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Sept 30, 1924


John J. Lubold, son of Elizabeth and Daniel H. Lubold, was born in Crawford county, PA, August 30, 1852, and departed this life Sept. 30, 1924, at the age of 72 years, 1 month and 10 days.

He was united in marriage to Mary Yarnell in Sept. 1873.

In 1876 they moved to Isabella county, Mich., where they made their home for about 14 years.  They then moved to northern Mich., going from there to Rhinelander, Wisc, where they lived until about five years ago, when they came back to Michigan to the farm where he died.

He leaves to mourn their loss a wife and sister, besides other more distant relatives and friends.

Funeral was held at the house at 2 p.m. Thursday, Elder Randall officiating with burial in Salt River cemetery.


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May 7, 1924


Mrs. Ethel Auston Edwards was born on a farm four miles southwest of Shepherd, August 6, 1904 and departed this life at Mt. Clemens May 7, 1924.  The remains were brought to this place for burial last Friday.

She leaves to mourn her departure a husband, grandfather, half-brother, Harold Austin, besides many other relatives and a host of friends.


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Sept 1924


Miss Laura Hagen, 21 year old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Haagen, living north of St. Louis, died Sunday forenoon of infantile paralysis.  Miss Hagen complained early Thursday morning of a headache, and at first nothing was thought of the matter, but as the day wore on she became worse, and the end came Sunday forenoon.  The funeral was held Thursday at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Oldt of the St. Louis M. E. church.

Miss Hagen had many friends in this vicinity who were shocked and grieved to hear of her death.


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H. D. Bent Passed Away at His Home Last Thursday Noon

March 20, 1924


Like a thunder crash from a sun kissed sky came the word of our citizen shortly afternoon last Thursday that H. D. Bent had passed away.  Mr. Bent had been on the streets during the forenoon in his usual apparent good health and went home shortly before noon and with the help of his son-in-law, O. H. Estee, had prepared dinner as Mrs. Estee was confined to her bed.  Mr. Bent and Mr. Estee had just sat down to the table when without warning Mr. Bent's head sank on one side and life passed out without a struggle.

Hezekiah Dufay Bent was born in Cortland county, New York state on January 27, 1846, but spent most of his childhood and youth near Berlin, Ontario, Canada.  In the later sixties he came to Jackson county, Michigan and was married to Mary Ann Siegfried, at Waterloo, on March 28th, 1871.  They resided at Ovid and Waterloo, Michigan, and Balstead, Kansas, until the moved to Salt River, now Shepherd, in 1884, where they have since resided.  Three daughters received the loving care and attention of the home.  They are:  Mrs. Agnes Anna Lemen of Detroit,  Mrs. Nora Dell Estee of Shepherd, and Mrs. Trudie Belle Pool of Algonac, Mich.

Mr. Bent has been engaged in various businesses since coming to Shepherd, chief among them being grocery, hay and produce, and for a number of years director in the Commercial State Bank.  Soon after his marriage he and his wife united with the Methodist Episcopal church and since that time he has been a faithful and loyal member of the same, always doing his part and serving in many official capacities.  He will be missed as much as any members of the church and the community has lost a citizen who was interested in it's best advantages.  He was a member of the Masonic, Odd Fellows , and Maccabee order.  His home life probably mint as much to him as any of his interests and it was here that you found him always loving, careful and manifesting his highest ideals.

His wife died in August 1923 and thus preceded him by just a few months in death.  He died on March 20, 1924, age 78 years, 1 month and 23 days.  He leaves to mourn his departure three daughters, two granddaughters, two nieces, one nephew, besides other relatives and a host of friends.


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May 10, 1924


Wallace Henry Marsh was born Sept. 12, 1859 at Cohocton, Steubenville Co., New York and died May 10, 1924.

He came with his parents to Winn, Michigan May 7, 1867, where he lived with them on  a farm until he came to Mt. Pleasant in 1880.  He was an employee of the Jewett Chatterton firm, and lived at the Chatterton home for several years after coming to Mt. Pleasant.

Sept. 16, 1885 he was united in marriage to Clarena E. Wilcox and to this union three children were born.

He entered into a partnership with a. W. Graham in 1893.

He was prominent in Masonic circles, holding the office of eminent high priest of the Rayal Arch Masons a number of years and serving as worthy patron of the Eastern Star lodge for several years.  He was one of the board of directors of the Christian Science church and was one of the church's most faithful workers.

He was a member of the Wallace family of New York State and at one time attended one of the family reunions.

His wife preceded him in death, dying Feb. 15, 1921.  He is survived by his three children:  Mrs. John G. Kendrigan,  Helen and Barnard, and one brother L. N. Marsh.


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May 30, 1924


William G. Swix was born on July 10, 1840 near Dearborn, Wayne Co., Michigan and departed this life at his home in Shepherd on May 30, 1924, being at that time 63 years, 10 months and 20 days of age.

The deceased was married on Dec. 9, 1865 to Zorda Howe, who preceded him in departure 19 years ago, on November 2nd.  To the union described, seven children were born, five girls and two boys.  Flora, who died at four months of age 47 years ago, also Eliza Townsend 16 years ago.

On June 7, sixteen years ago Mr. Swix married a second wife, a Mrs. Ellen Jones, who with two sons, John and Philetus of Shepherd, and three daughters, Mrs. Joseph Frost of Shepherd, Mrs. Garfield Faunce and Mrs. Josie Gould of Lansing.

He also leaves two half brothers, Mr. James Wisley of Plymouth and Edward Wilsey (this is the way these names were listed on the article) of Cross Village, 18 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren.  Mr. Swix and wife were members of the Congregational church in Wayne county.

He enlisted Aug 2, 1861, serving three years, afterward re-enlisted in the 16th Mich. veteran volunteers, the 3rd brigade, fist division, 5th corps, army of Potomac and received an honorable discharge from the service July 7, 1865.

Prayer was held at the house Monday afternoon, and services held at the cemetery where the remains had previously been deposited in the vault.


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April 2, 1924


Mr. James E. Black passed from this mortal life April 2, 1924, at the ripe old age of 81 years, 1 month and 11 days.  Having spent his life at hard work and usefulness to others it seems that this, his last journey is a fitting close.

James E. Black was born Feb. 22, 1843 near Aberdeen, Scotland, where he spent his early childhood.  At the age of 13 years he came with his parents to Canada where he worked in his father's blacksmith shop.

He came to Maurice, Michigan in 1862, where in 1864 he was married to Orissa Howard or Boward (hard to read).  To this union four children were born.  William Black of Perry, Mich., being the only one still living.  Orissa died in 1875.

On Dec 6, 1877 Mr. Black was married to Anna Houghton of Byron, Michigan.  to this union six children were born:  Della, Estella, Archie, James and Edward.  Estella and Archie preceded the father on his recent journey.  Mr. and Mrs. Black made their home in Maurice until 1891, when they moved to a farm southeast of Shepherd.  They lived there sixteen years and then moved to the village of Shepherd, where they lived at the time of his death.

In early manhood he united with the Baptist church.  Later he became a member of the Christian church.  He has always been a faithful and earnest worker, especially in Sunday schools, having organized many in the rural districts.  He often walked many miles to attend these meetings.

He has been a kind and loving father and leaves to mourn his departure, his wife, three sons, one daughter, three sisters, 18 grandchildren, 4 great grandchildren, many nieces and nephews and a host of friends.


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David Drum, a Resident of Isabella County

For Past Sixty Years

July 21, 1924


David Drum was born in St. Lawrence County, NY December 16, 1847 and departed this life in Shepherd, Michigan July 21, 1924, at the age of 70 years, 7 months and 5 days.

Mr. Drum came from New York to Isabella County in 1834(?? this can't be correct as wasn't born until 1847) and married Miss Ethel Rice at Mt. Pleasant July 18, 1891.  To this union was born one daughter, Leah, November 22, 1893.

Mr. Drum was one of five children born to Mr. & Mrs. Edward Drum of NY and was the last one of them to pass away.  He leaves his wife and one daughter, Mrs. Cline and her husband and three children, besides many other relatives and friends to mourn his departure.

The funeral was held at the Christian church Wednesday afternoon and burial took place in Salt River cemetery, S. L. Randall officiating.


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April 26, 1924


George Dillon was born Nov. 7, 1851 and died April 26, 1924.  He was a resident of Isabella county and Mt. Pleasant for the past forty-six years, the early part of which was spent on his farm four miles northwest of the city.  He retired eleven years ago and moved to his late home at 805 West Broadway.

He had been failing in health for a number of years, but was confined to his bed but a few days.

He leaves to mourn their loss his widow and two daughters:  Mrs. Dan Dillon of Muskegon, Mrs. L. M. Hengesbaugh of Flint, two sisters and four brothers.

Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at Sacred Heart church.


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July 30, 1924


Mrs. Mary Ann Coffnett passed away at the home of her daughter, Della Whitehead, east of Shepherd July 30, 1924.  She was born in Boston, NY in the years 1841, making her age 81 yrs., 2 months and 25 days.

She came to Michigan with her family forty-three years ago.  She was the mother of nine children, the youngest one preceeded her thirteen years ago and her husband nine years ago.

She had 34 grandchildren and 28 great grandchildren.

She leaves to mourn her loss eight children, three sisters and three brothers, also many relatives and friends.


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Feb 12, 1924


Carrie Leone Parker, was born Aug 6, 1878 and departed this life near Shepherd Tuesday morning, Feb. 12, 1924 at the age of 45 years, 6 months and 6 days.

She was married to Leroy Faunce April 21, 1909.

The nearest remaining relatives are:  the husband, her mother, five sisters and one brother, besides many other more distant relatives and a host of friends.

She became a Christian in her early womanhood, while away teaching school, but united with the church at Shepherd soon after her marriage.  She was a very active worker in the church work until failing health prevented it.  She was a member of the United Christian Missionary Society which she loved very much..............(the rest of this article is missing)


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Feb 22, 1924


Brother A. J. Shelly was born August 25, 1844 and died Feb. 22, 1924, aged 70 years, 5 months and 26 days.  He died at his old home in Emerson twp., Gratiot county, Michigan, where his funeral was held Monday, Feb. 25, conducted by Geo. E. Lewis of Ithaca.

Mr. Shelly was married to Miss Mary Hatfield of Gratiot county, Michigan at the age of 22 years, who preceded him to the Heavenly World 25 years ago.  To this union war born three children, two boys, Wallace Alvin and Irvin Estus, who preceded him the Glory World in early youth, and one daughter, Mrs. Myrta M. Basore, with whom he lived until he died and passed to Glory.

Brother Shelly was born in Armstrong county, Rebbark twp., Hawthorn , Pennsylvania.  His mother's maiden name was Eva Gruber and her mother's name was Faust.  He was of a family of 10 children, four of which are ministers of the Gospel, five of this family of grandchildren are ministers.  All of the members of this family have passed away, but one brother, William A., who resides in Yale, Mich., and two sisters, Susan Dobson of Brookville, Penn and Eliza Sherman of LaHabra, Calif.  He has two granddaughters, Edna S. Basore, at home and Mrs. Rosa Loudenslager of Mason, Mich., whom they raised from a child to young womanhood.

Brother Shelly was catechized and brought into the Lutheran church in his boyhood days.  In the 60's he came to Mich., was converted about 1880, and became a worker in the Church of God right away.  He has been an ordained minister in the Church of God for 42 years.  He carried the Blessed Gospel of the Dear Son of God as far as to the Pacific coast.  Tho most of his work was done here in Michigan.  He was one of the pioneer ministers of the Church of God in Michigan.  He not only leaves his near family to mourn their loss, but a host of friends and neighbors and will be missed in this community and church.

The Lord bless and comfort the bereaved friends, is our prayer.  (there was a poem attached to this obit from Mrs. Rosa Loudenslager and one from Mrs. Mryta M. Basore, which I did not include due to space)


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January 5, 1924


Sillamon Travis was born June 3, 1853 in Arcadia, Lapeer county, Michigan and died Jan. 5, 1924, aged 70 years, 7 months and 2 days.  He lived on the place he was born until coming to Isabella county 25 years ago.

Sillamon Travis and Esther Emeline Lyons were married July 2, 1874 in Arcadia, and there were born to this union three children:  Bertha Maria, Frederic Alfred, and Walter Francis.  The wife and mother died March 26, 1887, and Bertha Maria died in infancy.

Four years after the death of his wife he married Florence Koyl of Dorchester, Elgin County, Ontario.  Two sons were born to this union, William Nelson and Carl W.

Mr. Travis was converted in the M. E. Church at the age of 38 years and lived a true Christian life to the last.  He leaves to mourn his departure his wife, four sons, one daughter, three sisters,  Mrs. Oathout of Shepherd, Mrs. Wilson of Imlay City, and Mrs. A. Koyl of Pleasant Dale, Saskatchewan, and one brother Ben Travis of Mt. Pleasant, and other friends and relatives.

The funeral was held at the home Monday, with Professor Pearce officiating.  Interment was made in Riverside cemetery.


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July 1924


Mrs. Ameretta Howarth, an old resident of Isabella twp., died at the home of Bertell Waite of Clare, following an illness of several months.

Sunday after a prayer and scripture reading at the home of Bertell Waite the body was brought to the U. B. Church in Chippewa twp., where services were conducted and burial was in the cemetery nearby.


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November 17, 1924


Nellie Mae, the youngest child, was born to William and Catherine King December 5, 1892 at Sunfield, Michigan., and died Nov 17, 1924 at the age of 31 years, 11 months and 13 days.

She was married to Elmer Guthrie March 30, 1910.  To them was born three sons, all living.

She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, three children, mother Mrs. White of Vestaburg, two brothers, John King of Ionia, Rolley of Ohio, one sister, Rachel Bowers of this place and many relatives and friends.


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(handwritten 22 March of May, 1924)


Rev. I. W. Kimberling, pastor of the local Christian church, has just received particulars in connection with the death of Rev. Meese, former St. Louis pastor, which took place at Kalkaska recently.  Death was the tragic outcome of an accident that happened to Rev. Meese in St. Louis many years ago.  While he was pastor of the local church, he was conducting a baptismal service at the church one Sunday;  someone had forgotten to hook the catch on the lid of the front, with the result that it fell, striking Mr. Meese on the head, rendering him unconscious for a time, and a local physician said at the time it would eventually cause his death.  The last two weeks he was partially conscious, the last one not at all and during the time he suffered intensely, the end coming while he was in this condition, therefore unable to bid his loved ones good bye.

Mrs. Meese asked to be remembered to her many old friends here.  She expects to move to Muskegon, the former home of Mr. and Mrs. Meese before they went to Kalkaska.


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July 8, 1924


Mary Jane Ferrenberg was born in Fulton County, PA, January 10, 1830 and died at the old homestead in Coe twp., July 8, 1924, aged 85 years, 5 months and 22 days.  She spent her childhood with her parents and was married November 20, 1861 in McConnellsburg, PA, to Robert Divelbiss.  After about five years they moved to Fremont, Ohio, and in this state they spent, with the exception of five years in Indiana, the period of time until they moved to Michigan 31 years ago.  Since coming to Michigan she has resided on the same farm.

She was the mother of 9 children:  Anna,  Elizabeth,  Hattie,  Willie,  Chauncy,  Elmer,  Abram,  Forest,  and Nellie.  Two of the he children, Hattie and Willie, died in childhood.  Mrs. Anna Rearick, a daughter, died a year and a half ago, and her husband preceeded her in death August 30, 1914.  In early childhood she joined the Methodist Episcopal church, and her letter was transferred to Fremont, Ohio, when they moved to that state.  Upon her return from Indiana to Ohio, she joined the German reformed church in the community in which she lived and has always made it a practice to attend religious worship in the community in which she resided.  Her character has always left behind the highest ideals in the lives of those with whom she lived and everyone feels that a friend will be missed from their associates.

She leaves to mourn her departure, six sons and daughters:  Mrs. Elizabeth Hall of Bartlesville, Okla., Chancy of Newark, Ohio,  Elmer of Alma,  Abram of Blanchard,  Forrest at home and Mrs. Nellie Wilkie of Mt. Pleasant;  one sister, Mrs. Rebecca Ferrenberg,  one brother, William of Fremont, Ohio., 12 grandchildren, 1 adopted grand child, 12 great grandchildren, 8 nephews and 5 nieces and many other relatives and friends..

The funeral services were held from the home with burial at Salt River cemetery July 11th.


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July 25, 1924


Mrs. Carrie Tuger, one of the very well known and highly respected residents of St. Louis, passed away Friday, July 25, her death coming unexpectedly being a big shock to her many friends.

Miss Carrie C. Barker was born in Dearborn, Michigan September 28, 1858, and departed this life July 25, 1924 at the age of 65 years, 9 months and 27 days.  On May 30, 1883 she was united in marriage to Henry J. Tuger, lately deceased, and took up her residence in St. Louis, where Mr. Tuger had his established mercantile business.  To this union were born six children:  Alice of Berkley, Calif, John, Chris and Mrs. Charles Cobb of St. Louis,  Mrs. Frederick Wise of Los Angeles, Calif., and Carolyn Maude, who died in infancy.

Mrs. Tuger had lived in St. Louis since her girlhood with the exception of about two years spent in Ocean Park, Calif.  Her sudden death came as a shock to the relatives and many friends in the community as she had seemingly been in good health and able to be about the store attending to business duties until Thursday morning prior to her death, which occurred Friday evening about seven o'clock.

She was highly esteemed and beloved by all who knew her, as she had the great asset of reflecting her sunny and lovable nature to all with whom she came in contact.  Her demise will be greatly felt by her many friends.

Those of the family who survive here are:  Miss Alice Tuger,  Mr. and Mrs. John Tuger,  Mr. and Mrs. Chris Tuger,  Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cobb and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wise.  There is also one sister, Mrs. Martin of Toronto, who is the sole survivor of the Barker family.

Mrs. Tuger was a member of the L. O. T. M. and O. E. S. and had served two years as matron in the latter order.  She was also an active and valuable member of the Episcopal church of St. Louis.  The funeral was held from the home of her son, John Tuger, on West Center Avenue, Sunday afternoon, conducted by the Rev. Horton of the Episcopal church.  Interment was made in Oak Grove cemetery.


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TUESDAY, DEC., 23, 1924

Jan 1, 1925 newspaper article


This community was deeply grieved upon hearing of the death of Chris BVobzien at the Carney hospital, late Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 23.

Three weeks previous Mr. Bobzien had undergone an operation for appendicitis, later pneumonia developed and complications arose which caused his death.  His untimely passing was a distinct shock to his family and many friends.

Chris Robert Bobzien, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bobzein, was born in Bethany twp., Mar 26, 1901 and departed this life Dec. 23, 1924, at the age of 23 years, 9 months and 26 days.  He was united in marriage to Ada M. Kirby of Lansing in 1921.  To this union three children were born, Helen Frances, 3 yrs. old, Betty Jean, age 1-1/2 yrs., and James Robert, 15 days old, who with the mother, his parents, one brother and one sister and many other relatives are left to mourn.

Special services were held at the home of the parents, Friday, at one o'clock.  These were followed by funeral services at the Methodist church at two o'clock, Rev. W. B. Oldt officiating.  Interment was made in Oak Grove cemetery.


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December 30, 1924


Floyd M. Seeley, son of Amer and Mary Seeley, was born in Gladwin Co., MI October 1, 1902 and died December 30, 1924 at the age of twenty-two years, two months and twenty-eight days.

He was married to Miss Letha Skinner.  He leaves his wife, a little daughter, Lillian; father and mother; four brothers and one sister, one grandmother and a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss.


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William Dibble Died at His Home in Shepherd

Friday, March 18, 1924


William Leslle Dibble, son of Ashel and Abigal Dibble, the eleventh of twelve children, was born January 12, 1854 at Highland, Michigan and passed away at his home in Shepherd on March 18, 1924.  He was the last of the 12 children to pass away.

He was united in marriage to Estella Webster, of Byron, Michigan in 1880 and shortly after that they moved to shepherd.  Mrs. Dibble died in 1900.

He was united in marriage October 1901 to Maud Raymond of Pleasant Valley.  To this union two children were born, Frances and Harold.  The mother died in 1906.

In 1916 he was united in marriage to Miss Alida Whiting of Monti Cello, Iowa.

Shortly after moving to Shepherd, Mr. Dibble united with the Shepherd M. E. church and he has remained a faithful member and was a trustee at the time of his death.

Mr. Dibble will be remembered for his many kind ministrations to the sick and needy.  Many a home in Shepherd and vicinity will remember how he cared for the sick and brought provision.  When the flu was raging he was fearless and entered where others would not.  A good man has gone to his reward and his works do follow him.

He is survived by his widow, two children and a large number of friends

The Masons had charge of the funeral which was conducted by the pastor Sunday afternoon at the home.  Interment was at Shepherd cemetery.



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