Carl Moore a Victim of the Dreaded Consumption
Jan 12, 1917
George Carroll Moore, or Carl as he was better known, passed way at his home near this village last Friday, after an illness extending over nearly four years. He was born and raised in the vicinity of Shepherd and as a boy and young man was exceptionally jolly and active until the dread consumption got hold of him and started to sap out his young life. His genial disposition made him a universal favorite among the young people, who with sorrow have witnessed his gradual decline and untimely death.
Everything was done to stay the ravages of the disease and he spent one winter in Georgia and Florida and another at Hendersonville, N C, but to no avail.
The grief of the sorrowing relatives is shared by the whole community and while his death did not come unexpected it has nevertheless caused a feeling of deepest sadness to prevail.
George Carroll Moore
George Carroll Moore was born in Shepherd September 2, 1886 and died at his home January 12, 1917, aged 30 years, 4 months and 10 days.
He was married to Miss Ethel G Way on September 27, 1908. To this union one child was born, Grace Elizabeth, who with the wife still survive him. Others who are left to mourn are his father and mother, Mr & Mrs. Jas Moore, one sister, Mrs L H. Manning of Muskegon; two brothers, Prof. James G Moore of Madison, Wisc, and John C Moore of Lansing, and many other relatives and friends.
The beginning of his illness dated back about four years. During the past two years he has been a great sufferer. His end was peaceful. He died in the Christian faith.
The funeral was conducted from the late home Sunday afternoon, Jan 14th by Rev C E Davis of Evart, assisted by Rev. L L Dewey pastor of the local Methodist Episcopal church.
The relatives and friends from out of town who attended the funeral were: Rev. & Mrs L H Manning of Muskegon; Prof James G Moore of Madison, Wisc; Mr & Mrs John C Moore of Lansing; Mr and Mrs E H Doane, Mr & Mrs James Campbell, Mr Nathan Udell, Miss Marie Doane, Miss Edna Campbell and Mr William Way, all of Alma; Mr & Mrs Harry Way and Frank Way of Ithaca; Mr Ira C Moody of Forest Hill, Mr Leslie Clark of Perry and Mr George Clark of Corunna.
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April 8, 1917
Violet Wiles, born January 26, 1893 in Betheny, Missouri and departed this life Sunday, April 8, 1917, aged 24 years, 2 months and 12 days.
In her infancy her parents moved to this state and have resided here since. On December 24, 1914 she was united in marriage with Z. A Wiles, who is left to mourn the loss of another companion. She also leaves a father, mother, brother and sister to sorrow, but not as they have had no hope. She enjoyed the reading of God's word and the singing of His praises in her last hours. She was a member of the Church of Christ at Mt. Pleasant. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.
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Silas Leonard was the son of David and Sarah (Boles) Leonard, born in Green County, Pennsylvania on May 1, 1840.
His parents died when he was a child and he was cared for by Elder Wm. Leonard until manhood. At the age of 15 he was baptized into the name of Christ by his foster father and ever after was faithful to Christ never missing a chance to attend church services and testifying for Christ.
In February, 11864 he enlisted in first W. Va. Cavalry and was honorably discharged at the close of the war. In 1861 he married to Miss Mary Ann Boles and to this union four girls were born, Bell, Flora, Mina and Lucy. Mrs Bell (Leonard) Spore died October 11, 1908, Lucy (Leonard) Leonard died on Sept 22, 1900 and Mary Ann, wife of Silas died March 8, 1906.
In 1865 he moved with his family to Isabella county, Michigan and settled on a farm one half mile from where he died at Coe.
He was married again Aug 1, 1907 to Mrs Nettie Peters (Aunt Nettie) as everyone called her, by Rev R R cook at their home in Coe, Mich.
He leaves, not to mourn but rejoice in the belief that he kept the faith, fought a good fight, trusted his course and has won the prize, his wife Mrs Nettie Leonard, two daughters, Flora Richardson and Mina Banes, one brother, Merritt Leonard and one sister and eight grandchildren.
**(Card of Thanks from: Mrs Nettie Leonard; Mrs Flora Richardson and Mrs Mina Bauer)
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Phinehas Coffee
August 11, 1917
Phinehas Coffee was born at Binbrook, Wentworth County, Ontario August 7, 1848 and departed this life August 11, 1917 at age 69 years and 4 days.
He was united in marriage to Mrs. Eliza Huckle October 26, 1881. To this union was born 3 children, one son and two daughters. Mrs Jane Lilly of Greendale and Mrs. Mable Casner of Cadillac. The son passing to the great beyond in childhood. He leaves to mourn him a faithful wife, two daughters and one brother, J T Coffee of Chicago. Also a step-daughter, Mrs Rose Lord of Detroit. Interment in Shepherd cemetery.
Mr Coffee was a great sufferer for three years, God knows the suffering he endured till the angel of death came and took him to his rest.
"Husband I will miss you,
Yes the home will lonely be.
But I hope some day to join you
In the blessed eternity.
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August 28, 1917
Benjamin A Cohoon was born August 10, 1837 in Onondaga County, New York. He died August 28, 1917, at the age of 80 years and 18 days. When ten years old he came to Jackson Co., Michigan with his parents, and remained there until the Civil War broke out. He enlisted the 9th of Sept, 1861 in Co. K. 8th Michigan Infantry. He reenlisted the 28th of Dec., 1863. He was discharged June 13, 1865. During that time he spent fourteen months in Rebel Prison.
Mr Cohoon came back to Isabella Co., Michigan and settled on a far one and three-fourths miles south and west of Shepherd where he lived for fifty years. He was united in marriage to Endoria F Gallup, June 17, 1867 in Jackson Co., Michigan.
He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, five children; Lenoria French of Riverdale, Ransom M Cohoon, Lillian E Hartford, Henrietta L McKinley and Cora E McGarry all of Shepherd, and seven grand children and two great grand daughters with other relatives. He was a member of the Ralph Ely Post No. 150 of Shepherd. Mr Cohoon was quarter master for 18 years.
Ones from away wh9o came to attend the funeral were: Mrs Ella Brant of Denver, Mrs Lucy Wipfler and son Charles and wife of Detroit, D J Cohoon and Eliza Smith of Mt. Pleasant, Jake Nixon, wife and granddaughter of Two Rivers, L A Bowen, wife and daughter of near Mt Pleasant and other relatives near Shepherd.
James L Miller
October 11, 1917
James L Miller was born Sept 8, 1839, departed this life October 11, 1917, aged 78 years, 1 month and 3 days.
He was united in marriage to Rebecca Bolinger December 28, 1860. To this union were born 8 children: Mrs Cinderella Woodruff, Ora Miller, Emily Miller and Mrs. Sarah Barrick preceding him in death. George Miller of Conroy, Ohio, Mrs Cassius Johnson of Gladwin, Frederick Miller of Mt. Pleasant and Gilbert Miller of Shepherd still survive. He also leaves 24 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren.
He moved with his family from Morrow Co., to Van Wert Co., Ohio in 1870, living there until 1904 when he removed to Isabella Co., and has since made his home in Gladwin and Isabella Counties.
He was converted in a Methodist church in Morrow county when 12 years of age and remained with that church until death.
Thus another one of God's children has passed to his reward.
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Mrs. Guy Staley
(no date other than 1917)
Mrs. Guy Staley, who died in a Bay City hospital Sunday, was buried in Riverdale yesterday from the home of her mother in this city. Mrs. Staley, who was formerly Miss Ruth Bowen, had been married about two and (missing). Her home was in Midland...(rest of article is missing)
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Mrs. Dubois Has Lived on Same Farm For Over Fifty-one Years
May 24, 1917
Mrs. Edward Dubois who has been a resident of this county for over fifty years died last week at the family home near Shepherd. The funeral services which were to have been held Tuesday afternoon were postponed on account of the weather and will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. Dubois's maiden name was Maria Burkhardt and she was born in Hutwil, Switzerland November 2, 1832, being eighty-four years of age her last birthday. she came to America in 1854 and the following year was married in Ohio to Edward Dubois. They lived there ten years and then moved to Isabella county and settled on the farm which has ever since been her home.
She was the mother of twelve children, nine of whom lived to manhood and womanhood. Three died in infancy and the oldest son died four years ago. Mr Dubois passed away six years ago. The surviving children were all at her bedside except Albert who lives in Seattle, Washington, and Mrs Celia Shue of Forest Hill, Arkansas.
She joined the German Reformed church in her native village and always lived a conscientious and Christian life. Besides her children she is survived by twenty-one grandchildren and five great grandchildren, and scores of friends who extend to the family their sympathy. A number of Mt Pleasant friends plan to attend the funeral this afternoon if the weather permits.
This was the only obituary listed even though the headline states "Two More Pioneers Have Died Past Week."
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May 4, 1917
Miss Eva Walker of 305 May St., died of tuberculosis, Friday, May 4, and was placed in the vault at Riverside after the funeral services at the home, Monday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. Rev. J C DeVINNEY officiated.
The deceased was born in Osceola, Livingston Co, in 1863, and came to Isabella County about 19 years ago and has lived in Mt. Pleasant and known as a Christian woman the most of the time since. She leaves a sister, Mrs. Franklin Rhodes, whose husband died last winter of pneumonia and was also placed in the vault in Riverside. Next Monday Mrs. Rhodes accompanied by G J Stinson will transfer the two bodies from Riverside cemetery to the family burial lot in Howell, where they will each be interred.
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July 14, 1917
The following from the Wayland, New York, Register, will be of interest to many of our readers who are well acquainted with this young man and who extend to his mother heartfelt sympathy in her bereavement.
"Jesse Leland, with the exception of a few months in college and on a fruit farm near Traverse City, Mich, has spent as a matter of choice, the whole time with his mother, in the school room or on their farm near Shepherd, Mich., until they sold their Michigan home last spring.
"He, with his mother, came to this state, and bought a home jointly.
"The Locust," on Oak Hill. Here they enjoyed but a few short happy weeks. He seemed in normal health until Monday, July 9th, when he complained of a severe pain in his head, which continued at intervals for the week. He never complained but little (missing) when advised by his mother to call a doctor would say it will soon go away. He gave up this life, Sunday evening, July 14, 1917. His death charged to heavy blood pressure.
"Jesse Leland was a kind affectionate boy, respected by all who knew him. He never wished to harm the least of God's creatures, was a (missing) ful, loving son, always holding his mother high in his affections.
"He had malice in his heart for none, but at the closing of his last day seemed somewhat depressed in spirits, but not especially noticeable. He was interested in his daily bible study.
"Jesse Leland was a highly esteemed member of the Ancient Order of Gleaners of King Arbor, No 186 of Michigan, and of the Coe Lodge, No 239, I. O. O. F., of Shepherd, Michigan.
"The deceased leaves to deeply mourn his loss, besides a faithful, loving mother, other relatives and a large circle of friends.
"The funeral was held at two o'clock at the home of J F Weinhart and the remains were laid to rest in the Wayland cemetery, near other relatives."
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May 14, 1917
Mrs. William Kelly passed away Monday, May 14th, at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. J. Kline, of Schoolcraft.
Anna Wilkie was born in Canada, May 16, 1884, and moved with her parents to Mt. Pleasant when but a child. She was united in marriage with William Kelly at Lansing, May 17, 1915. To this union a son was born who died in infancy. The body was brought to the home of her parents Tuesday evening. Funeral services were held from Sacred Heart Church, Friday, with interment at Calvary cemetery, beside her sisters, Hannah and Nellie.
She leaves to mourn her loss a devoted husband and her parents, three sisters, Mrs James Torpey of Union; Mrs Kline at whose home she died, and Mrs. Will Regan of Cadillac; three brothers, Duncan, Joseph and Michael of this place.
Those from away who attended the funeral were Mrs. Kline, Mr & Mrs Regan and three daughters, Ella, Wilma and Rose. Miss Sue Kelly of Detroit, and Mr & Mrs William Riley of Weidman.
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Joseph B Northup
April 20, 1917
Joseph B Northup was born at Greenville, Washington Co., N. Y., March 8, 1831 and died at his home at Shepherd, April 20, 1917, aged 85 years, 1 month and 22 days.
At the age of 22 he was married to Mary Walling, who survives him.
To this union were born four sons, William, Henry, Edgar and Clark - Henry and Edgar both dying in early manhood.
He served his country in the 175th N. Y. Infantry, Co B. and immediately after the close of the war came to Michigan with his family and settled on a farm in Coe township, Isabella County, where they all knew the joys and trials of pioneer life.
In 1895 they moved to Shepherd where they have since resided.
Besides a widow and two sons he is survived by one sister, Mrs. John Austin of Smith's Basin, NY, three grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
He united with the Baptist church when young and for a number of years was chosen deacon, always a willing worker for the cause he loved and the master he served.
He was a member of Salt River Lodge No 288, F & A M. Also a member of the Star and of the Ralph Ely Post G.A.R No 150 of which he was commander for a number of years.
A loving husband and father.
A truehearted patriot.
A good and true friend and neighbor.
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Ida B. Carson
November 15, 1917
Ida B. Carson was born in New York State January 27, 1868, died at Greenville, Michigan November 15, 1917.
She was the daughter of Thomas and Addeline Pickett.
At the age of 18 years she was united in marriage to Alexander Hollenbeck, who passed away in the year 1880. Three children having been born to this union, Addie, Leon, and Mina. The latter now Mrs. Walter O'Connor, of Lincoln township the only surviving one of that union, the other two dieing in infancy.
In the year 1893 was united in marriage to Joseph H Carson, to whom two children were born, Millie and Alberta. The former dieing at the age of twenty-two months. Alberta living with her parent at the present time.
Ida B Carson was united to the Catholic church in the year 1910. To which she was a firm and sincere believer at the time of her death.
She leaves to mourn her death her devoted husband, two daughters, one brother, three sisters and three grandchildren besides a host of friends.
Funeral services where held from the Catholic church Monday.
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Emma Flansburg
November 17, 1917
Emma Flansburg was born Oct. 5, 1852 in Monroe County, N. Y., and departed this life November 17, 1917, at the age of 65 years, 29 days, at her daughter's home in Deerfield Center.
She moved to Eaton Rapids with her parents when a small child and they came to this county in 1863, where she lived the remainder of her life.
She was united in marriage to Samuel Bowers in 1878, and to this union were born six children, three of whom survive her. Also an aged mother, four sisters, three brothers, eight grandchildren and a host of friends and relatives to mourn their loss.
Funeral services were held Tuesday at 10:30 from the Deerfield Center church and interment was made in Riverdale Cemetery.
Those from here to attend the funeral were W B Wetherbee and wife, George Wetherbee and wife and Millie MacPhee.....(rest of article missing)
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She Had Always Lived In This County And Had A Large Acquaintance
May 15, 1917
Mrs. Myrta Hardgrove died at her home in this city last Thursday and was buried in the Chippewa cemetery Sunday. The funeral services were held at the home of A. J. Olsen and conducted by Eld. E B Bristol of Petoskey.
Mrs. Hardgrove was the daughter of Joseph A Struble and was born in Chippewa township, Sept. 30, 1874. At the age of seventeen she was married to Corwin Hardgrove and they lived on their farm in that township until Mr. Hardgrove's death, about twelve years ago, when she with her young son moved into the city, where she supported herself and educated her son by office work and type-writing, being employed the major part of the time by J W Hersee and Son and E B Mueller & Co at the Chicory plant.
Mrs. Hardgrove was a quiet but cheerful little lady and had made many friends and acquaintances among the people who had business with these firms, who will miss her cheerful presence and greeting, as will all who knew her.
Her son Walter who is a graduate of the Mt. Pleasant and Kalamazoo Normal schools and is now teaching Manual training in the schools of Oxford, Ind., survives her, together with her father and two sisters, Mrs Nellie Hardgrove and Mrs A J Olsen and brother Albert Struble
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J M R Kennedy Dies After A Brave Fight Against Disease
December 6, 1917
James M. R. Kennedy, another of our pioneer citizens, passed away Saturday, Dec. 1, 1917 at his home one mile south of Shepherd. He has kept up a brave fight for life since August 10, 1916, when he was afflicted with a severe stroke of paralysis. Under the expert care of doctors Bronstetter, Abbott and Young he improved enough to take treatment at the St Louis sanitarium, spending the week ends at home. November 17th he returned looking less hopeful, and he had evidently given up the determination to win against death and from that time on failed rapidly. The end came in the midst of loving relatives and friends, who game him the tenderest care.
The funeral was conducted by the Masons of Salt River lodge of which he has been an enthusiastic and faithful member since his youth. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Joseph Green of Mt. Pleasant. Hope inspiring were the thoughts he presented in his most able manner: "The dead belong to God and are sacred." All people have their failings. Let them who would criticize search their own hearts. One test of a man's true worth was a friend and he was fortunate indeed who numbered his friends among the truly great, for they would not forsake him when his back was to the wall.
James M. R. Kennedy was honest. His word was good. If you would know a man - deal with him. He was also generous and kind, seldom mentioned the failings of others and was a forgiving spirit.
Born in Carroll County, Ohio, October 16m, 1850, at the age of 13 he came with his parents, Samuel Kennedy and Mary West Kennedy to Isabella County where he has engaged in lumber, milling and agriculture ever since.
In October, 1870 Mr. Kennedy was married to Margaret E. Walters, the union being blessed with four children: Howard, Mamie, Samuel and Frank. Another son, Monte, was adopted. He leaves two brothers,
Stephen S Kennedy and A. Dwight Kennedy, superintendent of art instructions in the large technical schools of Cleveland, Ohio.
Among those from out of town who attended the funeral were: Francis H Dodds, John Myers, Roger Scott and Perrry Thompson of Mt. Pleasant.
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James Perry Struble
October 11, 1917
James Perry Struble was born in Fulton Co., Ohio, January 15, 1856 and passed from this life October 11, 1917 at his home in Wilwin, Mackinaw Co., Michigan. Mr. Struble came to Isabella county, Michigan with his parents when a small boy. On April 17, 1879 he was united in marriage to Mary M. Stearns, sister of J. F. Stearns of this village. To this union one child was born, Chas. E., who departed this life in Sept., 1899.
He was a member of the Modern Woodman of America at Boyne City, Mich., and also a member of the I. O. O. F. of the same place. Mr. Struble was employed at the time of his death by the Wilwin Lumber Co., of Mackinaw Co., Mich., who appreciated Mr. Struble as being one of their most trustworthy and dependable employees. Mr. Struble was one of a family of eleven children of which three brothers are living, J. A., F. L., and U. S. and one sister, Mrs. Harriet Fosgett, besides a large number of more distant relatives.
He was a man who was always held in high esteem in every community where he has lived, a man to be respected morally, intellectually and as a kind friend and neighbor. His wife who survives him is a highly respected woman who spent her girlhood days and those of her early married life in this, Isabella Co.
Funeral was held Monday from the residence of his brother, U. S. Struble, at Mt. Pleasant and the body was taken to the Cemetery in Chippewa township and laid to rest beside that of his son, Charles.
Mr. Struble met death through an accident which he received while employed at his labors at the mill at Wilwin, a board thrown from a lumber pile striking him on the head causing concussion of the brain from which he died about twelve hours later.
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September 18, 1917
Mrs. Elizabeth Baker, daughter of Noah and Mary Baker, was born in New York State Mary 12, 1844.
She came to Michigan in 1874 and since 1882 has resided at Shepherd, in her home in which she passed away.
She was the mother of five children, three of whom survive her: William Webster of Marion, as son by her first husband, Charles Webster who was killed in 1865, and Mrs. F. B. Wonch and Chas. Cazier of Shepherd, a son and daughter of her second marriage to Samuel Cazier who died in 1882. She also leaves four step-children, Mrs. Martin Partee of Breckenridge, Frank Cazier of Leslie and Gideon and David Cazier of Elk Rapids by who she was greatly beloved as a mother. There are also 36 grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren.
Her many friends in Shepherd can think back a very few years ago before sickness overcame her to the time when her hand soothed the fevered brow and her smile and kind sympathy cheered and comforted the saddened heart. She lived a healthful and Christian life and passed to her reward September 18, 1971 at the age of 73 years, 4 months and 18 days.
The funeral was held at the home Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Dewey officiating with interment in Salt River cemetery.
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February 18, 1917
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Ludy was found dead in her home on section 12 Lincoln township last Saturday morning.
One of her granddaughters called at the house and being unable to gain entrance or get a response from her knock, peered in one of the windows and discovered her lying on the floor near the bed. Assistance was summoned and when they succeeded in getting into the house she was found lifeless.
The coroner decided that death had resulted for heart failure or appoplexy, and it was thought she had been dead two or three days when discovered.
Mrs. Ludy, who was 68 years old, had resided alone for some time.
The remains were taken to the Stilgenbauer undertaking apartment where they were prepared for burial and the funeral was held from the Gehret home Tuesday afternoon.
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Mrs. E. G. (White) Dean Carried To Her Last Resting Place By Her Grandchildren
Electa S. White was born May 22, 1834 at Reding, N. Y., Feb (can't read) 1850 she was united in marriage to (unreadable) Dean at Lodi, NY in Seneca Co. They resided on a farm near there for (unreadable) years, while their three children were born to them. Clifton S Dean of Ferndale, Wash., Mrs. Jennie Coon of St. Petersburg, Fla., and Lewis E. Dean of St. Louis, Mich, the latter was the only child near enough to be with the mother during her last sickness and death.
After the children were grown and had homes of their own the two sons and families with Mr. and Mrs. Dean moved to Greendale Twp., Midland Co., Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Dean bought a farm and have always lived on the same until death came to separate them.
Feb. 12, 1917 the loving wife was stricken with apoplexy and patiently waited until death came to her release March 5, 1917. she realized from the first she was called higher and patiently waited her summons.
The funeral was held at Union Chapel, Thursday and interment was in Greendale cemetery. Rev. Mullet conducted the services/ She was carried to her resting place by her three grandsons, Edw. C Dean of Mt. Pleasant, James E. Dean of Thomson, Mich., and Leonard E Dean of Greendale. they were assisted by the three granddaughter’s husbands, R. R. Ardner of Shepherd and Walter Burlingame and Ira Comstock, both of St. Louis.
She was a faithful member of Union Chapel and the Ladies Aid Society connected with the same.
Those from a distance attending the funeral were: Mrs. S. W. Small of Wapello, Iowa and James Dean of Schoolcraft Co.
The aged husband together with three children, ten grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren are left to mourn her loss.
The family extended sincerest thanks to the neighbors and friends also the Ladies Aid who united in assisting in making her comfortable at the last and also at the funeral services by the beautiful flowers sent and the singing of the hymns chosen by the deceased, also the comforting words spoken by Rev. Mullet, from the text chosen by Mrs. Dean and from which she derived such comfort during her last days.
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August 16, 1917
Harry Duane Thomas, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thomas, was born December 28, 1914, and his little soul departed for another life August 16, 1917.
He was a very affectionate little fellow, loving everyone and could always be seen running after the dog or cat. In his little childish ways, he made friends with everyone and won the attention of so many who saw him playing about on the streets of Shepherd. Usually some little girl of the town could be seen coaxing him to walk with them. He was (unreadable) enjoyed life every minute.
At home and among those who knew him he is terribly missed, no longer seen running around with his little wagon, laughing and talking in his baby way. He was smart and active all the time, very seldom quarreled with other children and was in perfect health up to a week before he died.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas and baby Duane, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lathrop to Lansing on their vacation. They had been at the baby's aunts a few days when he was taken suddenly sick with entercolitis crying at the age of 2 years, 7 months and 19 days.
He left in sorrow a devoted father and mother, grand parents, great grandparents, auntie Galah of this place and several other aunts. The places he was seen most are so vacant they are almost unbearable.
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