E. S. BOWEN, Editor
Pat CARR was in Coleman yesterday
Bert CASE spent Sunday at Shepherd
Mrs. DENNISON returned to her home at Ovid on Monday
C. S. CHASE, of Clare, was a visitor at the Hub Monday
Ira CLIFTON, of Grand Rapids visited friends here this week.
Mr. & Mrs. A. E. GORHAM have returned from a visit to relatives in Ohio.
G. L. GRANGER left last Saturday for Buffalo with two carloads of fat cattle.
I. A. FRANCHER made a business trip to Grand Rapids Friday arriving home Saturday night.
Miss Lulu CASSADY started for Windsor, Ontario, Monday morning to spend the winter.
Rev. D. B. DAVIDSON conducted the funeral services at the home of the late Dr. VAUGHN on Thursday morning.
Miss E. SEARLES, of Detroit, who has been the guest of Miss Anna FEENEY for the past two weeks, left for home yesterday.
Mrs. R. D. BALMER entertained a few friends Monday evening in honor of the cousins, Mr. & Mrs. CORNELL, who are visiting her.
The examination of Cyenus CHESEBRO was held Monday and he was discharged.
Mrs. A. M. FANCHER is at Calkinsville this afternoon.
Mrs. J. WOOD of Jackson, arrived last evening as a guest at the home of C. M. BROOKS. Mrs. WOOD is accompanied by her sister, Mrs. WILLIAMS of St. Joseph County.
Mrs. Potter PALMER is to drive the last nail in the Woman’s building at Chicago. The lady managers of Montana, at the suggestion of Mrs. J. E. RICHARDS, are having the nail made of gold, silver and copper. It will be forwarded to Chicago as soon as completed.
Several ladies and gentlemen met Monday eveing with Mrs. John RYAN and formed an “Isabella Club.” Mrs RYAN was elected president; Miss WIGHTMAN, treasurer; Mrs. BROWN, secretary; Miss BISHOP, Mesdamea DOUGHTY and DAVIDSON, as directors. A cordial invitation is extended to all interested in Spanish study to meet at Mrs. RYAN’S next Monday evening at 7:30 standard.
Fred ERVINS is home from Saginaw
H. C. WORLEY is in the city this week.
Mrs. C. RETAU, of Farwell, is visiting here this week
Mr. & Mrs. Robert LAUGHLIN have been in the city this week.
James HOAG will start on a visit through New York tomorrow.
John O. WHITMAN is painting the residence of Rev. D. B. DAVIDSON.
“Uncle” Nelson IVES has gone to Traverse City to spend the winter.
Mr. & Mrs. M. CALL and Mrs. J. R. MINNIS visited at Clare this week.
Mr. & Mrs. Lew MARLETTE returned to their home at Cheboygan on Wednesday.
Mr. & Mrs. Henry CORNELL returned to their home at Niagara Falls on Tuesday.
Dr. BURGER has his office at Cox & Peak’s and requests that orders be left there for him.
James ARMSTRONG $12 a month reads a pension claim received by Albert A. LOVELAND this week.
If some good butter maker will call at the TRIBUNE office she will find a good market for her butter.
Street Commissioner McKINNON has had a crew of men at work in the park cleaning up and grading.
Mrs. Ella MORRIS and little daughter of Harbor Springs, arrived in the city last evening, the guests of her mother, Mrs. A. LANCE.
Mrs. John GRISWOLD, who has been visiting her brother, J. A. RELYEA, of Union twp, returned to her home at Princeton, Ill on Tuesday.
William JACKMAN, of Isabella township, recently threshed 424 bushels of Tartarian oats from four acres of ground. A yield of 106 bushels per acre.
The ladies of the M. E. Church will entertain at the home of Mr. & Mrs. C. BENNETT with a spelling social one week from tonight. To the person “spelling down the school” a very handsome prize will be given.
Sheriff KANE was at Butman this week in search of a young man whom he wished to entertain for a short time or until certain parts of the aforsaid young man’s conduct has been explained. Search was successful.
Felix GALLGHLIHER left this city Wednesday afternoon to pay a visit to his mother country, Ireland. Mr. GALLGHLIGER purchased his ticket here clear to the end of his journey. He went via the F. & P. M. To New York City and then crosses the ocean on one of the Anchor line of steamers.
C. F. CURTIS was at Coleman Tuesday night assisting in forwarding the election returns.
Mr. & Mrs. I A. CRANE very delightfully entertained a small company to tea on Friday evening last week.
Mr. L. E. ROYAL, who was so unfortunate to severely sprain his ankle some days ago, we are glad to learn is rapidly improving.
Married by Rev. D. B. DAVIDSON at 513 Broadway, on November 3, Miss Lillie SLAFELY, of Deerfield, to Mr. Oliver C. WELLER, of North Baltmore, Ohio.
Max ZAGELMYER of Shepherd, was in the city Wednesday. Max is an Upper Peninsula homesteader and claims he made a nice thing by taking time by the top knot.
The firm of SCHOONER & GREEN, merchant tailors, have dissolved partnership, O. E. SCHOONER continuing the business. Mr. GREEN is undecided at present as to his future movements.
A medical journal says hot milk is an excellent substitute for beer, whiskey or other alcholic stimulants in cases of great fatigue and over-exertion of body and mind. Its reviving influences when taken as hot as it can be sipped are remarkable.
The Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan Mail train No. 2, was ditched a few miles from Hamburg, Saturday morning, the engine and all cars excepting the rear coach leaving the track. No one was seriously injured, but the train was delayed several hours.
The Ladies’ Library entertainment at Mr. HORNING’S, last Saturday proved, as all of their undertakings, a very decided success and a pleasant evening for all present.
P. C. TAYLOR and S. W. ROGERS have been in the house cleaning and papering business during the past week and as a result a very bright and attractive store can be seen, which will add greatly to the looks of things when their holiday goods are placed on exhibition.
Commissioner RAUM of the pension bureau has issued a circular for the information of those who apply for an increase of pension. He says: “Many claimants for an increase of pension forward to the bureau of pensions, with the application for such increase their pension certificates. Inasmuch as it is not necessary to file their pension certificates, I suggest to applicants for an increase that they retain their certificates.”
The Home of L. M. TIFFANY Of Deerfield Is Burned To The Ground, With The Death Of Two Children.
[From a special Correspondent]
On last Saturday night at 12 o’clock, occurred on of the saddest sights that has ever happened in this vicinity. The nightwatch at the TIFFANY BROS. Saw and shingle mill in South Deerfield saw that the house of L. M. Tiffany had just caught fire in the kitchen’s lean-to built on the back side of a log house. He ran over, broke in the door and alarmed the inmates. Mr. Tiffany’s sister and three small children were sleeping in a bedroom down stairs and escaped without difficulty. He then tried to go up stairs, but that was full of fire and smoke. Mrs. Tiffany and her small children were sleeping upstairs. She knocked the window out with her hands and threw three of the children out to those below and then jumped herself, and when asked if she had all of the children, she exclaimed, “My God, there is one yet.” Charles CREVAN, the nightwatch, threw his overcoad off and made a marvelous jump and caught onto the window casing some eleven feet from the ground and found the little one on her knees by the bed almost suffocated by smoke. He then felt all around in the thick smoke to see if there were any others, but supposing there were no more, jumped out. After they were all taken to the house of Edgar Tiffany, a few rods away, there was found to be one little three year old girl missing. Her bones were found after the fire.
Mrs. Tiffany it was found had cut the artery of her right wrist and was fast bleeding to death by five different cuts from the glass of the window. The oldest girl, ten years old, was badly cut on the arm. The little five year old girl that was taken out was found to be badly burned on the arms, legs and head. She died the next day at one o’clock.
Mr. Tiffany was in Dushville on business and did not get back until after the fire had done its terrible work. There was nothing saved from the house except a chair and trunk, the chair afterwards burned. The trunk was Mr. Tiffany’s sister’s, who was there on a visit and her clothing was all burned as well as that of Mr. Tiffany’s family.
The fire is supposed to have caught from the kitchen stove, an old one, and soon spread to a three gallon can of kerosene oil that sat near it, which exploded and helped to increase the fire.
Mr. & Mrs. Tiffany have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement and loss. The burial of the little ones occurred on Monday. Mrs. Tiffany is improving at the present writing.
George BUTCHER started for Ironwood, Upper Peninsula, yesterday morning prospecting and sight-seeing.
Miss Lilly WHEELER, after a few weeks visit with her family of A. M. DAYTON, returned home Wednesday.
Mrs. E. C. LINDSLAY, of Chicago, was a guest at the home of E. H. GUILLOTTE over Sunday and Monday, left for Midland to visit at the home of Mrs. Mort STANFORD.
Quite a number of our young temperance workers chaperoned by Mrs. Jennie MURRAY, visited the Good Templars of Gilmore Monday. A pleasant time is reported.
A warrent was issued today in Justice LOVELAND’S court for the arrest of Angus McDONALD, a Deerfield lad, for assault and battery upon Mary KNOOP, a school mate. The complaint was made by the girl’s mother.
Mrs. Ralph MYERS and two children arrived in the city Wednesday from Trout Creek, Upper Peninsula, where she has been with her husband. Mr. MYERS is on his way home having disposed of his land to a very good advantage. Mrs. Myers will be a guest at the home of E. S. BOWEN and Mrs. Paul SMITH during her stay in the city.
A deed given by President Andrew JACKSON, dated September 15, 1835, to Robinson H. WHITEHOM, was recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Hillsdale county recently. The deed was issued from the Monroe land office for 120 acres in town 7, south range 1, West Lenawee County, Michigan Territory - now town of Pittsford, Hillsdale County.
J. H. ROBINSON has moved back to Ashley.
O. L. WHITE is painting the inside of his store.
Cal. BIGELOW has moved into town this week.
C. W. MITCHELL is getting in lots of new goods.
Mrs. PROSSEN’S daughter from Canada, is visiting here.
Mr. WELLINGTON has been painting and repairing his house.
Miss Edith BAILEY, of Elsie, is visiting at S. P. BAILEY’s.
Mrs. BIGLEY, of Clare, has been visiting relatives here this week.
Rev. M. D. ROGERS expects to go to Clare when his year is up here.
Mr. WRIGHT, of Pewamo, is looking for a chance to buy a house here.
A telephone has been put in from the NOBLE HOUSE to CRAWFORD’S livery barn.
Miss Hattie WELLMAN is canvassing for juvenile books, bibles and dictionaries.
A. W. RICHES left Wednesday morning for Six Lakes to visit his father, who is very sick.
Last Friday the schools in the intermediate room gave their teacher, Miss KEITH, a surprise party.
Miss Etta HANSLEY returned Saturday from Jackson, and is now showing a fine line of millinery goods, trimmed in the latest styles.
The AID SOCIETY meets at Mrs. H. D. BENT’S next Wednesday.
Miss Jennie TOMPLESON, of Govinier, N. Y., sister of J. Q. WALLING, came here on Tuesday night. She expected to arrive here last Friday, but the agent gave her a ticket to St. Louis, MO., by mistake, so that she had to go home and take a new start.
East WISE News
Mr. MEDDANGH lost a cow last week
The ____ ___ bee at David FISH’s was successful.
There will be a meeting at Mr. DUNLOP’S Sunday night.
Miss Nancy FISH visited at Loomis Thursday and Friday.
William FISH had nine sheep injured by dogs, and three killed.
Dick JACOBS will furnish music at Loomis Thursday night for the Orangemen’s dance.
Miss Emma HUBBEl, of HUBBEL & HILLS’ mill, visited at the home of David FISH over Sunday.
Forest fires were raging during the high winds of last week.
Stephen HUDNUTT has gone to the lumber woods of Clare Coutny.
The family of Lyman JONES have rented the HUDNUTT farm and moved on to it.
John LALONE is in very poor health and his neighbors are assisting him to do his fall work.
Mr. James PEAS has traded his beautiful farm near Dushville for 200 acres of land in this township.
Marriage Licenses Issued
The following is a list of the marriage licenses granted by the County Clerk since our last issue:
Oliver O. WELLER, 24, Ohio and Littie SLAFLEY, 20 of Deerfield.