Isabella Draft Registrations Now Total 3,239

Third Member of Draft Board Has Not Been Named

Isabella County Times-News, Thursday, October 24, 1940


   Numbers were being assigned this week to 3,239 young men of Isabella county who registered October 16 in compliance with the national conscription act.  The Isabella draft board started the shuffling and numbering process Wednesday, with the aid of voluntary help.


   Gerald J. Cotter, Chairman of the Isabella board, said yesterday that all of the registrants will be notified as soon as their numbers have been assigned.  Thursday, members of the board went to Bay City where a class of instruction was offered for men to be active on the board.


   At noon, October 29, Secretary of War Henry Stimson will draw the first number in the nationwide lottery, which will result in 800,000 of the nation’s 17,000,900 eligible men being called for a year’s service in the United States army.


   According to plans, some 30,000 draftees will be on their way to various training camps of the nation within three weeks after the first number is drawn.  By June 15, all 800,000 men forming the first contingent will be in military service.


   Temporary offices for the draft board are to be established in the court house it was announced yesterday.  At some later date permanent headquarters will be set up.  Bids for permanent quarters will be submitted to the director of selective service in Lansing later.  Mr. Cotter said, and a representative will come here to select a site.


   The county board is still lacking the services of one member.  Attorney Cotter has been named chairman of the Isabella board, and Dr. Charles Anspach, president of Central State Teachers college is the secretary.  Attorney Joseph Schnitzler was named by the governor as an appeal agent for those of this county’s registrants, who feel that they are entitled to exemption or deferment in the draft.


   Total registration of the county as reported by county clerk Hugh Johnston, was 3,239 up until Wednesday.  This included five late comers who for one reason or another failed to register on Wednesday, October 16, the date set for the nationwide call.  Registrations may still be made at the office of the county clerk, Chairman Cotter said yesterday.  However, all eligible registrants must have registered in time for the number assignment which shall probably occur Friday.


   The registration of the county was as follows: City of Mt. Pleasant, first precinct, 408; second, 460; third, 405; Union, 219; Chippewa, 106; Coldwater, 73; Gilmore, 54; Vernon, 143; Wise, 102;, Sherman, 103; Nottawa, 161; Isabella, 195; Denver, 112; Broomfield, 62; Deerfield, 103; Rolland, 80; Fremont, 86; Lincoln, 120; Coe No1, 144; Coe No. 2, 105.


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