A farmer of Lincoln township and one of the citizens bf the community in which he resides, Melvin R. Castel was born in Montcalm county, Michigan, August 5, 1853. His father, William Castel, born June 2, 1812, in New York, moved from that state a number of years ago to Washtenaw county, Michigan, thence to the county of Montcalm, of which he was an early settler. He endured many hardships and trials during the pioneer period, served eighteen years as supervisor of the latter county, and while living there was  married on February 23, 1841 to Betsey Stevens, who was born on May 22, 1819 and who departed this life about the year 1896. The names of the children born to this couple are as follows: Francis, Harriet, William H., Jerusha and Melvin R., all deceased except the subject and William H., who lives at St. Johns, this state.

Melvin R. Castel spent his early life on the parental homestead in his native county, attended the public schools as opportunities afforded and grew to mature years with well developed plans for his future. When twenty years of age, he married the lady of his choice, Josephine Gobel, and at once rented one hundred acres of land, which during the next few years he devoted to general farming, paying special attention to corn, oats, buckwheat and potatoes, of which he raised large crops and sold at liberal prices. Disposing of his interests in Montcalm county in 1878, he came to- Isabella county and purchased the farm in Lincoln township which he still owns, in the meantime buying and selling several other tracts of land in various parts of the county and realizing handsomely by some of his deals. At the present time his realty amounts to one hundred and twenty acres, eighty of which are unimproved, though minus the timber, which he recently sold for a goodly sum. He is now preparing to remove the stumps from the land and fit the soil for tillage, which when done will add greatly to the productiveness and value of the farm, which is already the equal of the best in the township.

On moving to his present place Mr. Castel built a small house for the reception of his wife and took possession of the same before doors and windows had been provided. Although limited as to space and lacking many conveniences, the little domicile answered the purposes of a dwelling during the ensuing twenty-five years, at the expiration of which time it was I replaced by the present residence, a handsome stone structure, the main body twenty-eight by twenty-eight feet, the wing twelve by thirty-three feet, the entire building well finished, and equipped with conveniences and comforts  such as are found in first-class rural homes of today. The better to carry on  the labor of the farm and care for his crops and live stock, he has provided the place with a fine barn, thirty-four by fifty feet in area, a tool shed, in size twenty-two by thirty-six feet, several large sheds for stock and other buildings, all substantially constructed and in excellent condition. In the matter of farming Mr. Castel ranks among the leading men of his calling in Isabella county, being enterprising in his ideas and methods, and in touch with the advancement of agricultural science in all of its phases. In connection with the cultivation of the soil he raises considerable live stock, including several horses, quite a number of high grade cattle, among which are five cows of especially fine breeds, also a fine flock of sheep of superior quality and a large number of hogs to which he devotes much attention.

Mr. Castel stands high as a citizen, taking a prominent part in all matters relating to the prosperity of his township and county, and for a number of years he has been interested in public matters. He was justice of the peace for twelve years, proving a capable and judicious official, and at different times held various school offices in his township, iii all of which he discharged his duties ably and satisfactorily.

Mr. Castel is a member of Strickland Arbor, Order of Gleaners, in which he served two years as chief gleaner and since 1902, has been secretary of the organization. He is a charter member of the Gold Reserve Life Insurance Company and has been an influential factor in the same ever since it was established, besides he encourages all other enterprises and utilities having for their object the general welfare of the community.

Mr. and Mrs. Castel have no children of their own, but are deeply interested in the young people of the neighborhood, whom they strive to benefit by any means at their command. They are esteemed by the social circle in which they move, keep pace with the intellectual life of the community and their influence is exerted in behalf of all worthy charitable and humanitarian projects. For some years they have been identified with the Lincoln Township Farmers' Club, an organization having for its object the social improvement of its membership which is composed of residents of Lincoln township and people from the northern parts of Montcalm and Gratiot counties. The meetings, which are held monthly at the homes of the members, are occasions of great interest, and enjoyment, affording as they do an agreeable break to the monotony of life and a means of social and intellectual improvement which all who belong fully appreciate.  The locality being removed from any town or populous center, renders the meetings of more than ordinary interest and profit, being looked forward to as supplying a social need for which ordinary means would prove inadequate.  Mr. Castel served as president of the club and held office for a period of two years, besides taking a leading part in the general exercises of the organization.


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