The gentleman whose name introduces this article holds distinctive prestige as a business man and to him in no small degree the thriving town of Blanchard is indebted for its reputation as an important trading point, also for its advantages as a place of residence and where capital may be safely invested.

M. Earl Houghton is a native of Ionia county, of the state now honored by his citizenship, having been born on the 15th day of August, 1875. His father Dr. Loren A. Houghton, was long a prominent physician of the above county, but later, about 1883, removed to Blanchard, in the county of Isabella, where he practiced his profession until his death, which occurred April 11, 1907, at the age of sixty-two. The maiden name of Mrs. Dr. Houghton was Diana Foster; she is still living, as are two of her three children, M. Earl, of this review, and Edwin M., his business partner.

M. Earl Houghton was eight years old when his parents moved to Blanchard and since 1883 his life has been closely interwoven with the village and its various interests. He received his preliminary education in the schools of the town and later took a course in the Ferris Institute at Big Rapids, where he made commendable progress in his studies and earned an honorable reputation as a student. He early manifested a desire for a business life and in 1907 was enabled to carry his intentions into effect. Forming a partnership that year with his brother, Edwin M. Houghton, the present mercantile house, under the firm name of Houghton Brothers, was founded, since which time it has grown rapidly in public favor until it is now one of the largest and most successful general mercantile establishments in the town of Blanchard.

Mr. Houghton has demonstrated fine ability in his business and, by judicious judgment and management and courteous relations with his customers, has secured a large and lucrative patronage. The brothers carry full lines of all kinds of goods to meet the demands of the general trade, attend closely to their business and manifest commendable interest and zeal in whatever tends to the improvement of the town and the benefit of the people. The subject has long been a factor of considerable influence in public affairs, having served two years as trustee of Rolland township, besides in private capacities doing much to encourage enterprises And movements having for their object the development of the country and the general good of his fellow men. Well informed on the questions of the day and the issues concerning which there is a division of sentiment, he is not allied with any party, having independent views in politics, giving his support to the candidate who, in his judgment, is best qualified for the office to which he aspires. In his fraternal relations he is an Odd Fellow and a member of the Knights of the Maccabees, in both of which he is an active worker and from time to time has been elected to offices in each.

Mr. Houghton is a man of mature judgment and wise discretion, and it is not too much to say that there are few more judicious or better business men in the county than he. He has managed his various interests very successfully and is now the possessor of a comfortable competency, which includes property in the town where he resides and considerable farm property in the counties of Isabella and Mecosta, the greater part of his real estate being well improved and returning him handsome profits on the capital invested.

Mr. Houghton was happily married on the 2d day of September 1898, to Grace Shepard, daughter of William and Alice Shepard, of Ionia county, Michigan, the union being blessed with three children, Everett L., Leatha E. and Edith L.



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