The subject of this sketch is the oldest of six children whose parents, Edmond and Margaret (Qwin) Duggan, were natives of Ireland. The father was reared in his native island and, when about thirty-five years of age, came to the United States and settled in New York, where he remained a few years and then went to Ypsilanti, Michigan. Later he moved to Isabella county and purchased one hundred and sixty acres of government land in section 36, Lincoln township, on which he built a log house, purchased a yoke of oxen and began clearing the farm. Two years later, about 1857, his marriage with Margaret Qwin was solemnized. With the aid of his sons, he subsequently cleared and converted the land into a good, farm. He spent the remainder of his life on this place and at his death, in the year 1888, it was willed to his six children, seventy acres falling to the subject, who afterwards purchased the entire tract, less thirty-six acres.

Michael Duggan was born on the family homestead in Lincoln town- ship, Isabella county, October 20, 1859, and received a common school education, He was reared to agricultural pursuits and early in life formed the habits of industry and thrift, which made him a valuable assistant to his father and later enabled him to lay broad and deep the foundation of his own success as a tiller of the soil. Inheriting a part of the estate at his father's death, as indicated above, he proceeded at once to improve his land, which in due time was brought to a high state of cultivation and later, by purchasing his brother's and sister's interests, his farm was enlarged to its present area of one hundred and twenty-four acres, nearly all susceptible to tillage and well improved. Mr. Duggan's career as a farmer has been satisfactory in every respect.. He has succeeded admirably and is now one of. the well-to-do men of his township, with a comfortable and attractive home and a sufficiency of material wealth to make him independent. He has improved his farm with good buildings, fences, drainage, etc., and with all the modern accessories of agriculture at hand, he makes his  labors remunerative and adds every year to the ample competency which he has accumulated.

Mr. Duggan has ever manifested a lively interest in the development and prosperity of his   township and in point of continuous residence he is now one of its oldest   and most highly esteemed citizens. He enjoys to a marked degree the confidence of his fellow men and by a life singularly free from faults his influence has always made for the good of -those with whom he has mingled. From time to time he has been honored with various local offices, in which, as in his relations with his fellow citizens, his integrity was never impeached nor his veracity questioned. In politics he supports the Democratic party and takes an active part in promoting its success; he be- longs to the organization of Gleaners at Summerton and is a loyal and devout member of the Catholic church.

Mr. Duggan, in the month of October, 1890, was united in the holy bonds of wedlock with Hannah O'Brien, who has borne him the following children: Edmund, Paul, Arthur, Marie, Bernice and Beatrice, the two last twins.



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