A great deal of these marriages are transcripts from the scrapbooks of Anna Koyl. Anna Koyl was the daughter of William L. and Agnes (Young) Faunce. These scrapbooks are in very poor condition with faded print, deteriorating paper and are ragged from use. There are misprints in the articles themselves and variations in the spelling but, we have endeavored to make as accurate copies as possible.

Copied in November and December of 1978 and January of 1979 for the records of the Shepherd Area Historical Society.

Material not concerning the immediate area was omitted. Such articles were from other counties including Gratiot.

The scrapbooks are in the possession of Retha McCormick of Shepherd. It was through her courtesy we were permitted to make these transcripts.

Melva Wilbur

Jane Cowles

Index to Marriages, Most of Which Are From the

Anna Koyl Scrapbooks

Acre, Hazel

Adams, Mary E.

Alleman, Rexford and Mable

Allen, Benjamin and Bertha

Allen, Lorraine

Allen, Perry and Emma

Allen, S.J. (60th Wedding Anniversary)

Anderson, Ida

Anger, Estella

Ankrom, Mary

Ankrom, Mary Mrs.

Anthony, Claude and Alice

Anthony, Myrtle

Anthony, Zora

Ashworth, Dale and Marguerite

Ashworth, Ed and Kitty

Ashworth, Russell and Ann

Ardner, Ernest and Ella

Ardner, Henry and Alma

Austin, Harold and Louise

Ayris, Fern

Bacome, Helen

Baker, Henry and Fern

Barber, Irene

Barker, Sam and Vivian

Barnes, Basil and Hazel

Barnes, Lewis and Florence

Barr, wallace and laurice

Barton, Wayne and Deana

Bates, George and Ida

Beard, Lena

Begerow, Bertha

Belch, Charles

Bell, Betty

Bell, Helen

Bell, Leila

Bent, Trudie

Bergy, Hugh and Lillian

Best, Bernice

Bickell, Lillian

Bingham, Charles and Mildred

Birtz, Edward and Dorothy

Bissell, Durward and Josephine

Bissell, Lloyce and Iva

Black, Retha

Bohannon, Reid and Ruby

Bohannon, Veda

Boomer, Keneth

Boomer, Kenneth and Louise

Bowen, Kermit and Ida

Bowman, Helen

Brattin, Floyd C. and Hazel

Brattin, Floyd and Margaret

Brattin, Harry and Mabel

Brickner, Elsie

Brickner, John and Betty

Brickner, Lawrence and Irma

Brickner, Raymond and Leafa

Bronson, Cleo B.

Bronson, Ward and Vera

Bryant, Dorothy

Burnham, Sharron and Jean

Bush, Gerald and Elaine

Bush, Roy and Aleta

Bush, Viola

Burk, Bernice

Burkholder, Margie

Caldwell, Dale and Arlesta

Carpenter, Chester and Lelia

Carroll, Ella

Carrolll, Ethel

Casner, Lloyd and Dorothy

Caszatt, Elaine

Caszatt, Vernon and Marguerite

Caszatt, Vernon

Catlett, Ruth

Cazier, Agatha

Cazier, Charles

Cazier, Esther

Chaffin, Hildred

Childs, Esther

Childs, Frances

Childs, Vena

Church, Mildred

Clark, Eldred and Gladys

Cleveland, Vernon and lola

Cline, Fay

Cline, Rolland and Leah

Cluley, Iva

Coglan, Margaret

Cohoon, Nina

Cole, Dorothy

Cole, Frank and Ethel

Cole, Wayne and Edith

Conroy, Jennie

Converse, Charles and Esther

Cook, Mabel

Cook, R.R. (Elder) and Ella

Coomer, Claude and Ida

Coon, Zelpha

Cornell, Esther

Courtright, Neil and Rose

Crampton, Edwin and Helen

Crampton, Iris

Cronkite, Glenn and Ruby

Curtis, Geneva

Curtis, Vena

Dancer, Charles and Frieda

Davis, Dee and Emily

Davis, Manley and Ione

Davis, Ruby G.

Delo, Roy and Zelpha

Dexter, Ray and Agusta

Doran, Joseph and Winifred

Drake, Ethel E.

Drum, Ethel

Drum, Leah

DuBois, Charles and

DuBois, Charles and Mary

DuBois, Donald and Gladys

DuBois, Vere and Irma

DuBois, Vere and lois

Dugan, Clara

Duke, Florence

Durhany, Blanche

DuVall, Venard A. and Jean

Ebnie, Kate

Eisenhauer, Paul and Esther

Ellison, Loren and Marie

Epple, Virgil

Ervans, Glen and Elsie

Estee, Helen E.

Estee, P.H. and Jessie

Failing, Archie and Ruth

Fairchild, Vernon and Fay

Fanning, Nellie

Faunce, Orrin and Mary

Feltman, Clement and Clara

Feltman, Emma

Feltman, Ida

Fenby, Ernest and Myrtle

Fickle, Harold and Gayla

Fickle, Hollis and Bernice

Fickle, Wilma

Field, Arthur and Esther

Field, Eugene and Donalda

Field, Mable

Figg, Estella

Fisher, John and Eileen

Fisher, May

Fitzgerald, Grover and Vena

Fleming, Byron and Bertha

Floy, Fred and Nora

Fordyce, Vera

Fortin, Dorothy

Freeman, Alta

Freeman, Clark and Margaret

Freeman, Haold and Hazel

Freeman, John and Helen

Freeman, Leslie and Vivian

Frost, Goldie

Frost, Retha

Fuller, Retha

Fultz, Chester and Cleo

Fultz, Dale and Agnes

Furlong, Fern

Garber, Robert and Marjorie

Gates, Chester and Libbie


Gehrett, Mary

George, W.D. and Gertrude

Gieskin, George and Frona

Gilmore, Ben and Bertha

Gilmore Nancy Mrs.

Gilmore, Roxie

Gilmore, Ruth

Gimmey, John and Helen

Girven, Dorothy

Girven, Marion Edith

Girven, Velma

Girven, Vivian

Good, Noah and Lillian

Gould, Ruby Mrs.

Graham, Ernest and Estella

Grauber, Hazel

Green, Ethel

Grisdale, May

Grubaugh, Emma

Guiff, Mrs.

Hale, Harold and Ildah

Hamilton, Flossie

Hammond, Beatrice

Hann, Mabel

Hannett, Thomas and Eva

Hanson, Mr. And Edna

Hapner, Vern and Helen

Harrison, Ella and Irene

Harry, Fay

Harry, Frank and Helen

Hartford, Nyreda

Haskell, Donald and Lenabelle

Hawkins, Elton and Velma

Herring, Diana

Herrington, Hazel

Hetherington, Jessie M.

Hetherinton, Louise

Hicks, Helen

Hitts, James and Blanche

Hokemeyer, Till

Hole, Gayle and Gladys

Hollenbeck, Ella

Hollenbeck, Helen

Hollenbeck, Lloyd and Ruth

Houck, Russel and Thelma

Howe, Ed and till

Howe, Ernest and Rose

Huber, Adelbert and Rhea

Hummel, Eileen

Hummel, Kenneth and Helen

Hummel, Mary G.

Hungerford, Hazel

Hutchinson, Wesley

Jackson, Lillian


Johnson, C.F. Mrs.

Johnson, Hugh

Johnson, Gayla

Johnson, Madge L.

Johnson, Mazie

Jones, Genevieve

Jones, Mildred

Kaiser, Camille

Keith, Eva

Keller, Ronald and Fern L.

Kelly, Edna

Kelly, George

Kelly, Mary E.

Kelly, Ruby M.

Kennedy, Edward and Helen

Kidder, C.B. and Helen

Kief, Bertha Mrs.

Kilbride, Ursula

Kindig, Guy M. and Violet

Kinney, Grace

Kirkconnell, Esther

Knapp, James and may

Knipp, Fred and Frances

Knorr, Carl and Alta

Kroul, Harry and Lena

La Mont, Ella Mrs.

Landis, Leona

Langrin, Helen

Lantz, Wetzel and Zora

LaPaugh,Jessie Mrs.

Lathrop, M.C. and C.F.

Lee, Ralph and Marjorie

Lehman, Walter and Evelyn

Leonard, Ella Mrs.

Leonard, Harold and Beatrice

Leonard, Vester and Nina

Lockwood, George and Mildred

Loomis, Marie

Lord, Hazel

Lynett, Joseph A. and Mary G.

Lyon, Minnie Mrs.

Lyon, Theo S. and Emma L.

Lyons, Louine

Maas, Rita

Madar, Helen

Manley, Harold T. and Mary E.

Mathews, Alma

McArthur, Ray and Ruth

McAvoy, Rosetta

McClintic, Elton and Rita

McClintic, George and Rosetta

McClinton, R.S. and Hattie

McCormick, Harry and Retha

McDonald, Marguerite

McFarren, Claude and Estella

McFarren, Fenner and Ida

McMacken, Mary Mrs.

McQueen, Lyle and Helen

McQueen, Zelpha

Megiveron, Georrge and Grace

Metcalf, Alvah and Jessie

Mester, Earl and Hilda

Meyer, Alphons and Camille

Meyer, Rudy and May

Miley, Frances

Miley, Leah

Miller, Elton and Mabel

Miller, Irvin and Leila

Milliken, Margaret Mrs.

Moats, Daniel and Mrs. Lyle Sullivan

Moats, Evelyn

Moats, Ida

Moats, Lois

Moeggenburg, Edward and Edith

Moore, Pauline

Moore, Wayne and Helen

Moran, Charles and Geneva

Mullet, Arza and Frances

Mullet, Harvey and Grace

Mullet, Wm. And Ella

Munson, Leafa O.

Murphy, Alphonsus and Viola

Murphy, Emmet and Nettie

Murphy, Janet

Murray, John and Esther

Myers, Donald and Kate

Myers, Earl and Luella

Myers, Ione

Myers, Merita

Nash, Raymond and Rachel

Nelson, Kenneth and Geneva

Netzley, Edith

Netzley, Roy and Bernice

Newman, Rose

Nichols, Ludlow and Flossie

Nilson, Eskil and Edna

Northrup, Icel

Orser, Lola

Oswald, Alice

Owens, Chester P. and Ethel

Palmer, Harvey and Evelyn

Parker, Florence

Parker, Gladys

Parker, Irma

Parson, George and Catha

Piatt, Florence

Pickett, Gladys

Pitts, Portia

Poole, Frank and Trudie

Post, Edith

Post, Estella

Potter, Eloyn and Mildred

Priest, George R. and Mercy

Purvis, Rhea

Rabley, Velma

Ralston, V.S. and Ruby

Raymond, Ida

Raymond, Mercy R.

Resrick, Wm. And Nancy

Reynolds, Goldie

Reynolds, Wm. And Etta

Rrice, Bertha

Rich, W.G.

Richmond, Edith

Richmond, Harriet

Richmond, Luella

Riess, Paul R. and Retha

Roberts, Cecelia

Roberts, Gene and Ursula

Roberts, Rose

Robinson, David and Goldie

Rodenbo, Basil and Hildred

Roethlisberger, Fred and Virgil

Roethlisberger, Helen M.

Rosselit, Harry E. and Gertrude

Ruhle, Jessie and Julia

Russell, Clifford

Sage, Ida

Salisbury, E.B. and Roxie

Salisbury, Elton and LaVerda

Salisbury Freda

Schleigh, Frieda

Schliegh, Harold and Alberta

Schleigh, Willard and Frieda

Scott, Harold and Alberta

Servoss, Donalda R.

Servoss, Phil H. and Jennie

Shattuck, Etta Mrs.

Sharrar, Bernice

Shepherd Wm. And Portia

Shock, Nelson and Nyreda

Shultz, Israel and Ethel

Siler, Ralph and Ida

Slates, Raymond and Louine

Smalley, Glenn and Bertha

Smalley, Laurence R. and hazel

Smith, Archie and Lucinda

Smith, Helen

Snyder, Arthur and Fern

Snyder, Margaret Mrs.

Southard, Violet E.

Spencer, Hubert and Ethel

Spink, Roy and Leona

Stahl, Ildah

Stahl, Maklon and Jennie

Stahlman, Clayton P. and lillian

Stahlman, Ella

Stahlman, Milton and Mrs. Guiff

Stalter, Agnes

Stalter, Helen

Stebelton, Laurice

Stickle, Roy E. and Gertrude

Stiles, Ralph and Gladys

Stilgenbauer, Fred M. and Zelpha

Stilgenbauer, Henry and mary

Stilgenbauer, Maynard and Wilma

Stilgenbauer, Russell and Icel

Street, Ethel

Struble, Aleta

Struble, Edna

Struble, Gertrude

Struble, LenaBelle

Struble, Mildred

Struble, Ruth

Struble, Vera

Struble, Vivian

Struble, W. Irad and Minnie

Stump, Donald and Ethel

Stump, Gertrude

Stump, Lewis

Sullivan, Lyle Mrs.

Swade, John W. and Florence

Swartz, Jennie

Swenson, Cecil and Agatha

Switzer, Franklin and Caroline

Switzer, Wesley and Velma

Swix, Erma

Taedtey, Charles A. and Mabel

Taedtey, Mable

Tausend, Ann Burr

Taylor, Floyd V. and Estella

Teague, Cassius H. and helen

Teegarden, Russel and Veda

Tibbils, Alberta

Tibbils, Emily

Tibbils, Winifred

Titus, Samuel J. and Ella

Thomas, Lee and Mazie

Thomas, Wm. And mary

Thorpe, Bertha

Thropp, Gladys

Travis, Byron and Cecelia

Travis, Chester and Pauline

Travis, Fern Leota

Travis, Harold and Bernice

Travis, Herbert and Marion Edith

Travis, J.C. and Edith

Van Alstine, Ross and Iris

Van Alstine, Thelma

Van Conant, Alfred G. and Helen E.

Van Dam, Clare and Dorothy

Van Horn, Lucinda

Van Vranken, Milo and Merita

Vaughn, Frona

Vautrin, Emma L.

Vautrin, Evelyn

Vautrin, Edmond and Helen

Vautrin, Franklin and Caroline

Vinton, Stanley and Margie

Vodicka, Josephine

Volpel, Delmar J. and Velma I.

Von Morningstar, Zelatus and Erma

Vredenburg, Vivian

Wallace, Jean

Walling, Arlesta

Walsh, Tomas and Janet

Walter, Marguerite

Walters, Mable

Walton, Hilda

Walton, Irma

Walton, Margorie

Ware, Wesley M. and Madge

Way, Harry and Margaret

Weeks, Fred and Florence

Weller, Nora

Whitcomb, Jean

White, Orin E. and Lydia

Whitmore, Edwin and Helen M.

Whitmore, John and Harriett

Whitney, Mearl and Genevieive

Wieferich, Albert and Dorothy

Wilberding, John and Ella

Wilcox, Raymond and Leah

Williams, Gertrude

Williams, Lillian

Williams, Rachel

Williams, Velma

Wilson, helen

Wilson, Libbie

Winegar, Helen G.

Winn, Marjorie

Witte, Agusta

Wolfe, Gladys

Wonch, Chester E. and Goldie

Wood, Grace

Worthington, L.

Worthington, Louise

Worthington, Marguerite

Wright, John and Vera

Wurtz, Carl A. and Fay

Young, Charles S. and Hattie

Young, Lelia

Young, Lyida

Zike, Ethel

Zimmerman, Geneva

Zook, Charles and Vivian


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