The biographies of successful men are instructive as guides and incentives to those whose careers are yet to be achieved. The examples they furnish of patient purpose and consecutive endeavor strongly illustrate what is in the power of each to accomplish. The gentleman whose life history is herewith, briefly set forth is, a conspicuous example of one who has lived to good purpose and achieved, a definite degree of success in the various spheres to which his talents and energies have been devoted, Mr. Hance being widely known in this: section of Michigan as a citizen of high rank, a public spirited man who has ever manifested a willingness to serve his fellow men, a man who made a most commendable record as state senator, and at present the postmaster at Mt. Pleasant, having long maintained his home in. Isabella county, whose interests he has ever sought to promote in every way possible and which he evidently has at heart. He is known as a man of unshrinking, integrity rigid honesty, technical in his definitions of morality, unbending in his fidelity to them, championing the right with zeal and enthusiasm.
Mr. Hance, who is the scion of a sterling old pioneer family, was born on August 2, 1848, in Marengo, Morrow county, Ohio. He is of German descent, his ancestors Quakers, having emigrated to the state of New Jersey in an early day. He is the son of Adam Hance, who was born in Knox county, Ohio, and Mary A. (Morrisori) Hance who also, was born in Ohio, of Welsh ancestry. In 1863 the family came to Isabella county, Michigan, and engaged in farming. John W. Hance of this review was the third son. The father and paternal grandfather were loyal to the Union cause and assisted in the work of the "underground railroad," helping many a slave to reach free soil and freedom.
Mr. Hance received a good education and began life as a, school teacher, which profession he followed with much success for a period of six years. In January, 1875, he became deputy county clerk and register of deeds under Joel C. Graves, whom he met by chance and who at once said to him: "I recently dreamed that you were my deputy in office, and I now appoint you to that place." Mr. Hance accepted. Mr. Graves served two years and then Hance was elected and Graves was with Hance. In 1882, having long manifested an abiding interest in public affairs, he was elected state senator for his district, which included Isabella, Gratiot, Midland and Clare counties. He made a commendable record in this important, office. He was chairman of the committee on state public- schools, a member of the committee on canals, rivers and harbor improvements, also banks and corporation& and federal relations.
Mr. Hance came to Mt. Pleasant in January, 1875. He was for a number of years interested in the real estate business, also in lumbering. He has been, fairly successful in whatever he has turned his attention to, and is now the owner of a well improved and valuable farm adjoining- the city. He lives on this place, having a large, modern and attractive home. In 1883, in partnership with Michael Devereaux, he erected a large brick block, in connection with many enterprises. He is a business man of keen discernment and sound judgment.
Mr. Hance was married on May 4, 1888, to Sarah C. Marshall, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Corbus, a fine old family of this county. This union has been without issue.
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