(transcribed by: L. Johnson)
The honorable subject of this sketch is a successful agriculturist of Rolland township and as a citizen enjoys a creditable reputation in that he exhibits commendable zeal in promoting the material interests of the community and lends his influence to whatever makes for the social and moral advancement of his fellow men. Joseph Tevens is a native of Canada, born in Lindsay county, Ontario, on July 18, 1867. Like the majority of the sturdy people of his province, he was reared to honest toil as well as to habits of industry and thrift and on reaching the years of maturity he had his plans well matured and his future course definitely defined.
Mr. Tevens was about fifteen years of age when he came to Isabella county and since 1882 his life has been closely identified with the township of Rolland, where he now makes his home. When a young man he began railroading, which has been his principal business for a number of years, and in connection therewith he is also engaged in agricultural pursuits which he has conducted with success and financial profit, owning at this time a fine body of land upon which he has erected good buildings and made many other substantial improvements. Mr. Tevens’ farm, which contains one hundred and ninety-nine acres, is admirably situated in one of the most favored agricultural districts of Isabella county and since coming into his possession it has been brought to a high state of cultivation and is now the source of a comfortable income. As a railroader he enjoyed in a marked degree the confidence of his superiors in the company by which employed, and during his long period of service proved a capable workman and was true to every trust reposed in him. In the neighborhood where he resides he is greatly esteemed, as his character has ever been above reproach, his integrity unquestioned and he strives by all legitimate means to discharge the duties of citizenship as becomes an intelligent member of the body politic and to show himself worthy the confidence of his fellow men. He has been township treasurer and school director, in both of which positions he discharged his duties with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of the public, proving an able and trusted official who made every other consideration secondary to the interests of the people of his jurisdiction.
Mr. Tevens has a pleasant home and an interesting family, consisting of a wife and their children, who, like himself, enjoy the respect and confidence of the neighborhood and are highly esteemed by all who know them. Previous to her marriage Mrs. Tevens was Hattie Jordan and lived in Mt. Pleasant, the following being the names of the children she has borne her husband; Rose, Florence and Clara.
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