Joseph Schueller
Here is a picture of a farmer-business man who is successful in both avocations.
Mr. Schueller was born in 1888 on a farm one mile south of Beal City where he now
lives, the place originally homesteaded by his father, William Schueller. He was raised on
the farm, and went to school in Beal City.
He was married in 1909 to Christina Thelen. Three children blessed this union, Clarence
at home, Ruth at Farm Bureau office in Lansing, Wm. J. in school.
He is secretary of the Isabella County Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company, resigning
At the Soil Conservation office on acceptance of this position.
He has been president of the Isabella County Beet Growers’ Association since its organ-
ization, five or six years ago, and now represents the growers for this county.
He is President of the Cedar Creek Threshing Company, President of the Tar Line Tele-
phone Company, and was formerly appraiser for Alma Production Credit Association.
He started as director for Farmers Mutual Insurance about 20 years ago, and is now
He was director 26 years for Nottawa school dist. No. 2., and director of Beal City high
school since its start.
From these statistics it will be seen that Mr. Schueller is a busy man. His services are
very satisfactory in the various positions he holds, and Roses for the Living is pleased to
tender a wreath to so popular and efficient a citizen.
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