(transcribed by: L. Johnson)
Success has been honorably attained by the well-known farmer and stock raiser whose name
introduces this sketch, a gentleman of high character and sterling worth whom to know is to
esteem and honor. Joseph Clare is a native of Erie county, New York, and a son of Frank and
Sophia (Rame) Clare, both born in the county of Erie, the father in 1838, the mother in the year
1841. Frank Clare moved his family to Isabella county, Michigan, in 1879, and settled in Isabella
township, purchasing one hundred and twenty acres of land in section 26, all but about two acres
unimproved. By well directed labor, he soon cleared and reduced to cultivation the greater part of
his land, besides making many substantial improvements and in due time forged to the front as a
successful tiller of the soil and enterprising citizen. A Democrat in politics, he wielded a strong
influence for the party and, a Roman Catholic in religion, his daily life was consistent with his
Christian faith. He died on the 11th day of August, 1896, being survived by his wife, who has
since lived with her son, the subject of this sketch.
Joseph Clare was born in 1869 and when ten years of age was brought to Isabella county,
Michigan, since which time his life has been closely interwoven with the interests of the township
in which he resides. He was reared to habits of industry and as soon as his services could be
utilized, was put to work in the woods and fields, where he soon developed strong physical powers,
being able to do a man’s part at all kinds of farm labor when but a youth in years. Like
a dutiful son, he remained at home, working for his parents and looking after their interests until
his thirty-first year when he bought his present farm of eighty acres in section 26, Isabella town-
ship, near the family homestead, which he has since greatly improved and brought to a high state
of tillage. All but twenty acres of his land is in cultivation and his improvements, which are among
the best in the township, include a fine barn erected in 1892, and remodeled in the year
1909, a commodious dwelling with a full complement of modern conveniences, three hundred
rods of wire fencing, one hundred and sixty rods of drain tile, to say nothing of the excellent
condition to which the soil has been reduced and the many attractive features of the home and
Mr. Clare is essentially a progressive man and as such ranks among the most enterprising farmers
of his township and county. In addition to tilling the soil, in which his success has long been demonstrated,
he devotes considerable attention to live stock, making a specialty of fine cattle, although his horses and
hogs are also of high grades and give evidence of the care bestowed upon them. In his political allegiance
he is strongly Democratic and, like his father before him, wields a potent influence for his party in the
township of his residence, though not an office seeker nor aspirant for any kind of public distinction.
He too was reared under the influence of the Roman Catholic church and has ever remained true to
the principles and teachings of the same, being one of the leading members of the church at Mt. Pleasant
and a liberal contributor to its support. His name also adorns the records of the Catholic Mutual Benefit
Association, an organization under the auspices of the church.
Mr. Clare was united in the holy bonds of wedlock when thirty-four years of age with Catherine
Gallaher, who has borne him two children, Mary J. and Joe E.
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