BY Eunice E. Way
As reported in the
And transcribed as searchable material on the internet
by Barbara Lesser 4/1999
(Note from Eunice WAY: "This compilation was done to assist beginning genealogists in the Mt. Pleasant, MI area in completing their pedigree charts and family group sheets. The" Isabella County Enterprise" was a weekly publication. Sometimes it was difficult to know the month in which the event occurred. Users are encouraged to check both names given in the reference as some information, such as residence, appears only in one listing."
(NOTE - all marriages, marriage licenses and places of
residence took place
in Mt. Pleasant, Isabella Co., Michigan unless otherwise noted)
Marriage - MC
McALVEY, Michael L. Age 27, married 14 Sept. 1892 to Amy E. BURGESS of Nottawa twp.
McARTHUR, William. Age 29, marriage license Oct 1895. Intended was Adah ROSE of Denver twp.
McBAIN, Allen. Age 26, marrriage license July 1895.
Intended was Mary McCLEGGETT of
Deerfield twp.
McBRIDE, J. N. Married Nov 1891 in MI to Lois Ellen DUNBAR.
McBRIDE, John. Age 24, married 17 Nov 1893 to Willimina FRASHER of Union twp,.
McBRIDE, William. Age 23, marriage license Jan 1892. Intended was Mary C. BEACH of Union twp.
McCABE, James. Age 51, marriage license May 1899. Intended was Alma HIGBY of Blanchard twp.
McCABE, Mary M. Age 24, marriage license Mar/Apr 1897.
Intended was Harry DENSMORE
of Rolland twp.
McCALL, J. N. Married Nov 1894 in MI to Hattie RICHARDSON.
McCANN, Ella. Married 3 May 1883 to Will WHITNEY.
McCANN, Jessie. Age 18, marriage license July 1890. Intended was Madison HARRY.
McCANN, Richard N. Age 23 , marriage license Aug/Sept
1891. Intended was Luela HAMLIN
of Alliance, OH.
McCARTER, Victoria. Married May 1898 in Canada to Henry GOODWIN.
McCARTHY, Chas. Age 30, marriage license July 1891.
Intended was Ella KEENEY of Mt.
Pleasant, MI.
McCARTHY, Michael. Marriage license Nov 1892. Intended
was Catherine F. KENNY of
Lincoln twp.
McCARTY, Cornelius. Age 55, marriage license Feb 1894.
Intended was Mary A. BENNETT of
Deerfield twp.
McCARTY, Daniel. Married 15 Jan 1893 in Isabella Co., MI to Mrs. S. A. GILMAN.
McCARTY, Michael. Age 21, married 24 Feb 1893 to Martha G. FREEMAN of Mt. Pleasant twp.
McCARTY, Pat. Age 28, married 2 July 1894 to Louise V. NOLD of Mt. Pleasant twp.
McCLANE, Mae. Married 20- June 1900 in Chicago, ILL to James Franklin ADAMS.
McCLAUDE, Mack. Age 21, married 6 Aug 1895 to Elizabeth N. PROUT of Isabella twp.
McCLELLAN, Edward S. Age 23, marriage license July/Aug
1893. Intended was Eva E. FAUNCE
of Coe twp.
McCLENATHAN, Floyd. Age 21, married 17 Nov 1899 in
Isabella Co to Myrtle M. BEYER of
Weidman, MI
McCLENATHAN, John. Age 46, marriage license Sept 1889.
Intended was Mary BOWEN of
Vernon twp.
McCLIGOTT, John. Age 23, marriage license Apr 1896.
Intended was Hattie Y. NIXON of
Deerfield twp.
McCLINTIC, Albert. Age 23, marriage license Jun/July
1897. Intended was Blanche CLORE
of Harrison, MI.
McCLINTIC, Arthur. Age 23, marriage license Nov 1895.
Intended was Maud KENNEDY of
Shepherd twp.
McCLINTIC, Myrtle B. Age 18, marriage license Apr/May
1894. Intended was Samuel S. SEIBERT
of Harrietta, MI.
McCLINTOCK, Carrie. Age 16, married 17 Mar 1898 to Harvey AUSTERBERG of Union twp.
McCLURE. Mrs. Emma. Age 24, marriage license Feb/Mar
1892. Intended was Paul Cob-moo-sa
of Nottawa twp.
McCLURE, Faith. Married 18 Apr 1883 to Frank WHITEHEAD. Sister was Mrs. Chas M. BROOKS.
McCLURE, Lyndsay. Age 20, marriage license 15 Juen 1892
in Isabella Co to Willie PEAK of
Mt. Pleasant twp.
McCONNELL, Bessie. Age 28, marriage license Nov 1895.
Intended was Frank BATTLE of
Vernon twp.
McCONNELL, Eva. Age 18, marriage license 1897. Intended was James EVERDEN of Lincoln twp.
McCONNELL, Fred. Age 22, married 29 July 1900 to Myrtle BOWNS of Pleasant twp.
McCONNELL, Gertrude May. Age 16, marriage license June
1889. Intended was Arley B. COLE
of Mt. Pleasant twp.
McCONNELL, Jos. Age 27, marriage license Oct 1894. Intended was Anna BATTLE of Vernon twp.
McCONNELL, Mary Ann. Age 22, marriage license Sept
1889. Intended was Cornelius O.
McCONNELL, Ray. Age 22, marriage license Feb 1894.
Intended was Josephine LEIGHTON
of Mt. Pleasant twp.
McCOY, Eliza M. Age 18, marriage license Dec/Jan
1890/1. Intended was Milton C. SCHILLING
of Coldwater twp.
McCOY, John. Married 18 Dec 1894 to Sarah KELLEY of Mt. Pleasant twp.
McCUE, Mrs. Bridget. Age 33, marriage license Oct 1895.
Intended was Edward CROWLEY
of Mt. Pleasant twp.
McCULLY, Minnie. Age 18, marriage license Nov 1897.
Intended was Walter LECKWOOD of
Chippewa twp.
McDERMOT, Miss. Married 29 July 1885 in Isabella Co. to Will GATES.
McDERMOTT, Emma D. Age 22, marriage license Nov 1890. Intended was John C. MITCHELL.
McDONALD, Clara. Age 28, married 26 Sept 1891 to David W. MOORE of Chippewa twp.
McDONALD, Donald. Age 21, married 20 Apr 1892. to Emma HUBBELL of Wise twp.
McDONALD, Emma. Age 20, marriage license June 1900.
Intended was James MANLEY of
Mt. Pleasant twp.
McDONALD, George. Married July 1884 in Midland Co., MI to Miss McGILL.
McDONALD, George. Age 25, marriage licesne Oct 1890.
Intended was Mary A. McDONALD of
Union twp.
McDONALD, Hattie. Age 18, marriage license Oct 1891.
Intended was John HALEY of
Lincoln twp.
McDONALD, John. Age 32, marriage license Nov 1899. Intended was Anna DIEHL of Union twp.
McDONALD, Katie. Age 22, marriage license Jan 1895.
Intended was John LESARGE of
Columbus, NC.
McDONALD, Maggie. Age 37, marriage license Oct 1894.
Intended was Frederick B.
DAVIDSON of Coldwater twp.
McDONALD, Maggie. Age 22 Married 26 Oct 1897 to William MANLEY of Mt. Pleasant twp.
McDONALD, Mary. Married 7 Jan 1886 to Patrick CAREY.
McDONALD, Mary. Age 25, married Jan 1895 in Whiteville
twp. to Wimmiam PEGLEY of
Union twp.. Father was William McDONALD.
McDONALD, Mary A. Age 20, marriage license Oct 1890.
Intended was George McDONALD
of Union twp.
McDONALD, Michael. Age 29, married 16 Aug 1892 to Johanna SHEEHAN of Mt. Pleasant twp.
McDONALD, Sarah. Age 27, married 17 June 1896 to
William PAISLEY. Father was Patrick
McDOWELL, George W. Age 29, marriage license June 1888.
Intended was Eva DAVIS of
Fremont twp.
McDOWELL, Richard. Age 28, marriage license Dec 1889.
Intended was Minnie LAWLER of
Leaton twp.
McELHANEY, Mary. Age 23, marriage license June 1891. Intended was John LYNCH of Vernon twp.
McFADDEN, Ella. Age 31, marriage license Apr/May 1894.
Intended was Aguatus P. FAIRBANKS
of Clare Co., MI.
McFALL, Luther. Age 31, married 9 Mar 1891 to Mrs. Estella BARNUM of Sherman twp.
McFARRAN, Mrs. Arvilla. Age 34, Married 14 Nov 1892 to
John MELVILLE of Coe twp.
(First husband was (?) TURNEY.
McFARREN, Ida. Age 21, marriage license Apr 1900.
Intended was Walter M. STILGENBAUER
of Coe twp.
McFEE, Jessie. Age 34, marriage license Jan 1898. Intended was James MUMA of Calkinsville twp.
McGEE, Johnson. Age 27, married 12 July 1888 to Maggie WALTON of Calkinsville twp.
McGILL, Miss. Married July 1884 in Midland Co., MI to George McDONALD.
McGILLIAS, Mary Jane. Married 2 July 1887 in Isabella Co to Daniel W. ELLIOTT of Isabella twp.
McGILLIS, Anna. Married 15 June 1899 to Warren G. PERRY.
McGILLIS, James. Age 25, marriage license Oct 1891.
Intended was Jeanne WILSON of Mt.
Pleasant twp.
McGINNIS, Katie. Age 21, marriage license June 1896.
Intended was Edward FEENEY of
Mt. Pleasant twp.
McGLONE, Nellie M. age 15, marriage license Jan 1891.
Intended was Edward PUTMAN of
Gilmore twp.
McGRATH, Margaret. Age 17, Married 8 Nov 1900 in
Coldwater twp. to John SISCO of
Coldwater twp.
McGREGOR, George. Age 29, married 12 May 1890 to Ida VanLEUVAN of Seville twp.
McGREGOR, William H. Married 25 Feb 1881 to Ella C. HATT....? (unreadable) of Fremont twp.
McGUINNIS, Sarah. Married 27, May 1894 to John COUGHLIN of Lincoln twp.
McGUIRE, Mrs. Cecelia. Married 23 Apr 1888 to John McGUIRE.
McGUIRE, Dominick. age 35, married 30 Apr 1889 to Margaret McKENNA of Isabella twp.
McGUIRE, John. Married Apr 1888 to Mrs. Cecelia McGUIRE.
McGUIRE, Nellie. Married 8 Nov 1893 to Thomas O'BRIEN of Lincoln twp.
McGUIRE, R. M. Age 21, married 13 Nov 1899 to Mary ARRAND of Gilmore twp.
McGUIRE, WIlliam. Age 25, married 6 June 1896 to Rena BOADY of Broomfield twp.
McGUIRK, Henry. Age 28, marriage license Oct 1893. Intended was Ann TANNER of Sherman twp.
McGUIRK, James. Age 25, marriage license Sept/Oct 1891.
Intended was Minnie TANNER of
Sherman twp.
McGURK, James R. Married 10 July 1890 to E. Estelle ALLEN.
McINTOSH, Aggie. Age 23, marriage license Nov 1888. Intended was Elmer H. WALCH.
McINTOSH, L. E. Married Nov 1892 in Isabella Co. to Edgar ALLEN of Wise twp.
McINTOSH, Rachel. Age 19, married 15 Nov 1892 to Eugene ROUNDS of Mt. Pleasant twp.
McINTYER, Maggie. Age 18, marriage license Sept 1898. Intended was Oliver OHIS of Rolland twp.
McINTYRE, Emma. Married 12 Feb 1885 in Clare Co., MI to Arthur D. POTTER.
McINTYRE, Martha. Age 23, marriage license May 1895.
Intended was Simson COURSER of
Rolland twp.
McINTYRE, Wallace. Age 28, marriage license Jan 1895.
Intended was Sarah GRAHAM of
Gilmore twp.
McISAAC, Kate. Married 19 June 1894 to Frank DILLON of Merrill, MI
McISAAC, Neil. Age 33, married 21 Nov 1893 to Bridget FITZGERALD of Mt. Pleasant twp.
McJAMES, Clara. Age 20, marriage license Jan 1892.
Intended was William J. MAXWELL of
Wise twp.
McKAY (?)(female) Married Mr. COON.
McKAY, Allen B. Age 31, married 5 Dec 1900 to Anna McKAY RIPPEY of Mt. Pleasant twp.
McKAY, Jane. Age 20, marriage license Apr 1899. Intended was Thomas PROUT of Denver twp.
McKAY, Mrs. Levina. Age 40, marriage license Sept/Oct
1891. Intended was John CAMPBELL
of Wise twp.
McKAY, Mrs. Louise. Age 50, marriage license July 1892.
Intended was Charles L. SHOEN of
Montcalm Co., MI
McKAY, Margaret E. Age 21, marriage license Dec 1891.
Intended was Samuel LOOMIS of
Vernon twp.
McKAY, W. J. Married Nov 1885 in Midland Co., MI to Sevina NORTON.
McKAY, William. Age 30, married 20 Apr 1898 to Lizzie LOOMIS of Mt. Pleasant twp.
McKAY, WIlliam. Age 30, marriage license Oct 1898. Intended was Elizabeth PROUT of Denver twp.
McKEEVER, George. Age 29, married 4 Oct 1889 to Kate McKEEVER of Harrison, MI
McKEEVER, Kate. Age 18, married 4 Oct 1889 to George McKEEVER of Vernon twp.
McKENNA, John D. Age 47, married 30 Aug 1888 in
Shepherd twp. to Frances E. BIGELOW
of Shepherd twp.
McKENNA, Margaret. Age 25, married 30 Apr 1889 to Dominick McGUIRE of Vernon twp.
McKENNEY, Charles. Age 28, marriage license Aug 1898.
Intended was Pearl MUSBRUSH of
Montcalm Co., MI.
McKENZIE, Isbella. Age 33, marriage license Mar 1897.
Intended was A. C. CONNER of
Mt. Pleasant twp.
McKERSEY, Thomas. Age 24, marriage license July 1890.
Intended was Sarah E. WHEELER of
Union twp.
McKESSY, (?) Married Sara WHEELER.
McKESSY, Carrie. Age 17, married 14 Mar 1889 to John GAUGIER of Union twp.
McKIBBEN, Lottie. E. Age 19, marriage license Jan 1896.
Intended was Judge STEED of
Coldwater twp.
McKIBBIN, Millie. Age 23, Marriage license July 1897. Intended was Claude SMITH of Loomis twp.
McKILLOP, Rarah L. Age 24, married 26 Dec 1891 in Denver twp. to Laura TYGERT of Denver twp.
McKINLEY, Anna E. Age 18, marriage license Nov 1888. Intended was John BURNS of Loomis twp.
McKINLEY, John B. Age 39, marriage license May 1893. Intended was Ida BOWEN of Vernon twp.
McKINNON, Albert J. Age 30, married 20 Aug 1892 in
Calkinsville twp. to Martha A. JOHNSON
of Calkinsville twp.
McKINNON, Bruce. Age 23, married 16 Feb 1891 to Edith A. HARRIS of Clare, MI.
McKINNON, Charles. Married 10 June 1894 to Mary
CONNELLY of Mt. Pleasant twp.
(see 'Deaths' first wife, Mrs. Jane McKINNON).
McKINNON, Fred. Married Feb 1900 to Myrtle CASSADY of Isabella Co., MI.
McKNIGHT, Catherine. Age 20, married 28 June 1892 in
Calkinsville twp to Hugh W. GRAHAM
of Calkinsville twp.
McKNIGHT, Wesley. Age 25, marriage license Oct/Nov
1894. Intended was Mary E. JOHNSON
of Rosebush twp.
McKNIGHT, William. Age 26, marriage license Dec 1900.
Intended was Mrs. Allie ADAMS of
Calkinsville twp.
McLAREN, Allie. Married 11 Aug 1885 in Isabella Co. to Jay ALVERSON of Grand Rapids, MI
McLAUGHLIN, Celia. Age 20, marriage license Jan 1899.
Intended was John F. DUFFY of
Lincoln twp.
McLAUGHLIN, Celia. Age 26, marriage license Feb 1899.
Intended was John F. DUFFY of
Lincoln twp. (BOTH of the above entries were in the book??)
McLAUGHLIN, David. Married June 1900 to Francis TORPY.
McLAUGHLIN, Hugh. Married 5 Oct 1881 to Mary FISHER of Saginaw, MI.
McLAUGHLIN, William H. Age 54, marriage license Apr
1890. Intended was Susanna PARKER
of OH.
McLEAN, Sarah E. Married Mar 1885 in Gladwin Co., MI to Solon R. PLUMMER.
McLEOD, Jennie. Married 2 July 1880 to James H. STEWART of Isabella Co.
McLEOD, Peter. Married 25 Dec 1879 to Mary ERVIN.
McMACKEN, Mark. Married Jan 1900 in Isabella Co to Bertha FOULKS of Ionia, MI
McMACKEN, Uriah. Age 59, marriage license June 1900.
Intended was Mary BOSTWICK
of Mt. Pleasant twp.
McMAHON, Catherine. Age 28, married 4 Sept 1899 to William BOLAND of Deerfield twp.
McMAHON, LIzzie. Age 21, married 10 Oct 1898 to George MORRISON of Deerfield twp.
McMANERAY, Minnie. Age 27, marriage license Feb 1892.
Intended was Levi C. KINGSBURY
of Reed City, MI
McMILLAN, Ernest D. Age 25, married 4 Dec 1899 to Bessie A. SHELDON of Lansing, MI
McMILLAN, Hugh. Married 31 Dec 1884 to Eliza Jane
(see 'Deaths' Hugh McMILLAN).
McMILLAN, Winfield S. Married 4 July 1883 to Mary PHILLIPS of Farwell, MI
McNAMARA, Francis. Age 30, married 28 Oct 1890 to Anna L. DIBBLE of Mt. Pleasant twp.
McNAMERA, Thomas. Married 27 June 1882 to Lizzie DIBBLE.
McNEIL, Frances Isabella. Age 32, marriage license Dec
1887. Intended was John MAY of
Clare, MI.
McNEIL, Jessie. Age 21, married 4 Sept 1899 to Ananias J. GROSZ of Mt. Pleasant twp.
McNEILL, William. Age 24, marriage license Nov 1892.
Intended was Althea LEONARD of
Gilmore twp.
McNERNEY, Miss. Married 12 Oct 1886 to Mr. CLEMENTS.
McNUTT, Joseph. Age 25, married 20 Aug 1898 to Effie REAN of Winn, MI
McNUTT, Mary Pearl. Age 25, marriage license Nov 1900.
Intended was Arthur H. BARDON
of Mt. Pleasant twp.
McQUEEN, John. Age 39, marriage license Oct 1897.
Intended was Rosa HUCKLE of
Mt. Pleasant twp.
McQUEEN, Luther. Age 28, marriage license Dec 1897.
Intended was Minnie BENTLEY of
Brinton twp.
McQUEEN, Peter. Age 40, marriage license Sept 1894.
Intended was Amanda HAWLEY of
Lincoln twp.
McQUEEN, Wilson. Age 26, marriage license Dec 1888. Intended was Mary ELLIS of Seville twp.
McQWINN, Jane. Age 28, marriage license Sept 1898. Intended was William CASE of Fremont twp.
McREAVY, John. Age 21, married 7 Nov 1894 to Anna PROUT of Isabella twp.
McREEVY, Eliza. Age 17, marriage license July 1892. Intended was Edward J. KEHLER.
McSHAY, Maggie. Age 20, marriage license July 1889.
Intended was John CRFAWFORD
of Calkinsville twp.
McSHAY, Minnie. Age 18, married 13 Nov 1890 to John J. ELLIOTT of Isabella twp.
McSWEYN, Jane. Married 7 Dec 1881 in Edmore, Montcalm. Co., MI to R. S. STANLEY.
McWATERS, Mary. Age 16, marriage license May/June 1892.
Intended was Marshall W.
BROOMFIELD of Broomfield twp.
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