Isabella Sends 23 More Men to Armed Forces

Isabella County Times-News, Thursday, May 6, 1943

Ten of Last April Group Married…Three Are Fathers


   During the  last week of April, Isabella County contributed 23 more young men to the Armed Forces of the United States.  Of this group 19 were accepted for service in the Army, two qualified for the Marine Corps, and another pair qualified for the navy.  Thirteen of the contingent were single men; 10 wre married.  Three of the married men were fathers.


   A contingent of 14 men left Mt. Pleasant this week, reporting to Fort Custer for active duty.  Clyde Roach,

402 S. Mission, Mt. Pleasant, was  acting Corporal in charge of the group.  The others in the contingent were:


   Leo Martin Neff, 631 S. Fancher, Mt. Pleasant; Oscar Wilfred Smith, Detroit; Francis Bernard Powell, Detroit; Victor Joseph Truhlar, R2, Mt. Pleasant; Burdette Denslow, Lansing; Herman Patrick Boursaw, 921 ˝ W. Michigan, Mt. Pleasant; Dean Leroy Miller, 605 Oak, Mt. pleasant; Daniel J. Fetters, Clare; Donald Kendzorski, Detroit; Leonard Ernest Schrot, 401 N. Kinney, Mt. Pleasant; Richard Louis Smith, R2, Rosebush; Kenneth William Perry, R3, Mt. Pleasant; Merlin Evart Anderson, R4, Clare.


   Registrants under the jurisdiction of the Isabella county board inducted into the Army through other boards were:


   Forest Walton Barber, Midland; Joe Charles Doop, Colusa, California; William Gonzales and Richard DeLuna, San Antonio, Texas; and Howard Dale Bannister, Flint.  The youth is colored and the sixth to be inducted from this county.


   Fred Foreman Uhl, 306 N. Fancher, Mt. Pleasant, and George Wesley Yarnell, R1, Shepherd, qualified for service in the Marines and have left for San Diego, California.


   Albert George Stangle, 617 E. Broadway, Mt. Pleasant, qualified for the navy and volunteered for Seabee service.  He was sent to Camp Peary, Magruder, Virginia.


   Walter Lewis Solsburg, Marshall, qualified for the navy and was sent to Great lakes, Illinois.



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