18 Men Inducted Into Services During Past Week

Isabella County Times-News, Thursday, April 22, 1943

13 Qualify for Arm, Four for Navy and One for Marine Corps


   A scarcity of available manpower for the Armed Forces was very much in evidence this week as announcement from the Selective Service office denoted that only 18 men were inducted during the past week as compared to much higher figures in past weeks.


   Induction releases from the local draft board office show that during the past week 13 men qualified for the Army, four for the navy and one for the Marine Corps.


   A contingent of eight men left Mt. Pleasant Wednesday morning ordered to report for active duty at Fort Custer.  The Gainard Chapter of the Red Cross furnished the Reservists with coffee, sandwiches and oranges before their departure.  Small pocket-size American flags were presented the boys by members of the Lions club, and representatives of the Gideons gave each prospective soldier a small Testament.


   Harry Frost, of Pure Oil City, was Acting Corporal in charge of the group.  Others of the small contingent were:


   Raymond Fair, R5, Mt. Pleasant; Wendell Holmes Drallette, 707 ½ East Locust, Mt. Pleasant; Robert Francis Reid, R4, Shepherd; John Ross Allan, Ferndale, John Donal Berryhil, 1401 Upton, Mt. Pleasant; Homer Lawrence Jackson, R2, Rosebush; and William Harry Spencer, R5, Mt.Pleasant.


   Thomas Joseph Vodicka, R4, Mt. Pleasant, was scheduled to report Thursday at Fort Custer.


   Chester Wyant, R1, Blanchard, waived the seven-day waiting furlough granted and was inducted April 14.


   Other registrants of the county to be inducted through other boards were: Richard Burdick, Osceloa County; Rodolfo Suarz Pinoin, Chicago, Illinois; and Cleto Rodriguez, San Antonio, Texas.


   Harry William Maxwell, Jr., of Centerline, Michigan, and a previous student resident of this city, was inducted into the marine Corps, April 14, and forwarded to San Diego, California.


   Navy enlistees during the week were:


   Dale Justin Stough, R3, Clare; Fay Lafayette Denslow, R3, Blanchard; James Earl Denton, R1, Shepherd; and Merle Edward Henry, R1, Riverdale.



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