McBRIDE, Ford. wks C Sugar Co. Rms 805 N Arnold St
McBRIDE, W Fred (Muriel) Carpenter. 805 N Arnold St (Ford)
McCABE, Cicero. Bkkpr Gorham's. 603 S Franklin St
McCABE, Harvey E (Frances) wks in Detroit. 106-1/2 N Main St (Ford)
McCABE, S James (Arvilla) Esther. 603 S Franklin St (Buick)
McCALL, C A (Adeline) Retired. 815 W Broadway (Ford)
McCALL & DEXTER, copartnership. J B McCall & E R Dexter, Agrl Impts. 111 W Broadway.
McCALL, Ernest J (Luella) V Pres & Editor Mt Pleasant Times. 206 N Lansing St.
McCALL, John B (Clara) McCall & Dexter. 309 E Wisconsin St (Chevrolet)
McCALL, J Watson (Adah) Adv Mgr Mt Pleasant Times. 304 E Lincoln St (Chevrolet)
McCALL, W Webb (Edna) Sec-Treas Mt Pleasant Times, 212 N Lansing St (Buick)
McCANN, Fr Wm J. Pastor 319 E Illinois St
McCARTHY, Miss Agnes. Teacher U S Indian School. Res same.
McCARTHY, Miss Faith. Teacher U S Indian School. Res same.
McCARTHY, John A. Druggist. 400 E Illinois St
McCARTHY, John D. Retired. 400 E Illinois St
McCARTHY, Michael E (Katherine) Beatrice. Scaler Gorham's. 321 E Wisconsin St
McCLAIN, Lee (Gertrude) Laborer. 1007 N Fancher Ave, R 5
McCLINTIC, Virgil W (Lea) Atty. 604 S Main St (Hudson)
McCONNELL, Charles M (Ellen) Pressman 212 W Locust St
McCONNELL, Clarence E (Beatrice) wks C Sugar Co 215 E Palmer Ave
McCONNELL, Frederic R (Myrtle) Pressman 221 Palmer Ave (Chevrolet)
McCORMICK, Mrs Ida (wid John) 707 N Mission St
McCORMICK, Mrs E. 920 S Normal Ave
McCOY, Harvey (Jennie) Mech U S Indian School. Res same
McCOY, Mrs Jennie. Asst Cook U S Indian School. Res same
McCUE, Miss Elizabeth. Teacher. 416 N Fancher Ave
McCUE, Miss Helen. Teacher. 416 N Fancher Ave
McCUE, Mrs John (Widow) 416 N Fancher Ave
McCUE, Miss Mary 416 N Fancher Ave
McCULLY, Philip (Marie) Retired. 109 E Bennett Ave
McCUMBER, A J (Celia) Elizabeth & Adabell. 303 E Bennett Ave (Ford)
McDONALD, Miss Carrie E. Milliner. rms 114 N Lansing St
McDONALD, Miss Celia. Hskpr. 610 E Wisconsin St
McDONALD & CODDEN, Blacksmiths 313 W Michigan St
McDONALD, James C (Marie) wks Gorham's 424 S Pine St (Ford)
McDONALD, J E (Julia) wks Gorham's 424 S Pine St
McDONALD, Miss Loretta. 610 E Wisconsin St
McDONALD, Mike (Elizabeth) Irene & Hoffman. wks Gorham's 415 S Fancher
McDONALD, Wm (Adelia) Evelyn. Blacksmith 715 N Fancher Ave (Nash)
McDONALD, Wm F (Anna) Dentist. 316 E Wisconsin St (Essex)
McDONELL, Miss Nellie. 410 S Pine St
McELHANEY, John G (Catherine) wks Gorham's 1215 N Fancher Ave R 5
McEWAN, Oscar J (Jean) Ofc Mgr C Sugar Co. 1027 S Fancher Ave (Essex)
McFARLANE, Peter J (Katherine) Retired. 117 N Fancher Ave
McGILLIS, Mrs Jennie (Wid James) 202 N Lansing St
McGILLIS, Miss Ruth E. Student. 202 N Lansing St
McGREGOR, F (Mrs) wks C Sugar Co 310 S Pine St
McGREGOR & MARSHALL, copartnership, G H McGregor & R W Marshall, Hdw 128 S Main St
McGREGOR, Wm T (Hattie) Ercell. wks Borden's 206 Adams St
McGUIRE, Joseph A (Margaret) Laborer 202 E Pickard Ave
McGUIRK, R Emmett (Margaret) Ditcher. 702 N Lansing St (Ford)
McINTYRE, Donald S (Ivadell) Ry M Clk. 211 S Kinney Ave (Buick)
McISAAC, Neil (Mary) Laborer 122 N Kinney Ave
McKENZIE, Fred (Lena) Laborer. E Pickard St R 8
McKNIGHT BEAUTY & SPECIALTY SHOPPE, Mr & Mrs G F McKnight. 201-1/2 S Main St
McKNIGHT, George F (Julia A) 203 Chippewa St (Hudson)
McLACHLAN, Donald (Caroline) Retired. 406 E Cherry St
McLAIN, John B (Lousie) Arav Slsm. 204 W Illinois St (Buick)
McMACKEN, Mark L (Bertha) Auto Slsm 305 S Main St
McMAHON, Timothy (Minnie) Farmer. 921 W Broadway
McMANAMAN, Edward. wks Ann Arbor Ry. Rms 310 S Main St
McMANAMAN, James W (Florence) Clerk P O. 320 N Main St (Ford)
McMILLEN, W S (Mary) Retired. 426 S Washington St (Dort)
McMULLEN, Mrs A (widow) 110 W Wisconsin St
McNAMARA, Miss Catherine. 406 E Michigan St
McNAMARA, James (Catherine) Margaret. Retired. 406 E Michigan St
McNEIL, Orus E (Knez) 425 S Mission (Overland)
McNEILL, Mrs Sadie J. Clerk C E Hagan Co. 802 S Main St (Ford)
McNERNEY, Patrick H (Catherine) Auto Slsm. 610 S Illinois St
McNUTT, John F (Hester L) 209 Chippewa St (Nash)
McPHAUL, Daniel (Anna) Retired. 520 S Lansing St (Ford)
McPHAUL, Miss Katherine, Sec-Treas C E Hagan Co 520 S Lansing St
MacDONALD, Mrs R H (Widow) E High St R 4
MacDILLIVORY, Mrs Shirley. 305 E High St
MacDONELL, Alex A (Mae) 512 S Lansing St (Buick)
MacGILLIVRAY, George H (Sarah E) Druggist 403 S Normal Ave (Studebaker)
MacGREGOR, Mrs Florence. Bkkpr C Sugar Co 310 Pine St
MacGREGOR, Ray B (Florence) wks C Sugar Co 310 Pine St
MacRAE, Albert D (Esther) Contr. 402 E Bellow St (Hup & Ford)
MacRAE, Mrs Frances (Wid F J) 1404 E Broadway R 8
MacRAE, Miss Isabel. Teacher. 1404 E Broadway R 8 (Chevrolet)
MAEDER, John G (Emma) Retired. E High St R 4
MAEDER, Miss Minnie. Domestic 903 S Main St
MALLOY, Daniel (Mrs) Retired. 324 N Kinney Ave
MANCHESTER, Mrs Irene (Wid O) 1020 S Main St
MARINER, Mrs Sarah (Wid George) 713 E Michigan St
MARSH, Mrs Nettie (Wid Chas E) 603 S Kinney St
MARSH, Rolland (Aleta) 906 S Douglas St (Spec 6)
MARSHALL, Miss Fay. Bkkpr Barhard's. rms 222 S Arnold Ave
MARSHALL, Mrs Jennie E (Widow) Tailoress. 106-1/2 N Main St
MARSHALL, Roy W (Ethel) McGregor & Marshall. 510 E Wisconsin St
MARTIN, Clare. Groc Clerk. 426 S Fancher Ave
MARTIN, Wm (Mrs) Nina & Golda. Florist 4426 S Fancher Ave (Buick)
MASON, Frank (Mrs) Laborer. 424 N Lansing St (Chevrolet)
MASTEN, Peter F (Ella) Mach Borden's. 312 N Main St (Nash)
MASTEN, Stanley (Greta) wks Borden's. 708 N Lansing St (Ford)
MASTER, Jacob (Sarah) Daisy. Retired. 4-6 S Pine St (Ford)
MAURER, David H (Abbie) Retired. 1026 S Fancher Ave (Ford)
MAXWELL, Mrs Alma (Wid John) 425 S Normal Ave
MAXWELL, C Louis (Harriet) Mary & Louise. Blacksmith. 411 E Michigan St
MAXWELL, W B (Ada) Farmer. E High R 4 (Buick)
MAXWELL, Wm W (Mabel) Acetylene & Elec Weldg. 1018 S Franklin St
MAYBEE, Mynard E. Student. 1027 S Franklin St
MEAD, Chauncey H (Elizabeth) Plumber. 506 S Franklin St (Ford)
MEAD, Miss Estella. Clerk. rms 307 S Main St
MEAD, Frank A., Auto Slsm. 506 S Franklin St
MEAD, Harry J (Emma) Barber. 310 Bennett Ave (Chevrolet)
MEADE, Mrs Cora. rms 625 S Lansing St
MEFFERT, Mrs Emma R. Asst Matron U S Indian School. Res same
MELLE, George (Mary) Tmstr 900 N Kinney Ave (Ford)
MELLS, Edward H (Eva) Ruth. 314 W Michigan St (Nash)
MENEREY, Mrs Edna B (Widow) Ins & Abstractor. 302 E Wisconsin St
MERRIHEW, Miss Eva. Maid. 124 N Fancher St
MERRILL, Ernest J (Pearl) Teacher. 420 S Main St
MERRILL, John (Emma) Condtr P M Ry. 507 N Normal Ave (Ford)
MERRITT, Raymond M (Gladys) 816 S Franklin St (Ford)
MERRITT, Walter. Retired 816 S Franklin St (Ford)
METZ, Miss Sadie. Stenog. 701 S Normal Ave
MEYERS, Charles J (Amelia) Harry & Walter. Real Est. 502 S Normal Ave
MEYERS, Miss Flossie E. Waitress. rms 422 N Main St
MEYERS, Frank. Cook. 215-1/2 E Broadway
MEYERS, John (Tillie) 423 N Lansing St (Ford)
MICHIGAN FUEL CO., copartnership. Jno F & W F Hileman Props. 421 W Maple St
MIDWAY RESTAURANT (The) Hammond Bros Props. 131 S Main St
MILES, Miss Anna. Teacher 1215 N Fancher Ave R 5 (Ford)
MILES, Henry E (Nellie) Auto Painters. 215 N Fancher Ave (Ford)
MILLER, Mrs Albert (Wid Albert) 208 N Mission St
MILLER, Elmer (Mrs) Truck Driver 1026 S Normal Ave
MILLER, George W 507 S Normal Ave
MILLER, Harry A (Rosalie) Teacher. rms 304 E High St (Chevrolet)
MILLER, Mrs Jennie (Wid Albert) 208 N Mission St
MILLER, Miss Mary. E Pickard St R 8
MILLER, Mrs Rosalie. Bkkpr Mt Pleasant Times. rms 304 E High St
MILLOY, Thomas M (Grace M) Elect 1017 E Broadway (Chevrolet)
MILLOY, Thomas M Elect Service, Elect Con & Supplies. 115 S Main St
MINDEL, Wm (Mae) Meat Cutter. 209 S Fancher Ave (Ford)
MINOR, VanLeu (Etta) Doris. Teacher 906 S Main St (Oakland)
MINTO-BOULTON CO., copartnership, Geo F Minto & Henry Boulton. Clothing, Shoes, Men's and
Boys' Furnishings. 106 S Main St
MITCHELL, floyd (Mabel) Marion & Esther. Banker 225 N Main St (Cadillac)
MITCHELL, Fred. Dairyman U S Indian School. Res same
MOGG, Henry (Amanda) Laborer 1013 E Broadway
MOGG, Peter S (Gracie) Mach 1028 S Main St (Buick & Ford)
MOLONEY, Edward. wks A A Ry. E Pickard St, R 8
MONROE, Ray O (Olive) Mgr Con Power co. 519 S Fancher St (Buick)
MONTGOMERY, Mrs Noah (Wid N D) Teacher. 207 N Lansing St
MOODY, Charles A (Etta) Ethel & Mildreth. 1021 E Franklin St (Dort)
MOODY, Orland C (Libby) Audrey. wks Gorham's 306 W High St
MOODY, William H (Rachel) Retired. 1023 S Franklin St (Overland)
MOORE, A J (May) Auto Dealer. 213-1/2 S Main St
MOORE, Chas A (Elizabeth) Trav Slsm 410 N Lansing St
MOORE, Claude (Laura) Hope. Carpenter. 613 S Oak St (Chevrolet)
MOORE, Daivd (Clara) Retired. 812 N Fancher Ave
MOORE, Henry H (Lua) Trav Slsm. 420 S Lansing St (Studebaker)
MOORE, Mrs Lillian. Clerk. 410 S Arnold St
MOORE, R Earl (Lillian) Meat Cutter. 410 S Arnold Ave
MOORE, Theodore (Lulu) Painter. 605 S Kinney Ave
MORGAN, Henry (Mrs) Audrey. Pastor. 207 N Fancher Ave
MORRISON & DAINS, copartnership. S R Morrison & F S Dains, Lumber & Builders' Supplies. 221
W Michigan St
MORRISON, E D (Ella) Majorie E & Phillis. 421 N Normal Ave (Ford)
MORRISON, Henry (Mrs) Helen. Retired 317 N Franklin St
MORRISON, Mrs Mary B. Deputy County Treas. 612 S Main St
MORRISON, Samuel R (Eva B) Morrison & Dains. 609 S Normal Ave (Willys-K)
MORRISON, Wesley J (Mary B) County Treas. 612 Main St (Chevrolet)
MORRISON, W J. Laborer. 301 W Maple St
MORSE, O B (Alma) Dairyman. S Franklin St
MORTON, Emery O (Josie) Grocer. 708 S Fancher Ave (Buick)
MORTON, Lucius W (Melinda) Retired. 409 N Mission St
MORTON, Sidney O (Sarah) wks Gorham's 808 S Washington St (Buick)
MORTON & SIMONDS, Groceries & Meats. 201-3 E Broadway
MORTON, Walter F (Lauree) wks Amer Ry Ex 409 N Mission St (Ford)
MOSHER, Mrs Ada J (Wid Alex) 303 Livingston St
MOSHER, Clinton. wks Gorham's 417 W Maple St
MOSHER, Julian P (Annie) Clo Clerk. Chippewa St
MOSHER, Mrs Leon (Wid John) 203 S Mission St
MOSHER, Mrs Mable (Widow) 513 S Lansing St
MOYER, Ward L (Minnie) Majorie. Hdw Clk 621 Pine St (Ford)
MULL, John (Elsie) Laborer. 609 S Arnold St
MULLET, Harvey E (Grace) R M Carrier. 302 S Mission St (Star)
MULLER, E B & Co. M T Young Mgr. 201 E Pickard St
MULLINS, Wm A (Florence) Tel Opr W Union. 819 S Franklin St (Star)
MUMY, Mrs Floyd (Widow) Domestic. 420 S Oak St (Ford)
MUNRO HOUSE, Mrs R G Munro Prop. 125 N Main St
MURPHY, Dennis (Nellie) Retired. 315 E Bellows St (Buick)
MURPHY, Edward. Eng C Sugar Co. 704 N Fancher Ave
MURPHY, James (Irene) wks Co Rd Com. 1105 E Broadway
MURPHY, John. Electrician. 415 S Kinney Ave (Chevrolet)
MURPHY, Mrs John (Widow) 415 S Kinney Ave
MURPHY, John R (Lina) wks P M Rd 712 N Lansing St (Chevrolet)
MURPHY, Miss Katherine. Teacher 415 S Kenney Ave
MURPHY, Michael (Catherine) Retired. 1105 E Broadway
MURTHA, Miss Cilla. Hskpr. 422 S Washington St
MURTHA, George. Retired. 422 S Washington St
MURRAY, Cletus. Slsm. 218 S Washington St
MURRAY, Mrs Mary A (Wid Wm) 218 N Washington Ave
MUTERSPAUGH, Mrs Cora (Wid A R ) 1028 S Franklin St
MUTUAL OIL CO, A R Sheffield Agt. 315 N Lansing St
MT PLEASANT ACCESSORY CO, copartnership, Clifford Ruhle & A J Moore, dodge & Chrysler Sales
and Service 213 S Main St
MT PLEASANT AUTO ELECTRIC, John T Davenport Prop. 110 Court St
MT PLEASANT Co-operative Elev Co, a corp. Ray Hoyle Pres, R N Kennedy V Pres, W J Hazlewood Secy-
Treas & Mgr. 301 E Pickard St
MT PLEASANT CREAMERY, W A Parrotte Prop. 209 W Michigan St
MT PLEASANT DRUG CO, copartnership, Chas E Smith, Leo F Brandell and J F Hackett. 201 S Main
MT PLEASANT GREENHOUSES, Walter W Caple Prop. W Broadway
MT PLEASANT Hdw & Furn Co, a corporation, E J Bonnell Pres, Wm B Webb V Pres, E A Bixby Sec-
Treas. 100-2-4 S Main St
MT PLEASANT LAUNDRY, Duane Smith Prop. 108 Court St
MT PLEASANT LUMBER CO, a corporation, W D Hood Pres, G A Bugbee V Pres, C A Hood Sec-Treas,
412 W Broadway
MT PLEASANT PUBLIC LIBRARY, Miss Mary M Osgood Librarian. 301 S Normal St
MT PLEASANT TIMES (Weekly), a corp. J N McCall Pres, E J McCall V Pres, W Webb McCall Sec-
Treas. 215 W Broadway
MYERS, COOPER & WATSON, Real Estate & Ins. 127 E Broadway
MYERS, Charles E (Lucile) Mech. 817 W Broadway (Saxon)
MYERS, Charles J (Amelia) Real Est & Ins. 502 S Normal Ave (Nash)
NAGLE, Chas L (Clara) Norma. Laborer. 1006 S Main St
NARLOCK, Fr Adalbert. Pastor. 319 E Illinois St
NATZEL, Goerge A. wks Gorham's. Rms 310 N Kinney Ave
NAUMES, Martin (Elizabeth) Helen, Joseph & Genevieve. Runs Nash Garage. 634 S Normal (Nash)
NEAL, A E (Edna) Mason. E High St R 4 (Dodge)
NEAL, M R (Laura) Carpenter. 713 E Locust St
NEEBES, Miss Frances. Student. E Wisconsin St
NEEBES, Fred W (Carrie) George. Slsm. 401 S Elizabeth St
NEEBES, John (Flora) Frances. Retired. 321 S Elizabeth St
NEELLEY, James N. Retired. 806 S Main St
NEERING, Thomas J (Irene) Fore C Sugar Co. 604 N Main St (Chevrolet)
NEFF, Mrs Cecelia (Wid Wendell) Cook. 314 N Normal Ave
NEFF, Jacob (Ruth) Retired. 222 E Illinois St (Essex)
NEFF, John M (Therese) Irma & Leo. Retired. 332 S Normal Ave (Dodge & Overland)
NEFF, Mrs Mabel (Wid Albert) Bkkpr. 508 Normal Ave (Chevrolet)
NELSON, Miss Kittie A. Waitress. Rms 408 S Lansing St
NELSON, Mrs Rae, Maxine. 421 S Washington St
NELSON, Raymond G (Ethel) Taxi Driver. 901 S Franklin St (Nash)
NEWBERRY, Walter (Mrs) Louise. Retired. 415 E Chippewa St (Nash)
NEW IDEA MILLINERY SHIP, Miss Rae Timmons, 120 E Broadway
NIFFEN, Miss Nina. 425 S Mission St
NICKELS, MERTZ & CO., W C Williams Mgr. 108-10 E Broadway
NICHOLS, Albert R (Emma) Slsm 620 S Pine St (Dodge)
NICHOLS, Mrs Alice M (Widow) Grocer. 206 Harris St
NIXON, L F (Myrtie) Farmer. 320 W Locust St (Ford)
NIXON, Mrs Sabra (Wid Jacob) Domestic. Maxwell St R 1
NOHL, Daniel A (Louise) Brick Mason. 717 E Michigan St (Buick)
NOIRE, Miss Ottilie. Teacher, U S Indian School, Res same
NORTHEY, Aaron N (May) Elect. N Washington St
NORTHWAY, Roy A (Nann) Osteopathic Physician. 810 S Main St (Hudson)
NORMAL DRUG & BOOK STORE, J A McCarthy Prop. 115 S Main St
NOWLAND, Charles S. Laborer. 508 N Normal Ave.
1999 - 2009
by Donna
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