F. C. NORRIS of Port Huron has been in the city this week.
Julius H. CHILDS has been appointed postmaster at Millbrook.
Judge DODDS has been engaged to deliver the Forth of July address at Harrison.
Joe DIXON, Edwin RUSSELL and Lansing WING of Vernon were in the city Tuesday.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert LAUGHLIN spent several days recently on a trip to Baldwin.
Dave SEITNER of St. Louis visited his brothers here over Sunday, making the trip by wheel.
Mrs. F. C. FISTLER and son, Dwight, have returned from their visit with Cleveland relatives.
J. A. LIVINGSTON is putting a walk composed of ashes and gravel past his home on Fancher Ave.
Supervisor RAKESTRAW of the Indian educational burear is giving the government school its regular inspection.
Mrs. D. E. LYON has gone on a visit to Cleveland from where she will join the excursionists to California the first of July.
Professor McKENNY heads the list of instructors at the Clinton county normal institute at Clinton, Iowa, held June 21st to July 2nd.
Harry CHATTERTON from Bowling Green is home for a two week’s visit, accompanied by a friend from that place, Phillip HAMMOND.
W. DOUGHTY, G. A. CHATTERTON and E. D. WHEATON went Monday to Baldwin to participate in the excellent fishing that abounds in that vicinity.
Robert KANE taught school for Peter McCORMICK this week, allowing the latter to take the examinations preparatory to graduating from the Normal.
C. M. C. COOK’S brother, S. M. COOK, of Mungin, Wood County, Ohio, has sold his forty acres with the oil right, for $6,000 and expects to move soon to southern California.
A special meeting of the Woman’s Club is called for Monday afternoon, June 21st, at the home of Mrs. Mattie A. DODDS. The object at the meeting is to decide upon the work for the next year.
Mr. & Mrs. W. J. BENN have returned from their visit to Washington, and are delighted with the beauties of a spring ride across the mountains. They report much enjoyment in Washington, Arlington Heights, Mt. Vernon and other points of present and historic interests.
Mrs. Cora GREEN of Laingsburg visited in the city a few days this week. She brought the intelligence of the death and burial of Mrs. Mary HARDER, in Lainsburg, the week previous. Mrs. HARDER will be better remembered here as Mrs. Mary J. SWAN.
Mr. & Mrs. Watts CHATTERTON started for the Bechtel farm Monday morning and on High street their horse ran away. The carriage was overturned with its occupants underneath the box, and when they succeeded in extracting themselves it was found that Mrs. CHATTERTON had a broken arm as well as numerous minor bruises. The carriage was fit[?[, subject for a blacksmith shop.
One regretful item in the re-organization of the normal school corps is the loss of Prof. W. H. WILCOX, teacher of English and rhetorie.[?] Mr. WILCOX has made a most creditable record the past year and his teaching has been of the sort that thoroughly imbues the class before him with the whole spirit of his subject. He was very popular as well thorough and his many acquaintances here wish him the fullest success in his future fields.
To late for last issue:
George and Bert STAVELY and Willet HAMMOND have a wood job on the O. G. BRUBAKER place.
O. T. GIRADIN is suffering with one of Job’s comfortors[?] on his head.
C. DRAPER has traded horses with the horse jockeys.
Mrs. May AYLEWORTH was at Mt. Pleasant Tuesday.
G. H. ALLEN and A. MILLER took a trip to Grand Rapids Sunday.
Ed WHITE was at Clare Friday.
Shannon CORNELL and Mrs. Mary HALSTEAD were in town Monday.
Al BEARS is laid up with a boil on his arm.
To late for last issue:
Mrs. L. N. SHEPHERD is building a new house on her farm west of town.
Fred BABBITT has a large order for bee hives to fill.
Mr. BURDUCK has his new store nearly finished.
Elijah LENOX is enlarging his shop.
H. ALABAR is finishing his house.
R. F. GIBBS is doing a first-class livery business.
S. A. LETSON, H. L. LETSON, Cecil ALLEN, Ed BEALS, C. St. JOHNS and J. A. FITCH, all of Brinton, were in town Tuesday.
Mr. & Mrs. Ed BRUBAKER were at Brinton Monday.
S. J. WEIDMAN is putting a new coat of paint on his house.
Mr. STURDEVANT is putting a new porch on front of his store.
Bob AYLSWOTH went to Sherman Tuesday.
To late for last issue:
We forgot to mention last week the surprise party. One week ago last Saturday evening, after their regular review, the Ladies of Loomis Hive marched to the home of Lady Belle BROWN, and with a few appropriate remarks, presented her with a very pretty rocking chair.
Georg MILLS is moving his family into Mrs. SUNOLEN’S tenant house, next to the post-office.
O. BENNETT and sister, Mrs. Betsey SMITH, and Mrs. W. R. WILLIAMS and Mrs. M. B. CONKLIN drove down and spent the day with Mr. & Mrs. J. D. HURSH, who now live four and a half miles north of Coleman, one day this week. Mr. HURSH is engaged getting out bark and ties.
While O. BENNETT was at his home at Vassar a few days ago, he purchased his wife a Columbia bicycle. Mrs. BENNETT writes that she has learned to ride her wheel quite well, and finds it beneficial to her health.
Miss Vernie MILLS returned Wednesday morning from Coleman, where she had been visiting since last Friday.
Frank SKRING and wife, J. R. GOODMAN and Mrs. Belle SKRING drove to Farwell last Sunday and spent the day with Mr. & Mrs. Frank BROWN.
O. H. WHITEHEAD and wife of North Bradley drove up and spend Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. M. B. CONKLIN.
Mrs. C. E. BOWMAN and daughter Bessie and Miss Delia BURDICK drove over to Crawford last Friday after school, where they visited with Miss BURDICK’S family, and took drives through the surrounding country, visiting Shepherd and the county house. They returned to Loomis Sunday evening.
Frank SKYRING [as appeared in article] is putting a large door in his house next to the sidewalk, moving the fence and getting ready to open up a new post office. S. C. ZEITER, who will take the office June 1st, has chosen his daughter, Mrs. Frank SKYING, [as appeared in article] as his deputy.
N. MORDEN and M. EBERHERT have taken a job of building forty rods of road between sections 19 and 29.
Mrs. MILLS is slowly improving in health.
Charles SHERMAN is raising his house this week preparatory to building a cellar.
Miss Lizzie NICHOLS, who has been visiting her sister, Miss Cassle, returned to her home in Loomis Wednesday.
Mr. & Mrs. NELANDS, Mrs. STRUBLE, Miss McCUTCHIE, Blanche and Arthur MILLS, Olive BOODY, Kate and Myrtle PALMER and others attended the S. S. Conventin near Whiteville. All report a fine program.
The west school closes Friday. Mr. GRAHAM of Gilmore has been engaged for the next term.
The east school closes next week. Miss NICHOLS will give a picnic the last day.
W. MILLS was in Weidman Monday.
Allie HICKS is visiting friends in Ashley. He made the journey on his bike.
Miss Minnie McCUTCHIE returned to her home at Wesley Tuesday. She made many friends during her short sojourn among us, and will be missed in the church and Sabbath school, in which she took an active part.
Mrs. SCOTT of Ionia, is visiting at the home of her son, W. MILLS.
South Deerfield
The school in district No. 1, taught by Mrs. Clarence RUTHRUFF, closed on Friday last with a picnic near the lake by the school house, with a program, consisting of songs and recitations. The school at Cedar Creek Junction joined with them, and all report a good time.
Mrs. John WILLIAMS is confined to her bed with dropsy.
Mrs. Ed. HAMILTON is quite ill.
Mrs. John CAREY met with an accident Thursday night of last week, by falling down stairs. No bones were broken, but she received a general shaking up and several bruises.
John UNDERWOOD of Fremont spent Sunday at Cedar Creek Junction.
Miss Edith ACKERMAN is rapidly improving in health and is able to be out again.
George L. GRANGER and George HICKS of Mt. Pleasant were out fishing at Cedar Creek and Chippewa River on Monday.
Franklin RHODES and Freddie spend an afternoon on the banks of Cedar Creek and Chippewa River fishing for speckled beauties.
Born to Mr. & Mrs. David RUSSELL, a twelve pound girl.
Erwin HERION returned last week from Tennessee.
Mrs. BLAKE is on the sick list this week.
The Indians will hold a three day grove meeting in their grove west of Leaton, June 25th, 26th and 27th.
Rev. Mr. KNOWLES and Miss Clara BOOTH of Alma made a short address at the children’s day exercises at Wise Sunday.
William LACKEY has traded his wagon for a cow [transcribers gr. Uncle]
Mr. FRASIER is getting the Harris engine ready for threshing this fall.
Little Alex DUNLOP walked into a bed of coals and burned both his fee very badly. [gr. Son of transcribers great aunt - Esther Bowen DUNLOP]
Advent town
The social at Frank WILDER’s was well attended and a good time reported. The proceeds amounted to $6.15.
A band of gypsies passed through here last week. They had cinnamon bears, dogs and monkeys. They did not show in town for money was scarce - but Oh, what beggars!
D. H. NELSON is stocking his farm with some fine cattle.
Frank STILLWELL has traded a horse for a cow and calf, but the cow is very sick. He lost a horse last Sunday.
M. G. SMITH and wife of Clare have been visiting their daughter and taking in the Baptist Association at Chippewa.
Wesley MARTIN and wife were visiting friends in Clare and vicinity Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. John BAMBOROUGH started for Ionia county Monday afternoon, where they will visit friends and relatives. They expect to go to Chicago to visit their son Mason before they return.
The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Church of Chippewa will meet with Mr. & Mrs. SUZOR in the afternoon for tea and will have an ice cream and strawberry social at night, Friday, June 25th. Bill 10 cents.
Advertised Letters
Following is the list of advertised letters for the week ending June 14, 1897:
Nella GREEN, Mr. HOLMES, Mr. ISAAC, M. KRANSUECK, Ida RUSSETTE. When calling for these letters please say “advertised.”
[transcribed by Barbara Lesser - Aug 2004]