VOL. XXXILL                                                                   NUMBER 18


SHAFER’S shingle mill is cutting 35,000 shingles a day and working a full force.


Marriage licenses this week:

Jesse TURNEY, 44 - Broomfield twp and Emma OTNENS, 44 of same

James Bion HENNING, 26 - Leaton twp and Julia TRAUTMAN, 26 of Molenc?

Wilson MAGEN, 22 of Broomfield twp and Pearl BOODY, 26 of same


The new pension board for Isabella county organized Wednesday. The board is now composed of Drs. PULLEN, SWEATLAND and KEENE. Dr. KEENE was elected chairman; Dr. PULLEN secretary and Dr. SWEATLAND treasurer.


Congressman Sam SMITH has had Seymour FOSTER appointed postmaster at Lansing. Mr. FOSTER will be remembered by some of our people as the representative from Ingham who assisted in passing our Normal School bill. We congratulate him.


I. N. CONRAD is making 300 cast iron climax basket forms for the GORHAM BROS. CO., and also 300 iron forms for peach baskets.


The market question is again before the Business Men’s Association, which discussed it for two hours Monday morning, and finally put the matter into the hands of a committee composed of M. E. KABE, D. RODMAN, S. W. HOPKINS, Thomas GRAY and C. M. BROOKS, to report what can be done to provide a market for the farmers the year round.


Miss Anna B. HERRIG entertained her mother from Saginaw last week.


Harry MILLER came home Friday from Ann Arbor where he had been on a visit.


Frank BRAZEE came home Monday from the south where he had been the past year.


Dr. SOUTHWICK attended the State Dental Association held in Battle Creek this week.


During the absence of W. W. COX at the Slagle, Will SMITH attended to the drug store.


Hugh BRODIE graduated in De Funika Springs, Florida, from a normal school last week.


H. H. GRAVES and Fred DOUGHTY went to Lake George Tuesday, for a couple week’s sports.


Mason BAMBOROUGH has been admitted to the bar at Chicago. We congratulate him upon his success.


D. Scott PARTRIDGE was present at the meeting of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine at Detroit this past week.


Mesdames, STURGES and CHATTERTON from Lansing, sisters of J. E. And G. A. CHATTERTON, are here on a visit.


Frank WHITEHEAD has been looking over the basket making plants in Allegan county. He went last Friday.


Oliver H. ADAMS and A. S. FAY of Shepherd, both brought their wool to the Mt. Pleasant market this week.


Chas. F. TAMBLING was summoned to Oberlin, Wednesday, by a telegram announcing that his father was very sick.


Mr. & Mrs. W. J. BENN started last Saturday for Washington, D. C., where Mr. BENN will attend the national convention of railway agents.


Mr. & Mrs. A. E. GORHAM went to Cleveland Wednesday to attend the wedding of their cousin, Miss Edna GORHAM, which took place the 10th.


Mrs. Margaret MALLORY from Gratiot county has been here visiting her parents and sisters, Mr. & Mrs. C. W. McKASSEY, Mrs. GAUGIER and Mrs. AUDLIN.


Dr. BASKERVILLE, from Detroit, a recent graduate, has been visiting relatives in the city and looking for a place to commence the practice of his profession.


Dr. & Mrs. C. D. PULLEN went yesterday to Chicago where the doctor will spend a couple of weeks in hospital work and his wife in visiting friends. They will return June 23rd.


The semi-annual election of Odd Fellow officers occurred Friday night as follows: Noble Grand, J. W. HERSEY; Vice Grand, Chester A. KELLOGG; Secretary, Lew SHINN; Treasurer, L. E. ROYAL.


Mrs. WALKER of Ithaca, who has been visiting at her son, Henry WALKER’s, the past three months, went home Friday. She has had a severe illness since coming to Mt. Pleasant, and has hardly recovered.


T. R. SMITH of Lawton, the new wide awake state oil inspector, visited Mt. Pleasant Wednesday, and made this office a pleasant call. He thinks Mt. Pleasant should hustle to develope the coal find into something tangible. It is too valuable to be left to itself.


Mrs. T. J. BARBER received a dispatch Sunday that her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth HAINES in Aranac was very low and she started Monday morning to see her. Mrs. HAINES has since died and Mr. BARBER and Misses Blanche and Myrtle have gone to attend the funeral.


Miss Bessie WIGHTMAN has been engaged as teacher of drawing in the Central Michigan Normal School. Miss WIGHTMAN is a graduate of our high school, and has been a successful teacher here and at Ludington and is now given this place after a successful course in drawing at Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti.


W. N. SPEIR, the late farmer at the Indian Industrial school, who came here from Colorado, has been transferred and gone to Winnebago, Nebraska.


James S. KENNEDY, principal of the Coleman school last year has been retained for next year. Mr. KENNEDY was one of the first graduates from the Central State Normal, and we are glad that his success is so good.


Elders COOK, COLBURN, and GREEN of the Church of Christ, with perhaps half a dozen others, have gone to attend the quarterly convention of the fifth district of M. C. M. A.


Mrs. Henry CRAPO has a sister here from Toledo visiting her. Wednesday afternoon the Lady Maccabees met at Mrs. CRAPO’S and spent the afternoon taking their supper, along with them and making the party a surprise to the ladies.


Stratton D. BROOKS has been re-elected superintendent of the Adrian school for another year at an increase of salary. This is an unusual occurrence this year, as the salaries in many schools are being reduced instead of made larger, and speaks very well for the superintendent.


Mrs. George DOUGHERTY went last week to Morris, Minnesota, where Mr. DOUGHERTY has the position of farmer in the government school, and where she has been selected matron. The evening before her departure she was given a reception by the D. Of R., at Mrs. George REED’S.


A proclamation has been issued from the governor’s office asking the citizens of the state of Michigan to observe flag day next Monday. Show your patriotism and hang out your flags. This is the 120th anniversary of the adoption of the stars and stripes as our national banner.


Roy WHITEHEAD was eight years old Wednesday, and he wished that the even should be properly noted.


H. ALPERN entertained a house full of guests Wednesday at the naming of their baby boy. Rabbi FRISH of Bay City was present, also W. NETZORG of Ithaca, who acted as godfather. The guests from out of the city were: Mr. & Mrs. S. BUCKNER and family from Luther; Mrs. H. HIRSHBURG of Elk Rapids; P. BLUMENTHAL of West Branch; W. NETZORG of Ithaca, and Mrs. ALPERN’S mother, Mrs. B. HILL from Bay City.


The Mt. Pleasant Woman’s club, will meat at the home of Mrs. John PARKER, on Monday, June 14.


The ladies aid society of the Baptist church will give another of their most popular teas at Mrs. R. T. BELLARD’S next Wednesday afternoon.


Charles Y. ABRAHAMSON, a native Armenian who has been attending college in this country, is on a lecturing tour through the states, raising money to send back to his home to alleviate the sufferings there.


[transcribed by Barbara Lesser - Aug 2004]