Mrs. Lee TURNER has been visiting relatives in Clare.
R. H. WILLIAMS made a business trip to Grand Rapids Tuesday.
Tom YOUNG, a brother of Register YOUNG, is here from Ohio on a visit.
Mrs. Walter SPOONER is spending a few days at her former home in Ithaca.
Mrs. GLOVER returned to Cassapolis yesterday after a visit at her daughter’s, Mrs. J. F. RYAN.
Mrs. John Y. PIERCE and baby returned Monday from a visit to her parents in Deerfield.
H. N. ROSE of Barryton and George BLESCH of Brinton made a flying business trip to the city yesterday.
Mrs. Grace FASQUELLE has completed her studies at Ann Arbor for this year and is at home for the summer.
E. D. FROST from Allegan is in the city again this season buying wool.
John A. DREW from the upper peninsula is visiting around the county and looking up evidence in his pension case.
George RELYEA, who has been visiting his parents for the past ten days, returned to his home at Joilet, Illinois on Saturday.
Master Chester GORHAM’S 6th birthday is celebrated tomorrow by a party in which fifty happy little people have been invited.
Harry DINGMAN is in Shepardsville working in a telegraph office. He expects to move his family from Calkinsville here soon.
J. E. DAY has completed for Van LEUVEN & BARBER, a handsome policy cabinet that is a very convenient piece of office furniture.
Wesley PATTERSON from Toronto has leased the DINGMAN farm in Isabella, and Mrs. DINGMAN is paying visits to different parts of the state.
Arthur FLEURY of Stouffville, Ontario, the moulder in the Foundry and Plow Company’s shop, has arrived and everything is in readiness to do a good business.
Mrs. George DOUGHERTY is going to join her husband at Morris, Minnesota in a short time. She has the position of matron of the government Indian school there.
Circuit Court
The following cases have been disposed of at this term of circuit court.
Joel DEGEAR vs. Barbery A. DEGEAR - divorce; decree granted.
Emma ZEIGLER vs. Elias ZEIGLER, divorce; decree granted.
Peter McCANN was admitted to citizenship.
Congressman MESICK has returned to Washington. Mrs. MESICK has so far recovered from her late dangerous illness that he feels it safe to leave her.
John PETERSON has sent home for seeds to plant on his farm in Houghton County. He has homesteaded some good land, got a clear title and is going in for making a fine home of it.
The daughter of William RUSSELL of Clare, aged 13 years, was struck by the east bound F. & P. M. Passenger train Monday afternoon and instantly killed. She started to cross the track in front of the engine. The engineer was exonerated from all blame of the accident.
The High School Ovid class gave a reception to their teacher, Miss Mable BISHOP, Tuesday evening at the home of one of their members, Miss Anna MURTIN.
Supt. SPENCER and A. S. CONTANT returned yesterday from a very delightful trip to Washington. They busied themselves with the Indian department in the interest of the government school new buildings.
The Chippewa Baptist aid society will have an ice cream social at the home of James LEIBY on Wednesday evening.
C. E. HAEFNER returned to his home in Charlotte Tuesday, after spending a few days here with his daughter, Mrs. Fred GOLDSBOROUGH.
Charles WARD of North Bradley was a pleasant caller at the office Monday. Mr. WARD formerly lived in the city, but for several years past has been on a farm in Gilmore, and is now a resident of North Bradley.
Sheriff MOGG went to Jackson Tuesday, taking with him two prisoners, Bert TODD and John ELLIS, convicted in the circuit court and each sentenced to ten years imprisonment at hard labor.
On account of his father’s illness, Cash HARRIS was summoned home from Kansas City, and reached here Saturday. Upon his arrival he found Mr. HARRIS’s condition improving and he returned to his work again on Wednesday.
Though spending most of his time in Brinton, O. T. GIRTHLIN [ink blurred, but this is what I assume the name is] has kept a home furnished in this city ever since he went out of business here until this week, when he shipped the goods to Brinton. He will dispose of his property here come spring.
Charles HARRINGTON, who has driven the oil wagon for some time past, has sold the business to H. H. BRAGGIRS and will go into other work in Toledo. Mr. HARRINGTON is an earnest worker in the Epworth League, and was given a surprise party by the member of that society Monday night.
William CARNAHAN drove over to Hubbardston on Wednesday and will remain over the 31st to take part in the Memorial day exercise with the G. A. R. Post there, where he is a member. Mrs. Susan PROSEUS, Mrs. CARNAHAN’S mother, who has spent the winter with the family here, returned home to Hubbardston with him.
After a lapse of twenty-six years, Bert TRUMBLE paid a visit to the city one day this week. Way back in the 70's Mr. TRUMBLE, then a youth of tender years, entered the Enterprise office to learn the trade and remained three years. Since that time he has been identified with the newspaper work in different capacities and is now the manager of the state-circulation of the Saginaw Courier-Herald.
Henry JAMES drove over to Barryton, Tuesday, on business. While there he met several friends, among them Herbert N. ROSE, who is very comfortably situated and has a good practice.
Principal McKENNY entertained an old friend, Professor ELLIS from Olivet college, during a short stay in the city last Friday.
Miss HERRIG was called by telegram to Saginaw, Saturday afternoon, owing to illness in her family.
A handsome English setter with a long pedigree came to Professor McKENNY by express, from Ottawa, Illinois, recently, and is being much admired by lovers of fine canines.
Frank LaSTRANGE, a Normal student earlier in the year, died this week. A committee from the physics class attended the funeral carring an anchol of roses from his classmates. His home is near Sumner.
George and Sarah CARR, late of Wise are enjoying the sweets of conjugal felicity, after a separation of over four years, and a divorce.
Mrs. S. D. COON has gone to Frankfort to visit her daughter, Mrs. Fred CHAMBERS and family.
James BURNS went to Mt. Pleasant Tuesday, and had his upper jaw relieved of twelve teeth.
James H. NICHOLS has gone to Avoca, on the Port Huron division, to relieve Station Agent KINGSBURY for a few days.
E. W. ALLEN, one of Wise township’s most thrifty farmers, did some fine work at grafting some apple trees for several of Loomis’ residents, while in town Tuesday.
Mrs. W. G. BOWMAN and little daughter, Florence, started Tuesday morning for Beaverton, where Warren has a position in the store with M. O. McDONALD, late of Coleman.
Sheridan Baptist society held an ice cream social at the residence of Robert SCOTT, Tuesday evening. Quite a number from Loomis attended and reported a pleasant but very cool evening.
O. J. HETHERINGTON of Saginaw is in town looking after his colony of bees which he wintered here. He reports the loss of twenty-five swarms, caused by not having enough honey to winter on.
George E. BRADLEY and bride, formerly Maggie M. COON, of Madison, Wisconsin, a cousin, and Mrs. Wm. CLIVE of Columbiaville, a sister, have been the guests of Mr. & Mrs. M. B. CONKLIN the past week.
We received this week two copies of the “Cratiot County Enterprise,” a newsy four-page sheet edited at Riverdale by Fred STRONG. We are indebted to W. J. LANSING, our former school teacher, for the two copies of the new born sheet, and we are pleased to note in the Elm Hall correspondence that Mr. LANSING has been retained by the school board of that place as principal for another year.
A farm of eighty acres, situated in the town of Loomis, is offered for sale at a bargain. For terms apply to John R. GOODMAN, Loomis, Michigan, or Emerson H. ADAMS, Skanoatoles, New York.
Mrs. A. F. PATCH is still very ill.
C. C. Field is building an addition to his home.
Claude ESTEE, who has been very ill, is recovering.
G. W. FOUTS and W. E. BROWN were in Mt. Pleasant Monday.
Dr. SWEATLAND has withdrawn his suit against the village.
E. L. ASHWORTH is laid up with a badly sprained knee.
W. W. & A. V. RICHES have both been quite ill this week.
O. L. WHITE shipped four carloads of stock to Buffalo on Wednesday.
William JOSLIN and son, Fred, were at the county seat on Wednesday.
Mrs. W. L. DIBBLE leaves tomorrow for a visit with relatives in Corunua.
W. L. DIBBLE & CO., shipped three carloads of hay to Cadillac this week.
Mrs. Catherine CHURCH from near this village has been granted a widow’s pension.
Potatoes are being bought for eight cents a bushel here, and shipped to eastern markets.
Elder H. E. ROSSELL will deliver the Decoration Day address at the cemetery on Monday afternoon.
Miss Grace WHITE has gone to Southville, Oakland county, to spend the summer with her grandfather.
Chester RICHES gave a party to his young friends Wednesday evening, it being his 13th birthday.
Mrs. BICKNELL and son, Will, of Clare were in town this week. Mrs. BICKNELL will remain and keep house for her son during his wife’s absence.
Mrs. James BICKNELL received a visit from her father, Rev. LONG, of Richmond, this week. She returned home with him Wednesday to visit a short time.
Silas FORDYCE is working his father’s farm this summer.
C. G. EATON was here this week looking after the renting of his farm.
Albert PITTS has taken a piece of land on the EATON farm to clear for the crops.
Tillman AARON received the sad news this week of his father’s death in Canada.
Mr. & Mrs. P. H. ROBBINS are spending this week in Saginaw, on a business and pleasure trip.
The Mt. Pleasant creamery wagon is expected to make regular trips to the FORDYCE settlement the first of June.
Lilas LEONARD and Henry WOOD returned to Shepherd Tuesday, after a visit of several days with relatives here.
WOOD & SON have sold to John BUTCHER several car loads of lumber, and Bird PRESTON of Mt. Pleasant is scailing the same.
William McNEIL has rented the Geo. McCOLLUM farm and the EASTON farm to put in crop for the season. This makes nearly two hundred acres that Mack is working this summer.
MESSRS, BUTCHER and BUTCHER came to town Tuesday night will all sorts of fishing tackle, double team and wagon; and prepared to rid the streams of all speckled fellows that inhabit them, calculating to supply the Mt. Pleasant market for time to come. They put up at Hotel WILLOUGTHBY and had supper, after which, accompanied by Mr. PRESTON and a smoked glass lantern, they proceeded to the north branch, where they remained until day began to dawn, getting more bites than fish - mostly mosquito bites. Next morning the made up their minds that fishing would be better further west, and nothing has been heard from then since.
Miss C. K. HANSON who has been ill is now convalescent.
Mr. WALTON of Isabella twp. Was in Horr Tuesday.
Allen COLE has moved back on his farm in this township.
Fred TERRY and his children are keeping house at the old home.
S. KIRVAN has built 100 rods of new fence along the front of his place.
E. R. FERGUSON is plowing up eight acres of wheat to plant to corn.
We understand that Mr. AMEY has been recommended to succeed Ira A. GOODENOUGH as P. M., at Horr.
Ira A. GOODENOUGH, postmaster at Horr, died Friday, May 21st, 1897, after an illness of over four months. He was born in Wilson, Niagara County, New York, October 12, 1858. He came to Ionia county with his parents in 1876. He was married to Miss Maggie DARNELL in April 1881. His wife and a daughter survive him. The funeral was held at the M. E. Church, Sunday the 23rd, Elder CARMEN conducting the services , after which the remains were interred in Forrest Hill cemetery. Mr. GOODENOUGH had lived among us since his boyhood, and those who knew him best respected him most. For several years he has conducted a store at his place and in his dealings with the people was so honest, courteous and obliging, he won the respect of all. By his death the widow and orphan mourn for a loving husband and father; the parents for a dutiful son; the brother and sister for an affectionate brother, and the whole community for an exemplary citizen.
Mrs. N. V. COOMER reports a fine trade in the grocery line.
We are very sorry to hear of the death in Fremont of Charley STUTTING’S young child.
Several from this neighborhood attended the funeral of Grandpa GROSBECK last week at Deerfield Center.
Mr. JOHNSON and Miss Maggie NEAZOR from Deerfield Center attended Sunday school and church here Sunday.
Clayton SMITH, Charley ACKERMAN and Guy JOHNSON have been quite sick with measles, but are rapidly improving.
Word has reached here of the death of A. N. SINCLAIR, formerly of this place, who moved to Sherwood, Branch county, a year ago.
F. H. TURNER and wife went to Cedar Springs Friday, returning on Tuesday. They visited Mrs. TURNER’S brother, Bert HUDNUTT.
Mrs. James SIMONS and Mrs. Vet JOHNSON have an aunt and her daughter here on a fisit from Union City; also John VAUGHN, a cousin.
Reb. Bert HUDNUTT, a Free Methodist minister, preached at the church last Thursday evening. He was one of the South Deerfield boys many years ago, and his old neighbors and associates were glad to hear him.
On Saturday last, Frank MULL of this place and Miss Mary LOOMIS from Bundy were united in marriage by Justice N. V. COOMER, at his residence.
About fifty of the old neighbors and friends, with the aid society from the fractional district, Rolland township, spent a pleasant day with William BUNDY’S family. The men raised up a barn, part log and part frame, and for Mrs. BUNDY the ladies sewed carpet rags.
John HACKETT and children are just getting over the measles.
Rev. C. H. THEOBALD, state deputy of the I. O. G. T., gave a temperance lecture at the school house after the Epworth League, Sunday evening, and on Monday evening organized a lodge.
George REED has been sick for a few days, and Monday a physician pronounced it poisoning. He has been digging out old stumps and roots, and most have come in contact with poison ivy.
Theodore COVERT and family are recovering from measles. The neighbors mad a bee last Wednesday afternoon and plowed and dragged his corn ground for him, as he is not able to work yet.
Licenses to marry have been granted to the following:
66__Frank MULL, 27, Deerfield twp., and Mary LOOMIS, 18, Broomfield twp.
67__Hiram EGGLESTON, 49 of Deerfield twp and Mrs. E. BOODY, 44 of same.
68__Fred PHILLIPS, 22 of Alma and Emma BURT, 23 of Shepherd.
Miss Grace BUFFORD spent Sunday with her parents.
Mrs. Henry WHEELER was the guest of Mrs. P. BELLINGER Friday.
Miss Mamie TAYLOR and Geo. HAINS of Leaton were callers at P. BELLINGER’S one day last week.
A very pleasant party was given at the home of Homer WHEELER, Tuesday evening by some of the younger ones.
John AYLING and wife, who have been traveling with the Crusade band, have moved in with Mr. AYLING’S father, and they will try their hand at farming for awhile.
To Late For Last Issue:
Mike HARRIS was in Coleman Tuesday.
S. A. HURSH was a caller at D. RAYMONDS, Monday.
Oscar BOWEN and William LACKEY were at the Hub Saturday [transcriber’s great uncles].
George RIPENBURG wishes to thank the person who took so much pains to paint a sign, and put it up for him in such a conspicuous place. It is a fine work of art and a credit to the painter, in his mind.
Notice to Farmers
I will be ready in about four weeks to open a woolen factory in the William LEAVENSWORTH building on Broadway, and will make yarn, flannel, wool sheeting and batting; will also exchange the same for wool. Will make up wool by the pound or yard. [Joseph AMBLER]
Miss Amy PAISLEY has returned from Owosso.
Miss Marth QUINION has returned home again.
Mary FITZPATRICK has returned home for the summer.
Mrs. William LEWIS is laid up with rheumatism in her foot.
Miss Ida REED is staying with Mrs. Ed. RICHES for a period of time.
The party at John EDMUNDS was a big affair, and ended with a dance.
Miss Emma and Louise MONON have moved into their old homestead again.
Mrs. MAHANY entertained the Ladies library club Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. TEETER has returned home from visiting her son in Du Plain, and her daughter Mrs. KNEELAND in Owosso.
Little Aggie QUINLON came home for Sunday and returned to Mt. Pleasant to finish her preparation for confirmation.
Miss Mabel HORNING is visiting Mrs. Harry STEVEN this week.
Tom SCHULTZ and Clarence HAYNER took a trip to Clare, Saturday.
Wesley MACKAY and sister, Jennie, visited friends in Clare Saturday.
James GIBSON, from Canada, came last week on a trip to relatives here.
Miss Lucy SHARP has been engaged for another six weeks of school. Miss SHARP gives great satisfaction to both parents and pupils.
Mrs. Joseph HAYES and children went on the excursion train to Benzonia, Sunday, where they think of making a permanent home. Mr. HAYES moved here about nine years ago, when this part of the county was a bowling wilderness, and experienced all the hardships that usually fall to the lot of the pioneer. Hardworking, industrious, to the usual discomforts of pioneer life have been added an array of trails, sickness, deaths, - troubles sufficient to discourage the stoutest. The family have made a brave struggle for existence against overwhelming odds, they now seek their fortunes in a new locality, and their friends and former neighbors earnestly and sincerely wish them success, and renewed health and strength in their new home.
Henry GROESBECK died May 10th, 1897, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. F. N. BOYDEN. Deceased was born October 7th, 1800, in the town of Cambridge, New York. In early boyhood he moved with his parents to Stillwater, New York. He was married at this place in 1830 to Miss Rebecca FONDAH, with whom he lived very happily until she was called home in 1844, leaving him with six little children. He married in 1845 to Miss Lydia INGERSON, and in the year 1849 moved to Michigan, staying a couple of years in Ingham county. From there he moved to Clinton county, and in 1867 came to Isabella county, where he has since made his home. His second wife died May 7th, 1875. He had two daughters by his second wife, one of whom died when only three years of age; the other, Mrs. William MYERS, is now living near Shepherd. Four of his children survive him - two sons and two daughters. He experienced religion when seventeen years of age, and has been an active worker in the church, and when health permitted, was always in his place in the house of worship. His funeral sermon was preached by his old friend and pastor, Rev. Lewis RICHARDS of Gilmore, and he was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery by the side of his wife.
[Transcribed by Barbara Lesser, Aug. 24, 2004]