Biography of
(transcribed by: L. Johnson)
The gentleman whose name appears above is a native of Branch county, Michigan, and a son of George and Lida Gould, both of this state. The father, whose birth occurred in 1856, died in the year 1893; the mother, who survived him, is living at this time in the county of Van Buren.
Charles H. Gould was born April 12, 1880, spent his childhood and youth on the family homestead in California township of his native county, received a common school education and remained with his parents until his twenty-first year. On attaining his majority he severed home ties and went to Mecosta county, but after spending a few months there he came to Mt. Pleasant and engaged with Mr. Rogers to learn the jeweler’s trade. During the four years he was under the instruction of that gentleman he became quite a skillful workman, and at the expiration of the time indicated he established himself in business at Rosebush, where he has since remained.
In addition to conducting a general jewelry establishment and doing the work which necessarily belongs to that line, he also conducts an undertaking business, having become familiar with the latter while learning his trade. From time to time he added other lines of goods, such as hardware, furniture etc., and is now the proprietor of a general store, with a custom which is steadily growing in magnitude and importance.
Mr. Gould is a young man of great energy and fine business talent and his success since locating at Rosebush has more than justified his venture, as the rapid advancement of his establishment attests. He is enterprising and public spirited, takes an active interest in all that pertains to the growth of the town and lends his influence to every laudable measure for the general welfare of his fellow men. Fraternally, he holds membership with Lodge No. 519, Independent Order of Odd fellows, in which he has passed all the chairs, and religiously is identified with the Church of Christ, Scientist, at Mt. Pleasant, to which organization his wife also belongs. Since old enough to exercise the rights of citizenship, he has manifested a lively interest in political matters and as a Republican he wields a strong influence for his party in his part of the county, being one of its leaders and trusted counselors in the community where he resides. He is now serving his third term as township clerk, in which office he demonstrates ability of a high order, as well as proving faithful to every trust reposed in him by his fellow citizens.
On the 12th day of October, 1906, Mr. Gould entered the marriage relation with Gertrude Jeffords. She was born August 25, 1878, being a daughter of Jason and Evalyn Jeffords, of Isabella county. Mrs. Gould is a lady of intelligence and varied culture, highly esteemed by the Social circles in which she moves and by her beautiful life and amiable qualities has gained the Friendship and good will of all with whom she comes in contact.
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