Chas. H. Woolworth

                                               (transcribed by: L. Johnson)


     The man whose picture you see above is an “old settler” in this community.  He came to

Weidman in 1896 without that smile.  But during that year there was a change in politics;  a

Republican president McKinley was elected, and Chas. Woolworth has had a smile ever


     A young man having learned the harness trade from his father who for many years con-

ducted a harness shop at Morley and ambitious to start a shop of his own, loaded some

harness-maker’s tools and a few leather straps on a hayrack on a lumber wagon drawn by a

pair of horses, he came to Weidman.

     Charlie was about to unload his stock and tools into a building he had rented, when an

old shoemaker told him that he would starve at his trade here.  Seeing Mr. Weidman, Charlie

told him the shoemaker’s story.  Thereupon Mr. Weidman said, “Charlie, if you haven’t any

more nerve than that, there is no place for you in Weidman.  Don’t unload your stuff.  Start

back for Morley.

     Charlie unloaded his stock.  For many years he employed several harness makers and he

made and sold more and better harnesses than any other harness shop in Michigan.  For

quality of leather and workmanship, his harnesses had no equal.

     Early in 1900 Charlie started selling buggies, and these he sold in large quantities.  From

buggies and wagons to Ford cars, having one of the first Ford Agencies in this county;  then

to all kinds of farm equipment and was at one time the largest International dealer in the

state.  Charlie is known as one of the best informed dealers on farm equipment and a sales-

man who has no equal in his line of business.

     In 1917 he moved to Mt. Pleasant where he still lives, but he has maintained a branch

here.  We think that he has done business with more people and is better known in his line of

business than any other person in Isabella county.

     We are happy to salute you, Charlie, and we are glad to claim you as a member of our



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