Charles W. Pierce
(transcribed by: L. Johnson)
It is with particular pleasure that we reproduce the likeness above of Charles W. Pierce.
Charlie is an old settler, coming here with Mr. Weidman in 1894, and as his foreman and
adviser the credit of building the village of Weidman and for the success accomplished, to
no other man is due more credit. For sixteen years he had charge of all woods operations.
His job was to see that the big saw mill here always had in its yards a large stock of logs.
How well this was done by Mr. Pierce is reflected in the great success of Mr. Weidman.
When the timber around Weidman was all cut and lumbering operations completed,
Charlie was employed by the Vilas Lumber Company operating in Wisconsin and one of
the largest lumber companies in that state, where he was superintendent of their woods
operations for fifteen years. For more than thirty-five years he was employed as super-
intendent of woods operations and for fifteen years previous to this as a common lumber-
jack, so that for more than fifty years he was identified with the lumber business.
Charlie was born in Minnesota in 1863, coming to Michigan when a small boy with
his parents and settled in Mecosta county. Since coming to Weidman in 1894 he has
always made his home here. He owns a large farm near Weidman from which he cut the
timber, so that he has seen his farm with a heavy body of timber, then to fertile farm lands.
The fact that he has a natural ability to govern men made him a very popular superinten-
dent among lumberjack fraternity. That same gift has made him a host of friends. Our
Roses for the Living are happy to count Charlie as a friend and neighbor. We are glad you
Live in Weidman. For your continued health and happiness we extend our best wishes.
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