Board Assigns Serial Numbers to 131 New ‘21’ers’

Isabella August Quota Not Determined…Expected to Be Light

Isabella County Times-News

Thursday, July 10, 1941


   One hundred and thirty-one youths of Isabella county registered on July 1, according to information furnished by local draft board officials, Wednesday, July 9, the date established by national headquarters, as the date that all registration cards would be shuffled and serial numbered.

   The registration was ordered by the president and more than a million youths who had attained the age of 21 years since October 16, 1941, complied with the law.  Isabella county’s total number of registrants for the occasion was 131.

   Wednesday afternoon, the board members assigned the serial numbers to these youths.  All numbers being preceded by the letter “S”, was a uniform identification used throughout the nation.  On a day fixed by the Director of Selective Service, a second National lottery will be held in Washington.  A set of serial numbers, each preceded by the letter, “S”, from “S-1” to include the largest number used by any local board in assigning serial numbers to melon-colored cards, will be drawn by lot.  The list of these “S” serial numbers arranged in the order drawn in the second lottery will be called the “Second National Master List” and will be used exclusively in assigning sequence numbers and as a basis for assigning order numbers to men properly registered on the melon-colored registration cards.

   It is pointed out that the order numbers which have been assigned to registrants who were registered before July 1, 1941, will not be changed.

   Order numbers of the newly registered men will be inserted among the order numbers of the old registrants, starting from a Key Number, which in Isabella county’s case is No. 1087, the number of the last registrant who was inducted into service of the army, unvoluntarily.  Complete information concerning the exact position of the new registrants of Isabella will not be available for several days, officials point out, as the date for national lottery has not been established.

   The complete list of Isabella registrants on July 1, is as follows:


S-1                  R. W. Haack                          Mt. Pleasant

S-2                  E. J. Watson                          Mt. Pleasant, R5

S-3                  F. Decker                               Shepherd, R4

S-4                  T.E. Frost                               Mt. Pleasant

S-5                  F.J. Force                              Mt. Pleasant

S-6                  F.S. McClintic                        Shepherd, R4

S-7                  W.C. Chapple                        Clare, R3

S-8                  G.E. Woodin                          Weidman, R1

S-9                  D.C. Graham                         Rosebush, R2

S-10                S.H. Straus                            Weidman, R1

S-11                L.E. Loomis                           Shepherd, R2

S-12                N. Wonsey                             Mt. Pleasant, R2

S-13                P.H. Prescott                         Mt. Pleasant, R4

S-14                E.E. Neff                                 Rosebush, R2

S-15                R.C. McAlvey                         Mt. Pleasant

S-16                V.L. Higginbotham                Mt. Pleasant

S-17                E.E. Machuta                         Mt. Pleasant, R5

S-18                D.C. Earnest                          Mt. Pleasant

S-19                K.G. Rawson                         Farwell, R1

S-20                R.R. Ruthruff                           Blanchard, R3

S-21                R.J. Shackelford                    Mt. Pleasant

S-22                F.D. VanAtta                          Shepherd, R2

S-23                R.J. Mallach                           Mt. Pleasant

S-24                L.A. Rzepecki                        Mt. Pleasant, R5

S-25                C.E. Ross                              Mt. Pleasant

S-26                D.A. Wixson                           Mt. Pleasant, R1

S-27                C.E. Weeks                           Mt. Pleasant, R1

S-28                H.E. Struble                           Mt. Pleasant

S-29                R. Murra                                 Blanchard, R1

S-30                H.D. Hood                              Mt. Pleasant

S-31                N.W. Mahon                           Mt. Pleasant

S-32                L.A. Johnston                         Clare, R4

S-33                H.W. Boersma                       Mt. Pleasant

S-34                F.O. Amon                             Mt. Pleasant

S-35                F.W. Morrison                        Rosebush

S-36                Dean Adams                         Mt. Pleasant

S-37                Q.J. Collins                            Mt. Pleasant

S-38                J.E. Goins                              Mt. Pleasant, Col.

S-39                K.A. Hilliker                            Remus, R1

S-40                K.E. Bolen                              Farwell, R2

S-41                J.N. Ellefson                           Mt. Pleasant

S-42                F.W. Kasper                          Chippewa, R4

S-43                W.A. Hoffman                        Shepherd, R3

S-44                L.J. Sugar, Jr.                        Shepherd, R3

S-45                B.L. Martin                             Blanchard

S-46                R.F. Dakin                              Mt. Pleasant

S-47                Joe Mrazek                            Mt. Pleasant, R1

S-48                M.E. Robinson                       Blanchard

S-49                F.M. Perez                             Coleman, R1

S-50                C.A. Pasch                            Rosebush, R2

S-51                H.V. Wood                             Weidman, R1

S-52                T.H. Dale                                Mt. Pleasant

S-53                Jake Fisher                            Mt. Pleasant, R5

S-54                P.Z. Hoornstra                       Mt. Pleasant

S-55                C.L. Brown                             Blanchard

S-56                F.D. Scholl                             Mt. Pleasant

S-57                W.P. McKillip                         Mt. Pleasant, R5

S-58                W.C. Haring                           Clare, R3

S-59                L.E. Jackson                          Weidman, R1

S-60                S.A. Tice                                Mt. Pleasant

S-61                V.C. Rogers                           Mt. Pleasant, R4

S-62                G.E. Bellinger                        Mt. Pleasant, R3

S-63                L.G. Methner                          Clare, R4

S-64                B.L. Walsh                             Shepherd

S-65                M.T. Huggins                         Mt. Pleasant

S-66                J.T. McGuire                          Mt. Pleasant, R1

S-67                D.E. Burris                             Mt. Pleasant

S-68                C.A. Smith                             Mt. Pleasant

S-69                R.R. Brookens                       Shepherd, R2

S-70                T.W. Pelcher                          Rosebush

S-71                E.H. Lytle                                Mt. Pleasant

S-72                A.L. Hansen                           Blanchard, R2

S-73                C. VanPotter                          Mt. Pleasant, R3

S-74                C.B. Voss                              Lake, R1

S-75                E.L. Moore                             Blanchard, R1

S-76                J.A. York                                 Mt. Pleasant, R4

S-77                R.E. Hively                             Mt. Pleasant

S-78                H.W. Sleek                             Weidman, R1, Col.

S-79                L.O. Richter                            Lake, R2

S-80                A.J. Sherman                         Lake, R2

S-81                B.J. Vanacker                        Mt. Pleasant, R3

S-82                R.E. Blasen                            Mt. Pleasant, R1

S-83                E.L. Acker                              Coleman, R1

S-84                D.B. Swanson                       Mt. Pleasant

S-85                V.A. D. Sisco                         Lake, R1

S-86                E.E. Briedenstein                  Mt. Pleasant

S-87                I.L. Herring                             Mt. Pleasant

S-88                J.W. Curtiss                           Remus, R1

S-89                D.J. Campbell                       Mt. Pleasant

S-90                C.M. Smith                             Clare, R3

S-91                H.E. Shook                            Lake, R1

S-92                S.A. Ash                                 Mt. Pleasant, R4

S-93                W.M. O’Brien                         Mt. Pleasant

S-94                J. C. Chivington                     Mt. Pleasant

S-95                C.L. Johnson, Jr.                   Weidman

S-96                L.E. Mayhew                          Mt. Pleasant

S-97                James Cole                           Weidman

S-98                C. U. Schneider                     Remus, R1

S-99                R.E. Kelley                             Shepherd, R3

S-100             S.E. Simoncik                       Mt. Pleasant

S-101             E.L. DeLong                          Barryton, R2

S-102             V. J. Bolt                                 Shepherd, R4

S-103             E.R. Curtiss                           Mt. Pleasant

S-104             J. F Voisin                              Mt. Pleasant

S-105             R.D. Visger                            Mt. Pleasant

S-106             H.E. Spikerman                     Clare, R4

S-107             R.C. Sponseller                     Mt. Pleasant, R4

S-108             R.J. Collins                             Mt. Pleasant

S-109             David Malando                      Shepherd

S-110             C.D. Shafer                            Mt. Pleasant

S-111             W.D. Eillott                             Mt. Pleasant

S-112             F.J. Bishop                            Mt. pleasant

S-113             J.P. Bush                                Mt. Pleasant, R4

S-114             J.O. Cuthbert                         Mt. Pleasant

S-115             L.J. Dole                                 Mt. Pleasant

S-116             R.B. Ball                                 Mt. Pleasant, R3

S-117             D.O. Doepker                        Shepherd, R2

S-118             D.L. Bennett                           Mt. Pleasant

S-119             D. Pyrett                                 Mt. Pleasant, R5

S-120             L.K. Chaney                           Blanchard, R5

S-121             D.D. Murray                           Mt. Pleasant

S-122             H.F. Neff                                 Rosebush, R2

S-123             D.F. Bowen                            Barryton, R2

S-124             E.E. Larrance                        Rosebush, R2

S-125             J.F. Crispin                            Mt. Pleasant

S-126             J.J. Sisco                               Mt. Pleasant

S-127             P.H. Johnston                        Mt. Pleasant

S-128             N.K. Morey                             Blanchard, R3

S-129             F.L. Denslow                         Blanchard, R3

S-130             T.L. Downing                         Mt. Pleasant, R4

S-131             W.E. Coppens                       Mt. Pleasant


Local board officials as yet, have not received the county’s quota for August, which is expected to be light, in view of the fact that the state’s quota is less than half of the one set for the month of July.




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