The little town of Weidman, Michigan, has no
employment problems and no adjustment crises for its returning servicemen. The
author explains why.
That, of course, was before we began to
experience the amazing backwashes of war that were to come. It was before we'd
imagined that a townlike ours, with its characteristically intimate customs
and its slow pace of living, was to have a place in the pattern of war and the
readjustment to peace. One of our truly characteristic customs has been a
factor of real benefit to our returning veterans.
as Stuart, another son, set out to establish a
brilliant record with the 238th Combat Engineers, beginning with that first
bridge at Carentan. From the things Lieutenant Stuie sent home to his parents
thereafter you knew heexperienced a lot of hand-to-hand argument with Nazis
through France and Belgium and Germany. And Gladys, our most devout leader of
the local Methodist church, learned to exhibit the souvenirs, handing you a
couple of tarnished shoulder bars and telling you calmly, "These are from the
uniform of the first German Stuart shot." As though she were remarking, "Tlese
are a couple of dish towels from the Ladies' Aid."
get out of service. True, we've had certain
changes that were inevitable. John Ritchie died while his two sons were in
service, but Mrs. Ritchie, a frail, elderly woman, kept the home fires for
Jack and Don. Miles Drallette's wife died a year ago, but Wendell was in
India, and so the old home waited.
Orval Abbott
Carl Thomas
Gerald McArthur
Norman Abbott
James J. Cole
John W. Ritchie
Chester Brien
Orval Bellinger
Joe W. Kane *
Donald Beutler
Mitchell McArthur
Ralph Woodin
Clayton Beutler
Alfred Gorleski
George Pennington
Fay Beutler
Howard Kolarik
Robert Scharrer
Clyde Chaffee
Keith Schultz
Harry Herman
Charles Darnell
Ernest Beutler
Leo Bowen
Floyd Fraley
David Flower
Wayne Davis
Otis Geasler
Calvin Ohls
Gerald Roberts
Ralph Geasler
Robert Kirvan *
Harold Skinner
Gaylord Hart
Orval Merrihew
Raymond Tower
Hugh H. Hobart
Russell Merrihew
David Lumbert
Lewis Jackson
Leighton McArthur
Dan Lumbert
Howard Jackson
Ernest Putman
James Vogel
Charles Johnson, Jr.
Don Dean Ritchie
Miles Thomas
Kenneth Jackson
David L. Russell
Phillip Bolinger
Ralph Leuder
James Maddox
Eldon Bellows
Marshall Conley
Theo C. Putman
Walter Smith *
Alvin Cummins
Otis Darnell *
Vance Wood
Bernard Losey
Fred Cole
Joe Vincent
John Cummings
Bernard Rau
Wendell Drallette
Robert Cox
Murel Kent
Avin Putman
LeRoy Beck
Hanford Conley
Fred Swan
Ralph Beck
Gurdon Elliot
Louis Mrazek
James Kent
William Tilmann
Raymond Bauer
Alden Tilmann
Raymond Kirvan
Ronald Gruss
Duane Stansell
Delbert Kirvan
Joseph Mrazek
Herbert Stankwitz
Wayne Bunting
Miles Bunting
Ford Stankwitz
Russell Swan
Clarence Blasen
Jack Stankwitz
Clair Morey, Jr.
Earl Vogel
Ervin Dutcher
Webb Darnell
Wayne Navarre
Marie Straus
Glen Place
Orville Sisco
Gerald Straus
Albert Lee
John Sheldon
Ike Hampton
Edd Bellows
Wilbur Sheldon
Wendell Sisco
Ralph Bellows
Ray Fraley
Marvin Sisco
Richard Christeson
Robert Voss
William Estes
Elmer Shawagan
Nile Liscomb
Lyle Wolfe
Bernard Esch
Ronald Husted
Robert Hutchinson
Kenneth Chaffee
Harlan Sprague
Floyd Jackson, Jr.
Owen Jarmen
Alfred Sprague
Arden Pridgeon
Freeman Leiter
Neil Thompson
Robert Jerred
Orin Leiter
Edwin Thomas
Wayne Sisco
George Darnell
James Thomas*
Virgi Sisco
Herman Cook, Jr.
Ervin Fergeson
John E. Beutler
Elmer Flaugher
James Monroe
Fred Spencer
James Purdy*
Dale Bywater
Donald Seymour*
Lynn Rogers
Doyle Bowen
Lewis Frantz, Jr. *
Dale Taylor
Jerome Schumacher
Owen Williams
Asa Wilcox*
Earl Oplinger
Alden Smith*
Gale Loomis
Howard Teeter
Lewis Bowen
Stuart McArthur
Robert Vogel
Ray Bowen
Wm. J. Fox
Richard Wood
Miles Kent
Fred Kent
George McClain, Jr.
Clarence Shaner
Theodore Smith
Ronald Carr
Wendell Roberts
Arnold Flaugher
Robert Bleise
Gale Bellows
Bill Louiselle
Richard L. Smith
Edward Blasen
Olen R. Bunting
Harold P. Breuer
Walter Rau
Paul Esch
Herman Kremsreiter
Walter J. Elias
Walter Fussmann
Raymond Hauck
Leo J. Smith
William Forbes
Howard Tilmann
John Ahlers
Roderick G. Rice
Kenneth Martin
Raymond T. Zuker
Clifford Gross
Leslie Shawagan
William G. Forbes *
Harvey Brien
Robert Benn
John Vincent
Virgil Gatehouse
Ercel Bywater
Gordon Williams
William Sprague
Gerald Wicks
William Conley
Edward Garrett
Melvin Ockert
Howard Blasen
Donald Kremsreiter
Edward Garrett
Randall Jackson
Richard Sprague
Edward Smith
Louis Schafer
Stephen Straus
Howard Spearman
Emil Mrazek
Aloysius Tilmann
Willard Thelen
Richard Tilmann
Albert Tilmann
Edward Kornexl
James Forbes
Claire L. Letson
Alexander Kreimsreiter
Andrew Kornexl
Clarence Lorenz
Kenneth R. Ley
Harold J. Rau
Dalton Shook
Oren Sheldon
B.F. Garlits
Donald Pohl
Norman Zuker
Herman Richter
Gerald Pung
Marvin Pridgeon
Stephen Pung
Albert Pung
Mack Kent
Edward Rau
Raymond Pohl
Glen Fritz
Carl Cook
John Reihl
Matt Kornexl
Gerald Appelgreen
Leo Embrey
Fred Kent
* Died in Action |
* Wounded |
* Missing |
* Honorable
Discharge |
* Prisoner of
War |
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Donna Hoff-Grambau
for the exclusive use of the Isabella County, MIGenWeb site.