Jan. 28, 1930
John W. Hance
Word has been received here of the death of John W. Hance
in Portland, Ore., death occurring on January 8. He was 81 years of age, and was for many years an active citizen of Mt. Pleasant.
He came to live in Isabella county with his parents in 1863, moving to Mt. Pleasant some few years later. For four years, 1876-1878 he was county clerk and register of deeds and in 1882 went to the state senate.
In 1902 he was appointed postmaster in Mt. Pleasant by President Roosevelt and served three administrations, and since they moved from here soon after that they have made their home in Oregon. Mrs. Hance survives him.
Jan. 31. Addie Harnes Hance
Mrs. Addie Harnes Hance, widow of Alfred Hance, died January 8, in Portland, Ore, at the age of 74 years. Mrs. Hance and her husband formerly lived in the vicinity of Shepberd, and were pioneers of this section. The old Hance homestead is east of this villare. They removed from this neighborhood to Oregon about 21 years ago.
Clinton Clark, residing east of Shepherd is a nephew of the deceased lady. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. R. Case of Oregon, at whose home she died, and Mrs. H.P. Plough of Los Angeles; also two sisters, Mary Hance of Portland Oregon and Mrs. Phoebe Clark of Alma.
Isabella County Republican Thurs. Nov. 2, 1916 Shepherd, Michigan,
Mrs. Elizabeth Harry
Mrs. Elizabeth Harry who was so seriously burned a short time ago by the explosion of a gasoline flatiron. died at her home at Pleasant Valley Friday, Oct. 27, as the result of her injuries.
The funeral was held at the home Monday, Rev. I.W. Kimberling officiating.
Nettie Elizabeth Harry was born near Mt. Pleasant April
22, 1870 and died at Pleasant Valley Oct. 27, 1916. Aged 46 years (copy torn at fold) 5 days.
Deceased was a member of the Christian church of Shepherd and had a wide circle of friends.
She leaves to mourn their loss her
husband, 3 daughters and 5 sons, one son having preceded her; a sister in
Washington, a brother in Canada and a brother at Coleman, besides many other
Hand-dated 1932
Frank Hartford
Special to the State Journal:
SHEPHERD Feb. 13-Confined to his bed at his home one and one
half miles southwest of Shepherd mince last October, Frank Hartford, about 65 --and a resident of this part of Isabella county nearly all his life, died Thursday night at 7:30.
Mr. Hartford lived on a farm near Crawford for many years before moving to the present home several years ago He is survived by his widow and three daughters, Mrs Glen Brown and Mrs, Nelson Shook of Isabella County and Marguerite, at home. Arrangements for the funeral have not been made,
On account of the death, the play and program planned by the Childs School PTA for Friday evening has been postponed indefinitely.
Hand dated June 13, 1912
Abraham W. Hawkins
Abraham W. Hawkins was born in Rutland county, Vermont, July 3, 1833, and when a small child moved with his parents to New York and from there to Ohio.
Nov. 20, 1859, he was united in marriage to Harriet A. Marvin, and to this union three children were born, William W. and Fletcher D., both deceased and George B. who now lives on the farm that his parents settled on when they care to this state in 1865, and here Mr. Hawkins died last Thursday after an illness extending over several weeks.
The deceased enlisted in the 125th Ohio regiment in 1861 and served his country all through the Civil War.
The funeral was held from his home Rev. J. M. Ice officiating. Interment in Salt River Cemetery.
Bert Hawkins
Despondent because of worry over his financial affairs, Bert Hawkins, 60 years, a Lincoln Township farmer, took his own life with a shotgun yesterday morning.
Mr. Hawkin's sons, who lived with him, heard the report of a shotgun in the cellar of the house. Upon investigation, the body of their father was found in the corner of the room.
Dr. Young, the coroner, and officers from Shepherd were called.
Mt. Pleasant Courthouse records
Book2, page 306 say death date was May 21, 1924, and that Mr. Hawkins was born
in Ohio.
Hand-dated June 1932
Louise C. Hibbard
Mrs. Louise C. Hibbard, 81, widow of Francis E. Hibbard, first president of the village of Shepherd, died at her home in Shepherd Monday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock after an illness of about three months. She had been affected with asthma for several years.
Mrs. Hibbard was a member of the prominent pioneer family of John and Catherine Dodds and came here with her parents in 1866 from New York State where she was born. One brother, the late Peter F. Dodds, was one of the earliest Mt. Pleasant attorneys and served as prosecuting attorney and later for many years as circuit judge. Another brother, Francis R. Dodds, a former congressman, has been practicing law in Mt. Pleasant for more than 50 years.
Mrs. Hibbard was married in Shepherd December 31, 1874. Her husband was one of the foremost of the influential citizens who were prominent in the upbuilding of that community. Besides being elected first president of the village of Shepherd, he held many other offices of public trust. He practiced law there successfully for many years and was a veteran of the Civil War His death occurred Feb. 8, 1908.
Mrs. Hibbard was prominent in the work of the Rebekah lodge during her active years.
She is survived by two daughters Mrs. O.L. Burdick and Mrs. C. Struble of Shepherd; one brother, Francis H. Dodds of Mt Pleasant and one sister Jennie V. Riches of Mt. Pleasant.
Funeral services will be held in
Shepherd Thursday after-noon at 2:00 o'clock at the Hibbard home with burial in
Riverside cemetery. Mt. Pleasant.
Hand-dated Apr. 1896
Mrs. Sarah Hilliker
Mrs. Sarah HilLliker
d. Segwun
Funeral by Rev. A.P. Moors
Survivors: husband; son Chauncy Townsend, by former marriage.
Sarah Cassady, b. July9, 1823 at Danby, Tompkins Co., N.Y.
Married A. Townsend July 25, 1842--4 children--he died 1856.
Married J.H. Hilliker
1859--l child died infancy.
Hand dated l890 source unknown
H. L. Holcomb
R.L. Holcomb was born Aug. 22, 1808, in Granby, Hartford County, Conn. the son of Thomas and Clara Holcomb.
In 1860 he came to St. Louis and bought much timberland.
In 1861, he erected a sawmill.
In 1869, he and his partner, Mr. Evans struck salt water
at 200 feet and so began the famous "mineral bathe" of St. Louis.
In 1881, he built the opera house block and the next year the adjoining block of bricks.
St. Louis owes more to this man than to any other.
Survivors are a wife and one sister.
Funeral services at his late
residence by Rev. Vernor and the remains were taken to Granby, Conn., for
Philetus S. Howe
Philetus S. Howe was born in the town of Barlow, State of New York July 11, I813, and died Sunday, Jan. 8, 1899, aged 85 years 5 months and 7 days.
He moved with his parents to Morrow county, Ohio, when he was about 11 years old, and lived there until about 1846 when he moved to Wayne county, Mich. In 1882, he came to Shepherd where he remained until his death.
He married Eliza Laycock, Dec. 29, 1836. To them were born 10 children, several of whom, with his wife, survive him.
Joseph Howe, the oldest, died at New Orleans Aug. 9, 1862, in the service of his country.
Mary Chubb died in Oct. of l865, and John died March 12, 1894. Those still living are Nulda Brice of Detroit, Absalom of Wayne, Zorada Swix, of Shepherd, Elizabeth Vandee of Battle Creek, Julius Rowe of Spencerville, Ohio, Wm. Howe of Coe and Emma Bennett of Inkster.
He was a member of the Universalist Church for 50 years.
The funeral was held at the Church
of Christ Jan. 11, Elder Rossell conducting the services.
Hand dated August 1907
Jay Hudson
Great was the shock to Shepherd citizens Friday when news reached here of the death of Jay Hudson, son of Charles Hudson, until recently a respected farmer living near Shepherd, but now of Milford.
Mr. Hudson has been employed as freight brakeman on the T and 0 railroad for the past three years, and on Friday when the south-bound local freight reached Alma, he was missed by a trainman, and on running back, his body was found between the rails about a half-mile south of Forest Hill, mangled beyond recognition.
Mr. Hudson was born January 14, l886, and at the time of his death was 21 years 6 months and 26 days old. He leaves a father, two sisters and a brother, besides other relatives.
The funeral was held from the Church of Christ, Rev. Pickett officiating. Interment in Salt River cemetery.
Relatives attending the funeral
were Henry Hudson of Ovid, Dr. Hudson and wife and Frank Hudson from Merrill,
Mrs. Jay Gibbs from Laingsburg and a niece from Breckenridge.
Hand-dated 1905
Chloe Scovil Hunt
After several months of illness, borne with the utmost Christian fortitude, Chloe Scovil Hunt passed away at the home of her only surviving daughter, Mrs. Anna Maxwell at Kent in Portage County, Ohio, on the 20th inst. The deceased was the relict of the late Jason Hunt, who died 8 years ago. Chloe Scovil Hunt was born in Trumbull county, Ohio, June 12, 1830, and was over 75 years of age at the time of her demise. When about 7 years of age she moved with her parents to Ingham county, Mich. She was married to her late husband in the then village of Jackson on Dec. 17, 1853. She was 38 years a member of the M.E. church, having joined the society in 1867. She had 6 children, 3 of whom survive her.
The remains were brought to Lincoln where
the funeral services were conducted by Rev. Blanchet on Friday at the home of
James Hunt, a son.
Mrs. Barbara Hutchinson
Mrs. Barbara Ann Hutchinson, highly esteemed resident of the Shepherd community for more than a half-century, was summoned by death Sat. morning at about 9 o'clock at the home about a mile southeast of Shepherd, of her son Milton C. Hutchinson, supervisor of Coe Twp. She was 87 years old.
Mrs. Hutchinson, was Barbara Ann Witmer, daughter of Christian and Mary Witmer, was born Jun. 20, 1848, in Modina county, Ohio, and was married there July 11 1871, to William VanSuren Hutchinson who died Feb, 7. L896.
To this union seven children were born, six surviving as follows: Mrs. Mary Buffington of South Lyons, Mich, Mrs. Lulu Kern of Lorrain, Ohio, Wm. Hutchinson of Alma, Mrs. Novada Loomis of Breckenridge, and Grover C. Hutchinson and Milton C. Hutchinson of Shepherd. One daughter, Jessie Hutchinson, died at the age of 5 years. Elsie Kern of Shepherd is a step-daughter, and a sister Mrs. Susan Knolt of Youngstown, Ohio, also survives. Vesta Zigler, a step-daughter preceded her in death. Mrs. Hutchinson's grandfather and grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. William Hutchinson, were natives of Rhode Island.
Funeral services at the home of
M.C. Hutchinson Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock were conducted by the Rev. E.W.
Mayhew of Mt. Pleasant, former pastor of the Shepherd Methodist church.
Interment was made in Salt River cemetery.
Frank C. Hyde
The death of Frank C. Hyde, pioneer merchant of Riverdale, came as a shock to his family and friends on Monday, Nov. 26th. Mr. Hyde, although in poor health for some time, had appeared such better the past 2 weeks, and in the morning had accompanied his daughter, Dorothy, to the farm and had milked some cows and did smoe odd chores about the farm. While returning to their box in town, Mr. Hyde’s head suddenly dropped over onto his daughter's shoulder and he became unconscious. Dorothy drove direct to Dr. Taylor's place, but the doctor was out, but Hyde had passed away before he reached home and other help was summoned. A heart attack is believed to have been the cause of his death.
Frank Calvin Hyde, son of Calvin C. and Mary Phillips Hyde, was born in Steuben county, New York, Oct. 12, 1863, being 71 yrs 1 mo and 14 days old. When a boy about 10 years of age, his father died and his mother with her four small children, came to Michigan to the home of her parents who resided near Ionia. When a young man, they moved to a farm south of Elm Hall. He attended Alma College at the time of the placing of the cornerstone.
April 29 1891, he was united in marriage to Cora M. Carroll and to their union 5 children were born: Mrs. Addie Rose, Mrs. Marguerite Johnson, Carroll, Harold and Frank C. Jr. Mrs. Hyde passed away in 1903, leaving Mr. Hyde with the care of his 5 small children.
Jan.1, 1906, he was again married to Cora E. Eshleman of
Ferris Center and to them two daughters were born, Mary and Dorothy.
More than forty years ago, Mr, Hyde entered into business for himself, first as a poultry business then as a meat market and general store, later dropping the meat market and taking up the farm implement business in connection with the general merchandise, keeping up that line of business until his health became so impaired that he could no longer care for it, so recently he turned the business interests over to his son Carroll.
He is survived by his widow, four daughters, three sons, two sisters, a number of grandchildren and other relatives,
Funeral services were held last Wednesday afternoon at the Riverdale Methodist church, Rev. B.A.R. Strong officiating, assisted by Rev. M.N. Clement. Interment was made in the Ferris Center cemetery.
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