Hand dated May 1918

Harold Fickle

The untimely death of Harold Fickle which occurred at the home of his parents last Saturday night at about 11 o'clock was the culmination of one of the saddest tragedies in the history of Shepherd.

Only last November, Harold was united in marriage to Galah Johnson. Both were popular Shepherd young people and apparently had a long and happy future in store for them. They moved to Alma, where Mrs. Fickle had a good position until about six weeks ago, when he was taken with inflammatory rheumatism from which he suffered intensely. A little over two weeks ago, he was brought to the home of his parents in Shepherd, where a short time afterward, he was taken with pneumonia and despite the best of medical treatment, his weakened condition rendered him incapable of withstanding the ravages of the disease and death resulted.

His young wife who was in constant attendance at his bedside contracted the disease and preceded him in death on April 22. Her remains were placed in the vault and on Tuesday afternoon, funeral services were held for Mr. Fickle, and both bodies were interred in a single grave at Salt River cemetery a sad ending to what had given promise of a bright future.

Harold DeRoy Fickle was born near Farmer, Ohio, Nov. 22, 1898 and died may 4, 1918.

He came to Michigan in Oct. 1900, and on Nov. 22, 1917 was united in marriage to Miss Galah Johnson.

Hand dated 1910

Miss Eula Fisher

She was born in Saranac, Mich, daughter of Mr. J. G. Fisher,

28 years ago the 6th of last September, and came to Shepherd

when she was about 3 years old. She remained until she graduated

from, the Shepherd schools. Soon she entered Ferris Institute

and studied a couple of years before she began teaching,

She was teaching at Whitehall at the time of her death.

The funeral was held at the home of her brother Ralph 0. Fisher,

on North Main in Mt. Pleasant, Rev. W. H. Long officiating.

The remains were placed in the Riverside vault.

Hand-dated Dec. 1893

Mrs. Fitch

Mrs. Fitch, daughter of Jas. Black, died Thurs. of consumption. She leaves a husband and one young child. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon from the Baptist church. Elder Shoate officiating

Hand-dated 1932


Shepherd, Feb. 20- Mrs. Mary B. Florian, who died early Thursday morning at the age of 88 years at the home of her son and daughter, Aloysium and Celia 0. Florian in the Summerton neighborhood, southwest of Shepherd, and was the first white child born in Allen County, Ohio.

Delphos was her birthplace and she was married in Fremont, Ohio. in 1866, to Aloysius Florian, Sr. They removed to St. Johns and from there to this locality, 43 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Florian celebrated their golden wedding anniversary a year before he died in 1917.

She since had made her home with her children. Last summer she suffered a fall from a porch in which both of her wrists were broken.

Mrs. Florian was a communicant of the Catholic church at Summerton, where mass was solemnized Saturday morning by the pastor, Fr. T.R. Dark.

Two sons, Anthony N. and Henry also residents of the Summerton locality, survive with the son and daughter at whose home she died.

Hand-dated Sept. 1912

Lorenzo D. Ford

Lorenzo D. Ford was born in Allegany Co., State of N.Y. December 20, 1843, and lived there about 3 years, when he moved to Ohio for about 4 years, From there he went back to N.Y. State for a short time. He then came to Michigan and after staying a short time, went to Wisconsin where he enlisted in Co. 17, serving about 11 months when he was honorably discharged by disability. He then came back to Michigan, Kalamazoo County, living there about 10 years. He then came to this county where he married Harriet Daugherty, having 3 children, Ernest, Wm. and Maudie. Maudie died at the age of 6 months 3 years and the wife and mother followed about 6 months later. In 2 years from that date, he married Mrs. Jennie Booth with 1 child, a daughter Elsie who died at the age of 17 years. To them was born 1 child. a boy, Fred Ford, who is now 25 years old. He lived on the farm until his recent sickness, when he moved into town, Mt. Pleasant.

hand dated 1930

Winfield Fordyce

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at, 3 o'clock for Winfield S. Fordyce, one of the oldest residents of the township, having moved here with his parents some 64 years ago at the age of 13, and has resided in Coe Township, ever since. It was one of the largest funerals ever held in this village. The board of supervisors, which was in session in Mt. Pleasant, adjourned and attended the services in a body. All business places were closed for the funeral.

While Mr. Fordyce had been in poor health for some time, his death came as a shock to the community. He had been about his duties during the day, Saturday as Township clerks and when he failed to return home for supper an investigation was made and his body was found in a chair by the side of his desk. The body was removed to the Stilgenbauer undertaking home and the coroner summoned from Mt. Pleasant, but it was decided no inquest was necessary.

Mr. Fordyce held many important positions in the township, having been supervisor during the years 1902, 3, 4, 5, 15, 16, 17, was township treasurer in 1900, and 1901, and has been clerk, of the township for the past 7 or 8 years and was still serving in this capacity at the time of his death. He had been a member of the Salt River Lodge i.c.o.r. for the past 56 years, and was a charter member of that organization. He was also a member of the Rebekah Lodge of which he was finance secretary.

Winfield S. Fordyce, son of John W. and Sarah E. Fordyce, was born in Greene county, Pa, Nov. 2. l852, and was 77 yrs. 7mo and 16 d. of age at the time of his death. At the age of 13, he came to Coe township with his parents and located on the farm which he still owned at the time of his death and where he resided until about 8 yrs. ago when he moved to Shepherd on account of failing health. He was the youngest of a family Of 7 children, 4 brothers, 2 sisters. On July 4, l876, he was married to Clara Parkinson to which union 2 children were born, both having died several years ago. His first wife died March 14, l897, and he was married to Mary E. Kirby July, 20, l899. Three children were born to them, 2 of whom died in infancy. He is survived by the widow and 1 daughter, Mrs. John Wright of Alta, and 2 grandchildren, Preacee and Junior Wright.

Hand-dated Apr. 1914

George W. Fouts

Geo. W. Fouts was born in Carrolton, Carroll Co,, Ohio, Feb. 22, 1846 and died in Cleveland, 0. nearly 2 weeks ago. Mr. Fouts has been a resident of Shepherd for a great many years, and had only been at Cleveland a short time before death claimed him. When a lad of 15 years, he enlisted in the 80th Ohio Co. A. as a drummer boy and in Aug. I865 he was discharged and mustered out at Little Rock, Ark. He was with Sherman in the long march to the sea. In 1869 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary E. Estee and to them 1 son was born, Free L. Fouts, who now resides in Jackson. The deceased leaves his wife; 1 sister and 3 brothers. Funeral at Cleveland.


hand-dated Feb. 1931 Special to the State Journal

Mrs. Catherine Freeman

Shepherd, Feb. 6--Mrs. Catherine Freeman, wife of Henry Freeman died Tues. afternoon at the age of 65 at her home in Summerton, southwest of this village. She moved there with her husband 6 months ago from Flint. She had been in ill health for a year. Her parents, Edmond and Margaret Dugan, now deceased, were old residents of Summerton and she had lived there for years before going to Flint. She is survived by one brother, Edward Dugan, of Summerton; 2 sisters Mrs. Joe Fanning of Shepherd and Mrs. Mary O'Brien of Summerton and one son Carl Freeman of Flint. The funeral will be held Friday morning, at 9 o'clock from St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Summerton.


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