Austin Campbell
Austin Campbell was born in Steuben County, Ohio. July 20, 1832 and departed this life Jan. 26, 1916, at the age of 84 yr 6mo and 6 de.
He was united in marriage to Lucinda Vonderbeek in l855 and came to Isabella county the following year, where he settled on a farm and endured the hardships of pioneer life.
He lived on this farm until 11 years ago when he moved to Shepherd where he lived until his death.
He was the father of three children, 1 son and 2,daughters, Hoyt who died at the age of 11 years and 6 months, Edith who died at the age of 9 and Etta Austin who died in l894.
He served three years in the Civil War being a member of the 8th Reg. Co. C.
Re leaves behind his departure a loving wife and a sister-Mrs. Phillips of Ohio and other relatives.
Funeral services were at the home with G. W. Rowlizon, pastor of the Church of Christ, officiating.
Interment in Salt River
Clara Campbell
Clara, the 17 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell died at her
home, 2 1/2 miles west and 2 miles south of this village Saturday evening, March
18, 1893, after a short illness of brain fever, which it is thougt was a result
of an injury she received a few weeks since being thrown from a cutter. The
family and friends have the deepest sympathy of the entire community in their
great and unexpected lose. The funeral services were held on Monday at 11
o'clock at the residence, conducted by Rev. P. Manning and the burial took place
in the Salt River Cemetery,
George B. Campbell
Geo. B. Campbell, a prominent citizen of this place, passed away Tuesday afternoon, March 15, 2:30 o'clock after a short illness, of pneumonia.
Mr. Campbell was born August 14, l863, on the farm which his father and mother located at the time of their marriage, in the year 1855, and where after the death of his father, which occurred August 26, 1889, he continued to live with his mother until his death.
George was esteemed for his many good qualities, was a good citizen and a kind neighbor. He was an original stockholder in the Commercial State Bank, and a valued member of the F. and A. M under whose auspices appropriate exercises were conducted.
Re leaves to mourn his loss, a mother and five sisters, namely Mrs. Isabelle Hutchinson, Mrs. 0. T. Stahlran, Mrs. L.D. Estee, Mrs. Irad Struble and Mrs. F.B. Field.
Rev. Cookson conducted the
George Carr
George Carr passed away Monday Feb. 3, He would have been 51 years of age on Feb. 22, this years
He was the youngest of five children, having been born in Wayne county, Mich, Feb. 22, 1862. Thirty-two years ago he moved to Isabella county where he has lived since except for four years.
He leaves a wife, widowed mother and four children, Mrs. Frank Merillat of this city, Charlie Carr of Detroit, Lee Carr of Ill, and Vivian Carr of this city, 2 brothers Henry Carr of Portland, Oregon and Jimmy Carr of Twining, Mich, and 2 grand-children.
Rev. Jack of the Baptist Church
officiated at the funeral.
Mrs. Edwin C. Chadwick
Hand-dated 1930
Special to the State Journal Alma Mar. 26
Funeral services for Mrs. Edwin C. Chadwick, one of Alma's oldest and best known women. were held Tuesday afternoon from the Wright chapel. Mrs. Chadwick died at her home on Woodworth Ave., Saturday evening, after suffering from an ailment for some time. She was 83 years and 4 months old and is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Winn Wilson, Lansing, and Claude who resides in Detroit. Her husband preceded her in death 20 years ago&
Mrs. Chadwick was born Nov. 12, 1846, in Hamburg, Mich. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rodman Case. She was a member of the M.E. church and was an active worker in both civic and church circles. She was also a ember of the W.R.C. and the Rebekah lodge.
The Rev. M.A. Braund officiated at
the services and burial followed in Riverside cemetery, Alma.
John Christman
Last Sun. afternoon, occurred the death of John Christman at the advanced age of 84 years.
He was born in Tonawanda, N.Y. June 20, 1807 and resided in his native place until the fall of 1836, when he bought 160 acres of land in Williams Co., Ohio. In Feb. 1839, he came to Washtenaw Co., Mich. where he prosecuted his trade of builder, which he had learned in early life in his native State. He pursued that business a number of yrs., and at length bought 135 acres in Saline Township in Washtenaw Co., where he resided 28 1/2 years. He then sold out and bought 90 acres in the same twpo, which he retained for 1 year. His health failed, and he sold the farm removing into the village of Saline. In the fall of 1865, he came to Gratiot county and bought 80 acres of land on Sec. 25, Pine River twp., on which he made considerable improvement. In 1866 he bought some lots at St. Louis, near where he lately, resided, and the following year built his residence. Re engaged in the gracery trade.
About 6 years ago, his wife died,
and he has lead a retired and quiet life since, devoting most of his time around
his home. He was of late years a great reader, as the following will show: A
card found tied around an old Bible, in Mr. Christman's handwriting states that
he commenced reading it Jan. 7, 1878, and that he had read it through 76 times.
Another Bible was found which he says he had read 36 times, besides several
thousand other books, all since 1878, and without the aid of glasses.
Myron Clark
The sad news was brought to the village that Myron Clark had passed away at 2 o'clock this morning.
The deceased had been ill with the grip for some time past, and would at times so far recover as to be able to be around the house, only to again be taken with a relapse of the dreadful disease, which he at last succumbed to.
Mr. Clark was born in St. Lawrence county, N.Y. in Feb. 1844 and had lived on the farm where he died, ever since.
He was married to Miss Phebe Harnes in 1865. Three children was the result of this marriage: Sherwood who was killed about a year ago in a railroad wreck, Clifton and Maud who survive him.
Deceased was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, Sr. of this village, and the oldest of a family of eight children. The living are: Sidney, Milton, Allen, Robert Jr., Mrs. I. Grant of Reed City and Mrs. Chas. Balch of Pleasant Valley.
The funeral will be held Saturday,
Rev. G.W. Riggs officiating and conducted by the Knights of the Maccabees, of
which he was a member.
John W. Clemens
John W. Clemens 80, of 4078 Gresham Hwy., R- 5, Charlotte, died Tuesday at Hayes Green Beach Hospital, where he had been a patient a day. He had been in ill health several months.
Mr. Clemens was born in Wood County, Ohio, and had resided in this area for the past 52 years. Member of Gresham Methodist Church.
Surviving are wife the former Carol Thomas, a daughter Mrs.
Linden (Enola) Burton of Route 1 Charlotte, a son Dale of Charlotte, a
brother Omer of Lapeer, a sister Mrs. Ivah Zingery of Mt. Pleasant and
4 grandchildren.
Funeral services Dec. 1 at Pray Funeral Rome. Interment in Gresham
Cemetery in Chester Township.
John Cohoon
John Cohoon was born in Oakland in
Oakland county, Sept. 17th, 1824, his age now being 73 yre. 4 mo, 11 days. He
came to Isabella Co. in the year 1855, to the farm where he has since resided
until the time of his death. He was married to Mary A. Packer in 1857, who
survives him. They had a family of 6 children, of whom 5 are living-1 boy and 4
girls, who are grown. Mr. Cohoon has always followed farming as an occupation.
He has always been an industrious, honest and upright citizen, and respected by
all who knew him, and by whom he will be greatly missed. His death occurred Dec.
28, 1897. Rev. D.E.Read preached the funeral sermon at the house Thurs. at 1
o'clock; music by the Shepherd choir.
Rosa Cohoon
After a brief illness, Mrs. Rosa Cohoon passed away Set. evening, March 5th at her rooms on Fifth St. An infection of the gall bladder was the immediate cause of death and the seriousness of her condition was not realized until the day before her death.
Mrs. Cohoon was born in Alaska, Kent Co., Mich., June 30, 1866. She had been a resident of Isabella Co. for about 30 years and of Mt. Pleasant the past 16 years. She was an experienced nurse and was well known in the community. Her husband, Morris Cohoon died nearly 27 years ago.
She is survived by 1 daughter, Mrs. Georgia Clowe of Alma and 4 grand daughters, daughters of Mrs. Clow. She leaves 2 brothers and a sister, H.W. McIntyre and R.T,. McIntyre of Kalamanoo and Mrs. Lillie Coon of Hazel Park near Detroit. Rosa Cohoon's ancestors held enviable records as soldiers in their country's wars and this soldierly inheritance probably had much to do with the indomitable courage with which she faced life's responsibilities despite many discouragements. She always had a pleasant word and a smile for her friends,
The funeral took place Tues. afternoon at the Stinson chapel with Rev. H.E. Curch conducting the services. Burial in Salt River cemetery.
Hand-dated 1905.
Harrison Colbry
Harrison Colbry died at his home in this village Saturday evening at 9 o'clock. Funeral services were held at the house Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock and interment took place in St. Louis, Rev. Blanchet officiating.
Harrison Colbry wee born in Cornwall, England, Aug. 1, 1809 hence at his death was 96 years, 1 month and 27 days old. He came to America in 1831, settling in Canada, where he was married to Miss Hannah Newson, a native of Cornwall. In l887 they moved to St. Louis, this state, and 10 years ago he came to Shepherd, where he made his home till death.
Twelve children were born to
them, every one of whom was christened Harrison, after their father, 8
of whom survive hm, as follows: Robert
Joseph Harrison of Canada, Mary Harrison Tuck of Canada, George Lawrence
Harrison of Petoskey, Mrs, Henry Bailey Jones of Shepherd, Mrs, Hannah Harrison
Bell of Canada, Mrs. Caroline Bell of Canada, Thomas Harrison Colbry of St.
Louis and Reginald Harrison Colbry of St. Louis.
Mrs. Eseline D. Cole
Mrs. Eseline D. Cole, wife of Frank M. Cole, and a resident of central Michigan all her life, died at 7 o'clock Wed. evening August, at her home in Shepherd after an illness of long duration that took an acute turn about 5 months ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Cole quietly observed their golden wedding anniversary here in Oct. 1929. The daughter of Wells and Esther Sheldon, who were among the early settlers of Clinton county she was born in Bingham twp, April 9. 1862, and she was married to Frank Cole in Oct. 1879.
They moved to a farm in Jasper twp, Midland county in 1880; thence to the Wilson farm two miles east and one-half mile south of Shepherd in 1908, and from there to the village in 1911. They have since resided here.
Mrs. Cole leaves besides her husband$ one brother Willard Sheldon, a niece and a nephew.
Funeral was held from the home Saturday afternoon at 2:30-The Rev. W.S. Phillips officiated and interment was made in Salt River cemetery.
The pallbearers were H.E. Roeselitg, Harry Wetzel, Henry Ardner, C.E. Hauser, B.C. Stahlman and Glen Oren.
Mt. Pleasant, Mich. court house
records Dtath Book 3 Page 91 says Emeline Cole d Aug. 17, 1932 at Shepherd. She
had been born in Michigan to Wells Sheldon of N.Y. and Esther Scott of England.
Frank W. Cole
Frank W. Cole, 75 years old, and a highly respected resident of Shepherd and vicinity for years, died at his home in this village Monday morning at about 2 o'clock. Death resulted from a fall he took late last August from a porch that he was planning to roof at his home. Be suffered a fracture of the leg near the hip and other injuries.
After many weeks of treatment in the Bronstatter Memorial hospital in Mt. Pleasant, Mr. Cole was brought to his home here. For a time of late he had seemed to gain but suffered complications and a relapse several weeks ago.
Mr. Cole was remarried Jan. 8, 1934, to Mrs. Ethel Drum, who survives him, with 2 nephews, Glen Cole of Lansing and Clifford Cole of Dewitt. He was born in Connecticut and before coming to Shepherd about 24 years ago to make his home, had resided on a farm he owned east of the village. For several years he acted as deputy sheriff here.
Mr. Cole was a capable business man and successful as a farmer, and had acquired substantial agricultural interacts. Quiet and reserved, he was known as an exemplary citizen and a good neighbor and friend whose familiar figure will be missed from the life of the community.
Funeral services were hold at the
house Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. W.R. Bell officiated and
interment was made in Salt River cemetery.
Frank Cook
Frank Cook was born in the town of Farmington, Oakland county, in 1859 and
lived in and around that county till about 23 years ago, when he came to
Shepherd and has made his home here most of the tire since. He passed quietly
away at his home Dec. 28, 1917. The funeral was held Tues and conducted by Rev.
Harry Cofford Jr.
Harry Cofford, Jr, 22 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cofford, Sr, of Mt. Pleasant was electrocuted about eleven o'clock Saturday night at the Mt. Pleasant sugar plant where he was working as a machinist.
Dr. Baskerville, coroner, was called but after investigation decided that circumstances did not call for a coroner's inquest. It seemed clear that electrocution had occurred, although there was no mark on the young man's body. He had not been subject to heart disease.
The body was taken to Stinson's undertaking parlor and the funeral was to be
held early this week.
Hand-dated Feb. '34
Mrs. Catherine O'Connor
Mrs. Catherine O'Connor, 76 years old and wife of Richard O'Connor, died at 8:30 Monday morning at her home, 409 Wisconsin Street in Mt. Pleasant after having been ill for about six months. Mrs. O'Connor was reared in the Irishtown neighborhood southwest of Shepherd and had lived there and in Mt. Pleasant for more than 65 years.
Catherine Hellet, the daughter of Michael and Bridget Hellet was born in Milwaukee, Wisc. With her parents she came to the Irishtown neighborhood soon after the Civil War. She was married in November 1879 to Richard O'connor. They had since lived in this county and for the last 20 years or so had made their home in Mt. Pleasant.
Surviving Mrs. O'Connor besides her husband are two daughters Sister Mary Gertrude of London, Ont. and Mrs. Arnold Doepker of St. Louis, and one son Walter O'Connor of Shepherd, She also leaves eight grandchildren, one great grandchild and a wide circle of friends,
Requiem mass was solemnized Wednesday
forenoon at 9:30 o'clock for Mrs. O'Connor in Sacred Heart Church in Mt.
Pleasant of which she was a faithful communicant. Burial was made in the
Catholic cemetery.
From Isabella County Republican
Jan. 12, 1939
Last Rites for Mrs. J. P. Curtiss
Mrs. James P. Curtiss passed away January 5th at the Carney-Wilcox Hospital in Alma, after an illness of five days.
Miss Cornelia J. Bigelow was the daughter of Calvin and Harriet Bigelow. She was born May 3, 1867, at Shepherd, where she spent most of her life.
She was married to James P. Curtiss, June 27, 1888.
She leaves one sister, Mrs. Hattie Guests and one brother, Jay Bigelow, both of Grand Rapids; four children, Mrs. Frank Mooning, Stewart B., James R. of Shepherd, and Sterling of Lake George; and twenty-eight grandchildren.
Mrs. Curtiss was a member of the M.E. Church and Aid, also a member of Coe Chapter O.F.S, who attended her last rites in a body.
Funeral services were held at the
M..E. Church Saturdays Jan. 7, at 2:00 o'clocm p.m. Rev. Floyd H. Cramer
officiating. Interment in Salt River Cemetery.
Mrs. Nell Murtha Curtis
The Sandpoint (Idaho) News of Jan. 25 contained the following news item.
The victim of a sudden heart attack Mrs. Nell Curtis, 50, passed
away at the family residence on South Huron about 6:30
morning. Mrs. Curtis was stricken between five and six o'clock Wednesday evening. When her son Murtha, came home at 6:20 he found his mother unconscious. She never rallied.
Born July 4, 1883, at Shepherd, Mich. Nell Murtha graduated from the Shepherd High School. After her graduation she taught school for a couple of years, prior to her marriage to Richard F. Curtis at Shepherd 28 years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis came west to Wallace in 1909, where they resided for a year and in 1910 came to Sandpoint where they have resided since.
To this union were born two children, Murtha who is associated
with his father in the Crescent Pharmacy, and Ann, a student at the University of Idaho.
Mrs. Curtis was active in church and fraternal works. She
was a member of the Presbyterian Church and the Women's Association.
Mrs. Curtis served as Matron of the Eastern Star Chapter and was also active in the P.E.0 sisterhood.
All members of the family were home at the end. Miss Ann Curtis, notified of her mother's condition, left Moscow and arrived in Sandpoint early this morning. Besides her husband and children, Mrs. Curtis is survived by a brother, Dr. A.V. Murtha, Pontiac, Mich.
Added note: the funeral Sunday
afternoon at Moon Chapel was largely attended. Dr. W. Westwood, pastor of the
Presbyterian church officiated and burial was in Pinecrest
John F. Cozat
With funeral services being held Sunday afternoon at the Church of Christ in Shepherd for John P. Cozat, nearly 90 yrs old, who died suddenly last Thursday night of injuries he received in service in the Civil War, but one survivor remains of the formerly numerous veterans of the War of the Rebellion in this community, who annually took prominent part in the Memorial Day march to Salt River cemetery. The lone survivor is Sherman Allen.
Mr. Cozat was ill but a day and a night preceding his death last Thurs. evening at 6 o'clock at the home on the Van Vraken farm 1 mile south and 1 1/2 miles east of Shepherd where he had been cared for by his sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary Museelman, following the death of his wife last Sept.
Mr. Cozat was born Nov. 5, 1844, in Dark County, Ohio, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Cozat, pioneers of the Buckeye State. Following the death of his first wife, he was married in Pauling County, Ohio about 41 years ago to Sarah J. Hault who passed away here last fall. Mr. and Mrs. Cozat removed to the Van Vranken farm from Ohio 13 years ago.
Serving in the war with Co. M. 8th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, the permanent injury he received in service compelled his retirement. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic.
Surviving Mr. Cozat, are 1 son, William Cozat, living near Detroit, who with 2 grandsons, Theodore of Detroit and John of Coleman, Midland Co, and 10 Grandchildren survive. A sister passed away recntly at her home in Indianapolis.
The Rev. W.H. Bell conducted the funeral
services held at the Christian Church beginning at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon,
and burial was made in Salt River cemetery.
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