Cemetery List
Last Name First Name Birth Death Other
ABELL Elsie R 1907 No Date
ABELL Ivan T 1906 1939
ADAMS Edward D 22Mar1854 8May1888 Father
ADAMS Leroy 1894 1939
BECKWITH Homer G 1875 1950
BECKWITH Mina M 1878 1962
BECKWITH Monroe L 1900 1981
BECKWITH S can't read
BECKWITH Family Marker
BENN Curtis E 30Jan1888 2Feb1907
BENN Deborah M 1891 1969 M. 15Jun1916
BENN Elsie E 1866 1962
BENN Frank A 1889 1975
BEUTNER Caroline 12Feb1832
BEUTNER Clyde J 31Ju11895 6Dec1970 Ml Pvt CoF 281nf1DivWWIPH
BEUTNER Eliza A 1867 1929
BEUTNER Father No Gates
BEUTNER John Jr 1864 1943 Mason
BEUTNER Mother No Dates
BISHOP J Preston 1900 1977
BISHOP Lillian D 1915 No date
BISHOP Walter L 1909 1980
BOLINGER George 1892 1973
BOUCHER Maggie 1869 1938 Mother
BRADLEY Ben 1858 1934
BRADLEY Evie 1862 1920
BRADLEY Peter F 27NY LA Civil War
BRAND Clarence E 1900 1985
BRAND Gladys M 1908 1948
BRAND Lafayette E 1869 1932 Father
BRAND Lorenz E 1927 1929 Buddy
BROOKS Jane N 1837 1925
BROOKS Family Marker
BURD John 9May1896
BURD Susannah 9Dec1901
CAPEN Carl 3Aug1905 22Nov1986
CAPEN Christina H 1884 1963
CAPEN Etta M 1857 1842 Mother .
CAPEN Homer E 1879 1965
CAPEN Lettie 1880 1926
CAPEN Orman W 1884 1894 Ch PL & EM Capenone1
CAPEN Pearl L 1856 1903
CAPEN Verna M 1877 1894 Ch PL & EM Capen Row7Sec1Stone1
CAPEN Father
CASE Joshua 1832 1914
CHAFFEE Aletha L 1918 No date
CHAFFEE Clarence L 1913 1978
CHAFFEE Flora M 1882 1937
CHAFFEE Joyce E 1919 1981
CHAFFEE Maude E 1888 1949
CHAFFEE William H 1845 1913 Father
CHAFFEE William L 1877 1953
CHAMPLIN Abby I 3Sep1901
CHAMPLIN Albert W 1863 1937
CHAMPLIN Eunice R 1889 1976
CHAMPLIN Richard B 1928 1940
CHAMPLIN William F 11 May1901
CHASE Orville D 3Jun1850 6Aug1917
COX Ernest M 1888 1931 Son
COX Frank 1849 1929 Grandpa
COX Mary E 1858 1916
COX William A 31Mar1887 Son L & ME Cox
COX Family Marker
COX Homemade-buck
CUMMINS Alva W 15Feb1886 7Aug1977 M 15Nov1915
CUMMINS Alvin H 1922 No date USN WWII
CUMMINS Lucille I 1923 1982 Beloved Wife
CUMMINS Treva M 18Mar1897 16Dec1978
CUMMINS Ula Marie 1919 Do date
CUMMINS William B 1918 1986 Pfc US Army WWII
CURRY Bertha B 1880 1941
CURRY David H 1876 1952
DARNELL Adelaide 1892 1946
DARNELL Albert L 1921 1987 m. 6Aug1940
DARNELL Amy 1893 1974
DARNELL Baby Boy 1942
DARNELL Bailey 1857 1937
DARNELL Benjamin 1943
DARNELL Cecil W 2Mar1982 Stump w/metal plate
DARNELL Charles D 28Sep1918 22Nov1952 MlTec4CoB808TDBN WWII
DARNELL Dora E 1923 No date
DARNELL Edward S 1879 1968
DARNELL Elijah 1873 1950
DARNELL Elijah M 1910 Father
DARNELL Ella L 1876 1954
DARNELL Floyd W 1888 1953
DARNELL Frank A 1888 1953
DARNELL Harry W 1915 1982
DARNELL Isabelle 1935 1974
DARNELL Joan 1947
DARNELL John 1947
DARNELL Margaret 1848 1930
DARNELL MaryA 1917 No date
DARNELL Mary E 30Ju11856 2Dec1916 Mother
DARNELL Neil A 1903 1978
DARNELL Orville W 21Mar1915 1Apr1966 MlTec4USArmyWW2
DARNELL Ray 1887 1963
DARNELL Rebecca 1 9Nov1823 230ct1907 Mother
DARNELL Rena L 1893 1971
DARNELL Tessie M 1910 No date
DARNELL William 1846 1906
DARNELL William A 27Ju11824 29Nov1902 Father
DARNELL William J 22Ju11847 10May1906
DARNELL Zoa 1864 1936
DARNELL Family Marker
DARNELL Family Marker
DARNELL Family Marker
DAVIS Florence C (Hoffm1909 1992
DAVIS Iral L 1918 1955 Son
DAVIS John 1852 1928 Father
DAVIS Marilla Jane 1859 1918 Mother
DAVIS Patricia M 1947 1975 Dau
DAVIS Roscoe R 1913 1961
DAVIS Vera B 1893 1972 Mother
DAVIS Walter H 1891 1931 Father
DAVIS Wayne L 25Dec1920 19Dec1956 MlPfc3511nfBSN PH WWII
DAVISWORTH Ida 18Apr1855 Wife A Davisworth
DELL Beatrice L 1904 1928
DELL Emory A 1894 1983 M. 20Jan1921
DELL George L 1846 1832 Father
DELL Oscar R 1886 1965
DELL Richard 16Dec1921 Son EA & Beatrice
DELL Sarah Ann 1857 1930 Mother
DELL Ward 1908 1974
DENSLOW Asenath 1834 1888
DENSLOW Billie 1912 1932
DENSLOW Carrie E 1873 1950
DENSLOW Clara E 1897 1928
DENSLOW Clifford 1895 1896 In a tree
DENSLOW Cloyd W 1893 1928
DENSLOW Edith 1899 1925 Wife Jason
DENSLOW Edwin B 1870 1935
DENSLOW Ella M 1869 1967 Mother
DENSLOW Emily R 1844 1931
DENSLOW Etta E 1898 1992
DENSLOW Eva 1871 1943
DENSLOW Eva D 1898 1985
DENSLOW Fannie L 1902 1950
DENSLOW Floyd C 1892 1958
DENSLOW Garold J 1908 1956
DENSLOW Grant H 1868 1922
DENSLOW Issac 1876 1947 Mason
DENSLOW Jason E 1895 1970
DENSLOW Jennie R 1894 1943
DENSLOW Jerome W 1911 No date M. 240ct1931
DENSLOW Justin Ellis 1992 Our tiny angel
DENSLOW Laura E 1877 1956 Star
DENSLOW Leonard 1892 1963
DENSLOW Lillie A 1870 1932
DENSLOW Lyle E 1913 1990 M. 5Sep1937
DENSLOW Mack W 1900 1980
DENSLOW Magial 1907 1973 Star
DENSLOW Margie L 1896 1981 M. 29Jun1918
DENSLOW Mary M 1947 1962
DENSLOW Milford 1907 No date Mason
DENSLOW Myrtle Konnie can't read Wife WC Denslow
DENSLOW Ollie M 1916 No date
DENSLOW Opal M 1907 No date
DENSLOW Ruth E 1913 1976
DENSLOW Tunis W 1880 1946
DENSLOW Willard 1863 1917
DENSLOW WL 1863 1932 Quartz stone marker
DENSLOW Zela May 5Sep1916 24Feb1924 Dau I ~ LE Denslow
DENSLOW Family Marker
DENSLOW Family Marker
DENSLOW 1918 Baby
DENSLOW Family Marker
DENSLOW Family Marker
DENSLOW Family Marker
DENT Anna M 1917 No date
DENT Charles 1825 1903
DENT Emeline A 1887 1956
DENT James 1888 1963
DENT Rolland 1912 1988
DENT Family Marker
DEWITT Anna 1888 1965
DEWITT Margaret 1915 1992
DEWITT S James 1905 1982
DEWITT Sylvester JJr 1Aug1928 26May1961 Ml PfcUS Army
DOERR Charles W 30May1923 29Aug1965 MIS1USNR WW2
DOYLE Jennie Woodin 1852 1939
DOYLE John H Co F 30 US Inf
DOYLE Thomas 1854 1928
DOYLE Victor 1880 1943 Father
DOYLE Family Marker
DREW Myrtle E 1891 1978
DREW William E 1883 1960
DUTCHER Barbara A 1934 No date
DUTCHER Betty Ann 1949 No date
DUTCHER Clayton N 1910 1990 Mason, M. 14Feb1931
DUTCHER Douglas D 1956 1983
DUTCHER Douglas D 16Dec1956 10Sep1983 Pfc USMC Vietnam
DUTCHER Goldie M 1912 1985
DUTCHER James C 1947 No date
DUTCHER Monica J 1956 No date
DUTCHER Richard G 1932 No date
EARL Austin 1861 1945
EARL Hazel 1895 1962 Mother
EARL Loann 1879 1898
ELLIOT Annie C 1853 1937
ELLIOT Arthur 9Mar1890 Son HT & AC Elliott
ELLIOT G Frank 1852 1924
ELLIOT Family Marker
ELLIOTT Ada 1869 1954
ELLIOTT Henry L 1889 1942 Son MA & Ada Elliott
ELLIOTT James N 1883 1936
ELLIOTT Martin A 1861 1935
ELLIOTT Richard L 8Apr1934 26Feb1992 SP3 US Army Korea
ELLIOTT Robert A 1890 1982
FAHNESTOCK Frances 9Oct1910 No date
FAHNESTOCK Paul S 13Sep1911 30Nov1986
FERGUSON Adell 1851 1933
FERGUSON Avery W 1877 1949
FERGUSON Doris L 1919 1972
FERGUSON Edmund R 1849 1923 FERGUSON Emma 1887 1947 Row17Sec1 Stone
FERGUSON Ida M 1886 1952
FERGUSON Jimmie 290ct1906 4Ju11911
FERGUSON John 1858 1925
FERGUSON Leslie D 1889 1958
FERGUSON Myrtle 1866 1915
FERGUSON Raymond A 1910 1982
FERGUSON Roy M 1886 1944
FORBES Earl HR 1903 1975 Husband
FORBES Imogene G 1912 No date Wife
GARBET Anna 1865 1948
GARBET Daniel Earl 7Jan1835 16Jan1906 Father
GARBET Elizabeth E 2Jan1841 Mother
GARBET Walter 1877 1950
GARBET Family Marker
GARBET Family Marker
GARDNER Charlie C No dates
GARDNER Mary 1853 1910
GARDNER Percy E 1884 1966
GARDNER Raymond E 1911 1970 Dear Dad
GARDNER Richard 1849 1923
GARDNER Family Marker
GATEHOUSE Leo D 1909 1987
GATEHOUSE Vada M 1911 No date
GOODENOUGH Elmer 25Dec1881 26Mar1939 Father
GOODENOUGH Harvey M 1834 1916 Cement
GOODENOUGH Ira A 1858 1899 Cement
GOODENOUGH Lizzie 16Ju11865 180ct1936 Mother
GOODENOUGH Mother No dates cement
GREWETT Carl E 1899 1982
GUNCKEL Frances 1891 1935
GUNCKEL Harry L 1889 1964
GUTHRIE Opal A 1867 1935
HARDENBURCH Harry L 1914 1987 M. 14Ju11945
HARDENBURCH Opal I 1923 No date
HARRINGTON Lewie E 1882 1971 Marshall FH
HAVILAND Sarah E 1862 1942 Mother
HAViLAND William H 1872 1960 Father
HIBBERD Evalina 1879 1983 Wife
HIBBERD John H 1876 1967 Husband
HIGGINS Cecyl H 1908 1967 Covered by ceder trees
HIGGINS Family Marker
HILLMAN Jessie B 1884 1899 Sis (Kirvan)
HINE Charles August 29May1918 13Feb1954 Ml EMC US Navy WWII
HINE Grover 1884 1957
HINE John 1847 1906
HINE John 11Apr1847 19Sep1906 Stone has fallen
HINE Mary 1891 1946 Row16Sec1Stone2
HINE Reuben 1891 1971 Row16Sec1Stone2
HINE Rudolph 30Mar1882 9Sep1883
HINE Theresa 1859 1942
HINE Family Marker
HOLLIDAY Ben H 1892 1957
HOISTED Anna J 12Jan1850 15Mar1914 Mother
HOISTED Clarence G 23Dec1901 24Jun1975 Fathere1
HOISTED Elijah M 31Mar1838 19Ju11914 Father
HOISTED Ethel M 1877 1966
HOISTED Eudora 19Feb1868 17Feb1891 Wife William Rosencrantz
HOISTED G Forest 1885 1923
HOISTED Gordon H 1878 1949
HOISTED Hannah 1889 1923
HOISTED Mabel E 1918 No date
HOISTED Family Marker
HOISTED? Mabel 6788 No date Dau
HOLTON James 3Apr1897
HOLTON James Co I 193rd NY Inf
JAMES John F 1889 1942
JAMES LV 1916 1922 Son John & Elsie James
JOHNSON Frances 1920 1988
JOHNSON Robert G 1921 No date
JONES Abram 1895 1918 Father
JONES Eldon A 1919 1977 Tech US Army WWII
JONES Mary E 11Aug1862 5Nov1901 Wife of William
JONES William C 7Jun1850 15Dec1933
JONES Mother
KENT Lydia E 1854 1940
KENT Adeibert S 1851 1928
KENT Alonzo "Lonnie" 1913 1983
KENT Bruce R 1879 1970
KENT C Mother
KENT Claude C 1891 1923 Brother
KENT Elizabeth C 1859 1915 Mother
KENT Ethel L 1893 971
KENT Fred L 1859 1933
KENT Halla Jean Denslo\1926 1946
KENT Hannah 1835 1905 Stone8
KENT Harry R can't read Son OE & EC Kent
KENT James H 14Apr1917 130ct1975 SP3 US Navy WWII
KENT James O 1883 1944
KENT John 1830 1895
KENT John V 200ct1878 20May1938
KENT Josephine 1912 1916
KENT Leora 1902 1926
KENT Lorena 1915 1924 Huffman FH
KENT Marie H 5May1916 27May1975
KENT Marjorie 1920 1950 Crittenden FH
KENT Miles L 1921 1981 Pvt US Army WWII
KENT Murel Palmer 22Mar1923 10Aug1947 MlPfc14RegtUSMC4Div WWII
KENT Oscar E 1855 1935 Father
KENT Stella R 27Aug1878 23Feb1964
KENT Susan B 11May1896 Wife Fred L Kent
KENT Una Lawrence 1911 1972
KENT Virgil N No dates Homemade marker
KERN Helen M 1933 1966
KERR Kenneth M 240ct1915 7Aug1987 Cpl US Army WWII
KERVAN Dewey L 1983 1984 M. 13Jun1930
KERVAN Ruby B 1911 No date
KIRVAN Arnold 1909 1924
KIRVAN Bessie M 1884 1935 Mother
KIRVAN Dick 1874 1947
KIRVAN Florence M 1908 19218 Dau
KIRVAN Jane A 3Apr1849 10ct1911
KIRVAN Jane Ann 1849 1911 Mother
KIRVAN Miranda 1884 1924 Row1 OSec1 '
KIRVAN Modelle 1918 No date
KIRVAN Samuel V 1849 1920 Father
KIRVAN Walter H 25Jan1911 21Apr1990 HA1 US Navy WWII Row22Sec1Stone1
KIRVAN Wesley E 1877 1928 Father Row8Sec1Stone10
KIRVAN William J 1872 1938 Row10Sec1Stone2,
KONKLE Clara B 18Nov1888 Wife NA Strong Row3Sec1Stone9
KONKLE John H 5Jun1901 Row3Sec1 Stone10
KONKLE Saul Glenn 27Feb1888 Son AW & M Konkle Row3Sec1Stone8
LAFEVER Amanda L 1868 1949 Row14Sec1Stone1'
LAFEVER William L 1872 1945 Row14Sec1Stone1,
LATHAM Carl J 1902 1986 Row13Sec1 Stone3
LATHAM Chelsea 1869 1931 Row13Sec1 Stone2
LATHAM Claud J 1897 1929 Row13Sec1Stone5
LATHAM Eliza A 1917 1959 Row13Sec1 Stone3
LATHAM Harold O 1906 1956 Row2Sec1Stone16
LATHAM Hattie 1875 1962 Row13Sec1 Stone2
LATHAM Rachel M 1907 1964 Mother Row13Sec1Stone1
LATHAM Thomas E 1896 1972 Father Row13Sec1Stone1
LAWRENCE Andrew L 1856 1928 Row9Sec1Stone8
LAWRENCE Cora A 1871 1936 Row9Sec1Stone8
LAWRENCE Frances V 1893 1967 IOOF Row11 Sec1 Stone11
LAWRENCE Herbert J 1892 1969 Row11Sec1Stone11
LAWRENCE Jimmie 1904 1957 Row11 Sec1 Stone1;
LAWRENCE Keith Sidney 1935 Row13Sec1Stone1
LAWRENCE Mabel E 1897 1906 Row9Sec1Stone7
LAWRENCE Nettie M 1901 No date Row13Sec1Stone1
LAWRENCE Rogena Devine 1872 1932 Row9Sec1Stone3
LAWRENCE Sidney A 1891 1968 Row13Sec1 Stone1
LEE Clyde J 1882 1952 Row11Sec1Stone1
LEE Jonathan 1821 1905 Row11 Sec1 Stone1
LEE Maryan 1927 1910 Row11 Sec1 Stone1
LEE Sadie 1865 1903 Row11 Sec1 Stone1
LEiTER Arlene M 1921 No date Row14Sec1Stone3
LEITER Beatrice 1907 1907 Baby, Crittenden FH Row8Sec1Stone5
LEITER Carmel 1905 1981 Row15Sec1 Stone2
LEITER Charles 1835 1889 Row7Sec1 Stone8
LEITER Charles E 1861 1939 Row10Sec1Stone2
LEITER Clifford K 1916 1933 Row14Sec1 Stone3
LEITER Cora 1895 1945 Row15Sec1 Stone1
LEITER Emrna J 1868 1949 Row10Sec1Stone2
LEITER Ethel B 1898 1946 Mother Row16Sec1Stone2
LEITER Freeman 26Feb1925 27Sep1958 Ml RM3 USNR WWil Row9Sec1Stone20
LEITER Glen 1891 1963 Row15Sec1 Stone1
LEITER Howard 1901 1968 Row12Sec1Stone1
LEITER Ira 1904 1904 Baby, Crittenden FH Row8Sec1Stone5
LEITER Ira M 1864 1944 Row8Sec1Stone6
LEITER Jay 1870 1949 Crittenden Funeral Home Row1BSec1Stone2
LEITER Jean M 1921 1990 Row10Sec1Stone1
LEITER Lloyd E 1909 1959 Husband Row9Sec1Stone17
LEITER Martha 1887 1901 Row7Sec1Stone9
LEITER Morris 1898 1940 Row15Sec1 Stone~
LEITER Oren M 1914 1992 M. 26Nov1948 Row10Sec1Stone1
LEITER Rozena M 1914 1989 Wife Row9Sec1Stone17
LEITER Ruth J 1902 1934 Row12Sec1Stone1
LEITER Viola 1909 1909 Baby, Crittenden FH Row8Sec1Stone5
LEITER Viola E 1874 1915 Row8Sec1Stone6
LEWIS Caroline Haight 7Apr1839 3Jun1915 Row9Sec1Stone11
LOOMIS Ann 1865 1939 Row14Sec1Stone1
LOOMIS Burr 21Apr1903 Row11Sec1Stone1
LOOMIS Clarissa E 18Jun1817 28Jun1907 Row11Sec1Stone2
LOOMIS Harold A 15Jui1899 8Nov1912 Row11Sec1Stone1
LOOMIS Thomas 1861 1935 Row14Sec1Stone1
LOOMIS Wayne 15May1910 Row11 Sec1 Stone
LOSEY Almira 22Feb1891 Wife S Losey Row7Sec1Stone4
LOSEY Baby Girl 15Nov1919 Row7Sec1Stone6
LOSEY Caroline A No dates Wife F Losey Row2Sec1Stone2
LOSEY Charlie 1893 1978 M. 4Jun1912 Row7Sec1Stone7
LOSEY Effie M 1891 1966 Row2Sec1Stone2
LOSEY Franklin 1857 1942 Father Row2Sec1 Stone1
LOSEY Hattie E 1898 No date Row7Sec1 Stone7
LOSEY Issac J 1862 1941 Row3Sec1 Stone1
LOSEY Issac J 1862 1941 Row3Sec1 Stone1
LOSEY Joseph 15May1899 Son F & RA Losey Row2Sec1Stone1
LOSEY Liza F 1868 1972 Row3Sec1Stone1
LOSEY Mary 140ct1889 Wife J Losey Row3Sec1Stone1,
LOSEY Pearl 1886 1969 Row2Sec1 Stone2
LOSEY Rosa A 1859 1956 Mother Row2Sec1Stone1
LYON Bert 22May1897 40ct1989 Row8Sec1 Stone1
LYON John No dates Row8Sec1Stone1
LYON John 12Apr1903 Row8Sec1Stone1
LYON Lavina No dates Row8Sec1 Stone1
LYON Lavina J 8Aug1896 Row8Sec1Stone1,
LYON Mary E 1856 1947 Row8Sec1Stone1
LYON Walter 1 den 1913 Row8Sec1 Stone1
MANLEY William Co D 188 PA Inf Row11Sec1 Stone:
MASON Sylvia Mae 12Aprl915 6Sep1963 Dau Row10Sec1Stone
MC ALLISTER Mary 1819 1893 Mother Row9Sec1Stone6
McCALLUM Malcom 18Ju11896 4Aug1947 Row17Sec1 Stone
McCALLUM Nora M 11Sep1898 7Ju11971 Row17Sec1Stone!
McCALLUM Family Marker Row17Sec1Stone'
McCLAIN Dean 1935 Row15Sec1 Stone
McCLAIN George W Sr 1906 1988 Row15Sec1 Stone
McCLAIN Peggy L 1905 1990 Row15Sec1Stone
McDANIEL Houston 20Seo1922 15Sep1965 MlSSgt823 AirEngrSqWWII Row18Sec1Stone'
MCELROY James 1880 CriUenden FH Row11Sec1Stone
MECUM Baby NO dates Row1Sec1Stone1
MECUM DP 1839 1911 Row1 Sec1 Stone4
MECUM Martha 1844 1917 Wife of DP Mecum Row1Sec1Stone3
MECUM MB Plain stone Row2Sec1Stone2
MECUM Minnie B 2Apr1891 Wife C Murphy Row2Sec1Stone1
MECUM Robert G 1920 1939 Row8Sec1Stone1
MECUM Family Marker Row1Sec1Stone2
MERRIHEW Dale G 1926 Baby Row6Sec1Stone~
MERRIHEW Effie L 1890 1940 Mother Row6Sec1 Stone'
MERRIHEW Elmer 1862 1953 Row7Sec1 Stone'
MERRIHEW Eva 1890 1989 Row7Sec1Stone~
MEPRIHEW George Keith 1915 1918 Baby Row6Sec1 Stone'
MERRIHEW George T 1884 1973 Father Row6Sec1Stone~
MERRIHEW Otto 1894 1918 Hdq Co 14 Am Train Row7Sec1Stone1
MERRIHEW Reva May 1917 1918 Baby Row6Sec1Stone3.
MERRIHEW Victoria 1862 1948 Row7Sec1 Stone3
MILLER Burdella 1918 1976 Mother Row13Sec1 Stone~
MONROE Charles E 1935 Baby Row14Sec1Stone
MOREY Amelia 1867 1936 Mother Row8Sec1 Stone2,
MOREY Clair Sr 1883 1955 Row2Sec1 Stone3`
MOREY Florence 1894 1956 Row2Sec1 Stone3
MOREY George 30Jun1855 9May1912 Row8Sec1 Stone2
MOREY Matilda 1861 1943 Mother Row2Sec1 Stone3
MOREY Stephen 1853 1920 Father Row2Sec1 Stone3
MOREY Family Marker Row2Sec1Stone3
MOREY 1904 1904 Baby Row8Sec1 Stone2
MOREY Family Marker Row8Sec1Stone2
MORGAN Charles W 1930 1935 Billie LaFever Row14Sec1Stone
MORLEY Florence G 1894 1954 Row2Sec1Stone4
MULL Elvin E 1913 1966 Row14Sec1Stone
MULL Florence J 1920 1990 Row14Sec1Stone
MULL Hannah A 1872 1934 Row7Sec1Stone2
MULL Herbert A 1873 1956 Row7Sec1Stone2
MYERS Becky 1964 1965 Row19Sec1 Stone
MYERS Bernard Jacob 11Ap1933 14Sep1987 Father Row19Sec1 Stone
MYERS Nicholas Lee 60ct1984 5Apr1985 our darling Row19Sec1 Stone
NEELANDS A Winton 1887 1963 Row10Sec1 Stone
NEELANDS Edith B 1888 1976 Row1 OSec1 Stone
NEELANDS Roberta Mae 1918 1920 Row1 OSec1 Stone:
NICHOLSON Ella S 1878 1955 Mother Row15Sec1 Stone
NICHOLSON George W 1876 1939 Father Row15Sec1 Stoner
NORTH Hazel L 1902 1970 Wife Walter L Row15Sec1 Stone
NORTH Walter L 1893 1961 US Army Row15Sec1 Stone
NUTT Elizabeth M 1920 Baby Row8Sec1Stone24
NUTT Floyd 1895 1967 42ndRainbowDivCoB149MGBN Row7Sec1 Stone2`
NUTT Hiram 1861 1936 Row8Sec1 Stone2!
NUTT Martha 1862 1921 Row8Sec1 Stone2!
NUTT Mary S 1891 1958 Row8Sec1Stone~
NUTT Nellie 1901 No date Row7Sec1 Stone.
NUTT William N 1884 1954 Row8Sec1 Stone'
NUTT 13Jan1913 ?1913 Inf Son Mrs AW Nutt Row8Sec1 Stone~
OPLINGER Sterling H 1900 1980 Row14Sec1Ston~
OPLINGER Violet B 1901 No date M. 12Jun1922 Row14Sec1Ston~
PADDOCK Clarence 1849 1915 Row1 OSec1 Ston~
PADDOCK Sophia 1855 1915 Row1 OSec1 Ston~
PERKINS Frank W 1860 1931 Row13Sec1 Stone:
PERKINS Marcia E 1891 1957 Row13Sec1 Stone;
PIERSON Leora Terry 1897 1969 Row9Sec1Stone1!
PLATT Charles A 1876 1936 Father Row15Sec1 Stone
PLATT Flora M 1878 1959 Mother Row15Sec1 Stone
POMEROY Jack William 130ct1947 25Nov1969 Ml SP4 CoC221nf251nfDiv Row5Sec1Stone7
PRESTON Arthur H 1921 1992 Row13Sec1 Stone:
PRESTON Geraldine L (Davis1930 No date Row13Sec1 Stoner
PRICE Bessie 1890 1981 Row2Sec1 Stone2
PRICE Leon S 1887 1949 Row2Sec1Stone2
PRIDGEON Addie E 1862 1949 Row9Sec1 Stone,
PRIDGEON Catharine 1848 1922 Row9Sec1 Stone2
PRIDGEON George 1859 1945 Row9Sec1 Stones
PRIDGEON Howard G 13Jun1890 29Jun1913 Row9Sec1 Stone4
PRIDGEON Marvin 2Jan1926 20Ju11957 Ml PfcCoE3191nf WWII BSM Row17Sec1 Stone
PRIDGEON Myrtie 1889 No date Row17Sec1 Stone
PRIDGEON Samuel 1882 1953 Row17Sec1 Stone
PRIDGEON Samuel 1837 1919 GAR Row9Sec1 Stone1
PRIDGEON Stanley I 1907 1993 Row17Sec1 Stone
PRIDGEON Tessie E 1907 1968 Row17Sec1 Stone
PUTNAM Cora 4Mar1898 Row1 Sec1 Stone9
PUTNAM Earnest E 1891 1967 Father Row6Sec1Stone3'
PUTNAM Emma 9Sep1882 Row1 Sec1 Stone1 C
PUTNAM Hattie 1853 1926 Row1 Sec1 Stone11
PUTNAM Ora Dale 9Apr1928 21Ju11983 ADAN US Navy WWII Row5Sec1Stone31
PUTNAM Family Marker Row1Sec1Stone1Z
RAUB Clayton 1897 1976 Row19Sec1Stone1
RAUB Sally L 1914 No date Row19Sec1Stone1
RISDON Joyce Ann 1947 1947 Crittenden Funeral Home Row18Sec1 Stone4
RISDON Nettie 1871 1957 Homemade w/plaques Row12Sec1Stone1
RISDON WE 1869 1939 Homemade w/plaques Row12Sec1Stone1
ROGERS Clara B 1878 1965 Row5Sec1Stone9
ROOT Dale A 1908 1864 Row19Sec1 Stone
ROOT V Edna 1911 No date Row19Sec1 Stone
ROSE W Row5Sec1 Stone1
ROSENCRANTZ Jessie M 1890 1988 Row5Sec1Stone1
ROSENCRANTZ William 1890 1965 Row5Sec1 Stone1
RYCKMAN Allen 1902 1924 Son CJ & Carrie Row2Sec1Stone3
RYCKMAN Chauncey C 1851 1931 Row2Sec1Stone3
RYCKMAN Mabel M 1911 1914 Dau of CJ & Carrie Row2Sec1Stone3
RYCKMAN Theresa 21 Sep1852 120ct1917 Wife CC Ryckman Row2Sec1 Stones
SAMPSEL Elsie 26May1917 19Aug 1945 Row18Sec1 Stone
SHARRARD Genevieve Putmar1903 1990 Mother Row12Sec1 Stone
SHELDON Carrie T 1885 1934 Row12Sec1Stone
SHELDON John J 1882 1973 Row12Sec1 Stone
SHELDON Wilbur J 10Mar1910 21Nov1969 Ml Pvt 36 Armored Div W2 Row12Sec1 Stone
SHOURDS Benjamin J 6Mar1838 3Apr1900 Husband Row4Sec1Stone2
SMITH Austin O 1921 Row9Sec1Stone1
SMITH Donna Jean 1930 Row9Sec1Stone1
SMITH Fred O 1885 1936 Row3Sec1Stone6
SMITH Gordon H 1893 1964 Husband Row16Sec1Stone
SMITH Helen M 1900 1984 Wife Row16Sec1 Stone
SMITH Henry D 1847 1920 Row3Sec1Stone5
SMITH Lawrence C 1889 1857 Brother Row3Sec1Stone7
SMITH Lucy F 1853 1934 Row3Sec1Stone5
SMITH Vera M 1922 1973 Row16Sec1Stone
SMITH Vern W 1877 1939 Brother Row3Sec1Stone7
STARKS Clenard H 1902 1985 Father Row18Sec1 Stone
STARKS Gwen 1941 No date Our dau Row18Sec1 Stone
STARKS Opal B 1909 No date Mother Row18Sec1 Stone
STARKS Wendell C 1939 No date Son Row18Sec1 Stone
STRONG Bernice A 1892 1969 Row8Sec1Stone2
STRONG Earl E 1893 1971 Row8Sec1Stone2
SWAYZE James 1862 1941 Row5Sec1 Stone1
TERRY Alice L 1900 1980 Row15Sec1 Stone
TERRY Dorotha Jannett 2Apr1929 21Aug1941 Row15Sec1 Stone
TERRY Fannie A 1860 1897 Mother Row9Sec1Stone1
TERRY Ferguson 3Ju11938 3Ju11938 Baby Son Row15Sec1 Stone
TERRY Leila B 1870 1899 Wife of WW Terry Row3Sec1 Stone4
TERRY Lyle A 1907 1989 Row15Sec1 Stone
TERRY Mildred E 1918 No date Row15Sec1Stone
TERRY Susan 1884 1955 Wife of WW Terry Row3Sec1 Stone1
TERRY William 9Aug1893 25Aug1957 Ml PvtBtryF42FldArtyWWI Row15Sec1Stone4
TERRY William 1866 1935 Row3Sec1 Stone2
TERRY William M 1893 1957 Row15Sec1 Stones
TERRY Family Marker Row3Sec1Stone3
THOMPSON Ellen J 1893 1968 Row7Sec1Stone47
THOMPSON Frank P 1883 1951 Row14Sec1Stone11
THOMPSON Hazen D 1898 1970 Row19Sec1Stone8
THOMPSON John A 1885 1970 Row7Sec1Stone47
THOMPSON Lillie I 1888 1964 Row14Sec1Stone14
THOMPSON Murel 31Aug1920 Dau JA & EJ Thompson Row7Sec1Stone46
THOMPSON Nellie Mae 1900 1968 Row19Sec1Stone8
THOMPSON Ralph O 1921 No date Row19Sec1Stone8
THOMPSON 6Ju11932 Baby Row14Sec1Stone9
TINKER Alphean 1874 1948 Row1 OSec1 Stones
TINKER Amos 28Aug1896 Covered by bush Row7Sec1Stone11
TINKER Ellen A 1863 1948 Row7Sec1Stone18
TINKER Infant No dates Ch AJ & EE Tinker Row7Sec1Stone10
TINKER Ivy E 1899 1939 Row10Sec1Stone7
TINKER James H 24Apr1886 Row6Sec1Stone19
TINKER JOhn N 5Aug1888 Stone hard to read Row7Sec1Stone20
TINKER Willie A 1865 1945 Row10Sec1Stone5
TINKER Husband Row7Sec1Stone12
TINKER Father Row7Sec1 Stone21
UNKNOWN Row13Sec1 Stone4
UNKNOWN No dates Row13Sec1Stone2
UNKNOWN Row14Sec1 Stone2
UNKNOWN Row16Sec1 Stone2
UNKNOWN Wooden Marker Row16Sec1Stone1
UNKNOWN Row18Sec1 Stone1
UNKNOWN Row19Sec1 Stone1
UNKNOWN Row21 Sec1 Stone1
UNKNOWN No stone Row23Sec1Stone3
UNKNOWN Slab Row25Sec1 Stone1
UNKNOWN Row3Sec1 Stone20
UNKNOWN Row4Sec1 Stone26
UNKNOWN Row6Sec1 Stone12
UNKNOWN Row6Sec1 Stone11
UNKNOWN Row6Sec1 Stone10
UNKNOWN Row6Sec1 Stone9
UNKNOWN Row7Sec1 Stones
VOSS John H 1875 1937
VOSS Tena 1882 1966
WAGERMAN Fred 1888 1954
WAGERMAN Maud 1886 1964
WEBSTER Stuart R 28 Sep 1921 5 Nov 1921
WHITE Emily R 1839 1925
WHITE Joseph D 1839 1918
WILEY Alonzo J 1858 1949
WILEY Clarence 1901 1961
WILEY Effie L 1884 1913
WILEY Leonard L 1911 1919
WILEY Sarah A 1870 1965
WILLOUGHBY Alvin 1905 1955
Co I 8 Mi Cav (Civil War)
WOOD Emily Kirvan 1890 1976
13 May 1888 Son AL and SD Woodard
WOODIN Emmaline 1917 1966
WOODIN Georg e E 1919 1987
WOODIN George E 11Aug1848 16Dec1878 Son H
and SB Woodin
WOODIN Gurdon H 1875 1964
16 Jun 1899
WOODIN Ira L 1880 1917
WOODIN Mother Row6Sec1 Stone2
WOODIN Sarah 13Mar1897 Row5Sec1 Stone2
WOODIN Family Marker Row7Sec1Stone4
YOUNG Amanda J 1946 1947 Row14Sec1Stone
YOUNG Eva M 1883 1975 Mother Row14Sec1Stone
YOUNG Leola M 1908 No date Row14Sec1Stonel
YOUNG Lewis H 1926 1986 Memory of Row14Sec1Stonel
YOUNG Lyle J 1806 1985 M. 5Mar1927 Row14Sec1Stonel
YOUNG Otto J 1880 1959 Father Row14Sec1Stone
This page was created by Donna Hoff-Grambau,
with permission and information provided by
Johnnie Johnson for the exclusive use of the
Michigan Family History
1999 - 2013
by Donna
Volunteers hold copyright to the material they have donated for this site. Not to be copied and used in any format to any other site or in any other media.
This server space page is provided by Michigan Family History Network genealogical server.