Minutes of Session and Church Register Calkinsville (Rosebush) Presbyterian Church
March 17th, 1880
Minutes of the Organization of the1st Presbyterian Church at Calkinsville, Michigan.
Pursuant to Previous announcements after devine service
held in the Mc Night School House on the Evening of March 17th 1880.
The 1st Presbyterian Church of Calkinsville in connection with the
Prebytery of Saginaw
was organized the following named presented letters of Dismission from other
Churches and was enrolled as Members:
James McNight
Mae McNight, his wife
John McLaughlin
Catherin McLalughlin his wife
Margret Dingman, Wife of T. Dingman
Mr. Stewart
Nancy Burk, Wife of A Burk
From the 1st Presbyterian Church of Mt. Pleasant
Alexander Cameron from the Presbyterian
Mr. Alexander Cameron being nominated for the office of Elder was on motion unanimously elected to that office having signified his acceptance of the same he was duly Ordained according to the provisions of the Presbyterian Form of Government.
Session closed in the usual form
Rev. Wm Campbell, Moderator
October 12, 1880 Mr. T. Dingman examined and accepted as a member of the church on Profession of his faith in Christ.
June 18th, 1882 Hanna Fraser, Wife of Thomas Fraser Presented a letter of dismission from 1st Presbyterian Church of Toledo, Ohio. Received into membership.
July 15th, 1883 Mr. James McNight was nominated to the Office of ruling Elder.
Thompson Walton
Daniel S. Lamont
Lorena Johnston, Wife of Robert Johnston appeared before the session as
candidates for admission to the full communion of the church.
They were severally examined respecting there experimental acquaintance with the Christian religion there approval of the doctrinal standards of the Presbyterian church and there readiness to submit themselves to the discipline of Christ House and there Examination was Sustained.
Isabella Lamont – wife of D. T. Lamont Presented a letter from the 1st Presbyterian church of Brussels, Ontario.
Tinia Walton Wife of Thompson Walton presented a letter
of dismissal from the 1st
Presbyterian church of Brucefield, Ontario.
October 7th, 1886
Alexander Burk appeared before the session and was examined on his religious experience when having made a satisfactory profession of his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ he was admitted to the sealing ordinance of the Lords Supper.
Alex Burk after due examination was admitted to the ordinance of Baptism and the Lords supper.
February 20th, 1887
Session meet in the church at 2 o’clock. Present
Present Rev. F. A. Bissel, Moderator
Alexand Cameron
James McNight
William Scott
Maryann Scott his wife
Thomas Fraser
Daniel Morrison
Delis Swindelhurst, Wife of m. Swindelhurst
Lizebeth Johnson, Wife of H.Johnson
Miss Margaret Harvey
Appeared before , etc.
June 16th 1887
Session Meet in the church at 2 o’clock p.m.
Present Rev. W. Robinson, Moderator
With Elders
Alexan Cameron
James McNight
Meeting was opened with Prayer, Minutes of the last meeting read
Emanuel Crotser
Isabella Crotser, his wife
Malcom McLoud
Mary Jane McLoud
Elseann Terry
Geroge Moss
Elisebeth Moss, his wife
Miss Lorena Dingman
Miss Mary Morrison, by letter from Erskine Church Montreal Ontario
William Terry
Appeared before…..
October 8th, 1887
Same as above
James Clulie
Ann Jane Clulie,his wife
Joseph Kile Johnson
Miss Martha Alberta Johnson
Addison McKay
Sarah McKay, his wife
Appeared before…………….
October 9th, 1887
Same as above in terms of the meeting called to order, etc.
Jonah Archer
John Mogg
Mary Mogg, wife of Ruben Mogg
Elisebth McLoud,wife of John McLoud
Appeared before thesession.
February 19th, 1888
Session Meet in the Church at 2 o’clock p.m.
Present Rev. Luke Noll, Moderator
With Elders
Alexander Cameron
James McNight
Alexander Burk
Agness Dunn, Wife of R. Dunn
Miss Mary L. Morrison
Mary Jane, Archer, Wife of Jonah Archer
Sarah E.Angle, Wife of W. Angle
Miria Cretsinger, Wife of Jacob Critsinger
William Swindlehurst
Appeared before the session and were examined on there religious experience when have made a satisfactory Profession of there faith in the Lord Jesus Christ they were admitted to the Sealing Ordinance of the Lords Supper.
Session Closed with Prayer
Daniel L. Lamont
1888 forward to 1900 Members accepted into the church:
Miss Katie McLachlan
Mrs. Jennie Raymond
Reuben Mogg
Robert Johnston
Mrs. Roxalana Mussell
Mr. George McKay
???? Cameron
Mrs. Elizabeth Bush
Miss Florence Ella Archer
Miss Isabella Parks
Miss Isabella Morrison
Mr. James L. Bush
Mr. Calvin Cameron
Alexander Bush
Ada Cameron
Mrs Alquista Heimsch
Albert John Archer
Mrs. Rosella Watson
Mr. John Watson
Miss MinnisWatson
1889, April 14
Rev. James A. Griffes was called to be pastor of this church.
Henry Mogg
Amanda Mogg
Mrs. Melissa D. McKay
Mr. Christian Heimsch
Nov. 2, 1890 Named changed to Rosebush
Mrs. Ellen Slocumb
David Mussell
Christie Morrison, wife of Donald Morrison
Piria Cowden
Mary Lee Johnson
Mrs. John Armstrong
Mrs. James Scott
Sarah Jane Cluley
Hattie Swindelhurst
Katie Burk
James Willis
John Hummell
Mrs. Samuel Cameron
Jane Nolan
J. G. Harese
James Swindlehurst
James Watson
Isabella Spaulding
Mrs. James Swindelhurst
James Crawford
Jane Crawford
Sarah Harnsy
Nella Batgly
Miss Laura Reigles from the Free Will Baptist Church of Davison
James Marsh
Lorina Marsh,his wife
Acceptedinto membership by letter: Mrs. J. M. Dallas and Mrs. Wesley Patterson
By examination Mrs. Fitchet, Mrs. Houghten, Mrs. Funnell and Mrs. McLauglin
Maggie Funnell
Susie Funnell
Futh Funnell
Edith Patterson
By Baptism
Bula May daughter of Joseph Johnson
Albert Lea son of Mrs. Wm. Archer
George E. son of Mrs. Angell
By letter
James Hudson
Mrs. J.Hudson
Elmer Prudent
Mrs. E. L. Prudent
By profession of Faith
Elizabeth Houghten
Profession of Faith
Anna Robinson
Frances Ervin
Baptized as children:
John Gordon, son of Mr.and Mrs. John Gordon
Frank Clay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson
Clara daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Swindlehurst
Hellen same
Lily same
Emma daughter of same (April 30, 1899)
Andrew same
Hugh, same
Martha daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Frank Robinson
Blanch same
Edna May same
Issac Charles son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ervin
Mason B. sam
Myrtle Bell, same
Mr. William Thompson
Mrs. William Thompson
Baptized sons of Mr. and Mrs. James Cluley
George Henry and Davide Harrison
Son and daughter of Mrs. John Houghton
John Donald
Maud Caroline
Nina daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson
William H. McKay
Elizabeth Ada McKay
Laura may Campbell
Mable McDonald
George Fraser
Joseph R. Collie
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