Daily Times News
April 21, 1905
The ladies of Caldwell propose to serve ice cream every Saturday evening at one of the stores if the weather is favorable. Give them a call.
The ladies' aid was held April 5th at the home of Mrs. Jennie Boucher with a good attendance and a pleasant time enjoyed by all.
Mrs. Brayton from Dushville is visiting her sister, Mrs. Allan Marshall, and brother-in-law, C. W. Richardson, and his children.
S. O. Smiley is able to be out again and attend to his business at his store.
Fred Leader's colt, attached to a top buggy, slipped the bridle from his head Wednesday, April 12th, while tied to a railing in front of Henry James' store and ran as far as Mathew Engle's at the north branch.
Mrs. Henry James is much better at this writing.
The new church which is being made from the frame erected a few years ago for a parsonage is progressing quite rapidly under the supervision of Elder Jewell, with Truman Bozier as boss carpenter. The C.B.C. club is aiding in the building.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nicholson spent Sunday and Monday with his brothers and brought his father and mother home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Marlatt spent Sunday at Charles Furney's.
Who would not live in the country. Mail at your door every day and the grocery wagon once a week. Henry James has a fine wagon on the road and a fine boy; Master Grover Ward, to go with it.
Mrs. M. D. Marlatt would like to have her friends call and see what fine carpet she can make for ten cents a yard. There are more weavers in this town than any other. Mrs. Bacon has a fly shuttle, and she can make it fly too. Mrs. John Crowler has a brand new one, but Mrs. Marlatt's is old fashioned rag carpet and gives it what Paddy gave the drum, a good beating.
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