Visit of Bishop Richter
North-Western Tribune
Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
Friday, May 4, 1888

     The Rt. Rev. Henry Joseph Richter, D. D., made the usual episcopal visit to this part of his diocese.  He arrived in Mt. Pleasant Wednesday, April 25th, accompanied by Rev. J. A. Crowley, and Rev. E. Koslowski of Midland.
     The following morning these gentlemen escorted the Bishop to the new church in Vernon.  The services there were those prescribed in the Roman Ritual, and are the same wherever the Bishop administers the sacrament of confirmation.  Fifty-seven received the Holy Eucharist and twenty-five were confirmed.  The bishop was much pleased with the neat little church, and congratulated both pastor and people for the efforts they had made for God's honor.
     Friday found the bishop and the two priests in Nottawa, to go through the same ceremonies.  The children, on being examined by the bishop, showed careful training, as they answered every question put to them.  At Nottawa forty-four approached the holy table and eighteen were confirmed.  The Bishop was very glad to learn that the German Catholics had a Catholic school for four months in the year, and that now they contemplate building a school house.
     Saturday the 28th was a day not soon to be forgotten by the children of St. Charles church, Mt. Pleasant, who hoped to be admitted to holy communion and confirmation, the following Sunday.  Before he confers the sacrament of confirmation, the Bishop usually asks a few questions out of the catechism, to see if the candidates be well grounded in the principles of their holy religion, but on the present occasion he deviated from the ordinary method, much to the regret of some of the indolent boys and girls.  Instead of waiting for Sunday he came to the church on Saturday morning, where he found the pastor giving his final instructions; here he remained for two hours and a half, examining each one separately. On Sunday morning he continued the examination where he had left off on Saturday.  Seventy-four received the sacrament of confirmation in St. Charles' church making a total of one hundred and seventeen for Isabella county.
     During divine service on Sunday the Bishop spoke of the great progress the church was making, and that he was much pleased to learn that the people worked hand in hand with their hardworking pastor.  He hoped that the next regular visit would find them in a new church, which was needed so much.
     Father Crowley saw the bishop off last Monday, and then started for Meredith.  On Wednesday he dedicated the church in Harrison and named it St. Athanasius, he being the saint of the day.

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