County’s Third Draft Call Group Leaves Wednesday

Many Volunteers Now Registering, Anticipating March Service Entry

Isabella County Times-News, Thursday, February 13, 1941


   Thirteen Isabella county youths left here at 12:45 yesterday (Wednesday) for the Saginaw Induction center, where they are reporting for selective service.  Dale Moeller, of 613 South Main street, was chosen leader of the contingent.  Kenneth Hall, 1016 South Main, is assistant leader.


   In the group which makes up Isabella county’s third draft call, are three other Mt. Pleasant youths: John Bardaville, 22, 700 East Gaylord; Louis Foubare, 22, Keeler Union; Dallas Morgan, 24, 201 Leaton.  Others are : John Beltinck, 21, R-2, Mt. Pleasant; Jacob Pyrett, 22, R-5, Mt. Pleasant; Joseph Pyrett, 25, R-5, Mt. Pleasant; John Scott, 32, R-3, Clare; Edward Craven, 23, R-1, Blancharad; Charles Humphrey, 28, R-2, Shepherd; Murray Van Liew, 24, R-4, Shepherd.


   Harold Hoot, 27, 625 East Michigan, is accompanying the group as a replacement for one selectee who was rejected in the last contingent.


   A number of volunteers are registered with the draft board now, in expectation of enetering service in March if they pass their physical examinations.  Three Mt. Pleasant youths, John Benford Jr., 22, 607 South Main, Howard Paullin, 22, 509 North Arnold, and Edmond Weaver, 24, 309 South Lansing, have applied.  Others are Fairl Dewey, 26, R-2, Mt. Pleasant; Leo Suzor, 30, R-5, Mt. Pleasant; Herbert Lee, 21, R-1, Blancharad; Elmer Shawagan, 32, R-2, Rosebush, and Raymond Pelcher, 26, R-4, Clare.   Wesley larkins, 19, of Clare, a non-registrant, is also a volunteer.


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