Isabella Sends 34 Men to Armed Forces This Week

Isabella County Times-News, Thursday, April 8, 1943

23 Men Sent to Custer …

4 Join Naval Forces…

7 Inducted Elsewhere


   Isabella county received credit for 34 selectees into the Armed Forces during the past week.  Twenty-three of the contingent left Mt. Pleasant, Wednesday, 23 reporting for active duty at Fort Custer, one continuing to Fort Sheridan, Illinois.


   Three of the inductees during the past week qualified for service in the Navy.  Two other men waived seven day furloughs and reported for duty at the time of their induction at Detroit.  Seven of the 34 men were inducted through other Selective Service boards, although credit was given Isabella on its quotas.


   Those who reported at Fort Custer Wednesday were:


   Richard Pope Wheeler, R3, Mt. Pleasant, Acting Corporal; Robert Joseph Kirkey, 518 N. Arnold, Mt. Pleasant; Donald Bonner Blubaugh, R1, Shepherd; Henry Irving Pyne, 600 S. College, Mt. Pleasant;

Kenneth Edward Ouderkirk, R5, Mt. Pleasant.


   Robert James Rhode, R4, Mt. Pleasant; Robert G. Beach, 404 N. Fancher, Mt. Pleasant; Luther E. Riggs, Jr., 1022 S. Douglas, Mt. Pleasant; Roger Edward Battleson, Oak St., Mt. Pleasant; Loren S. Lirones, R5, Mt. Pleasant.


   William James McGee, R2, Mt. Pleasant; Donald Leroy Seymour, Detroit; George Ray Danell, R1, Weidman; Wayne Navarre, R1, Lake; Roy Junior Mullin, Detroit; James Hubert Heinlein, 1403 E. Broadway, Mt. Pleasant.


   Howard Dwight Cook, Clare; Milan Roy Robison, R1, Farwell; Walter Wayne Phipps, R1, Farwell;

John Cummings, Jr., Ypsilanti; Ralph Waggoner, Mt. Pleasant; Gerald Allyn Kanine, F2, Shepherd.


   Ivan Jam Omans, 1400 W. Belnap, Mt. Pleasant, left with Wednesday’s contingent, but was ordered to report at Fort Sheridan, Illinois.


   Chester Wyant, R1, Blanchard, and Phillip Holidge Prescott, of Ypsilanti, waived furloughs and were inducted for active duty on March 31.


   Those Isabella county selectees inducted into the Naval forces were:


   Arthur Maxwell Steele, Jr., 303 N. harris, Mt. pleasant; James Owen Cuthbert, 208 Walnut, Mt. Pleasant; Marion Steven Spayd, Lansing.  The latter selectee was inducted through an Ingham County Board.


   Other credits received by the county during the past week were:


   Alvaro Vasquez Rodriguez, San Antonio, Texas; Jesus Dias Torres, San Antonio, Texas; Pete C. Herrera, San Antonio, Texas; Raul Chavez Moralez, San Antonio, Texas; Tito Najero Degoilado, San Antonio, Texas; Salvador Muniz, Jr., McQueeney, Texas.



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