Isabella County Times-News, Thursday, January 2, 1941
Second Selective Service Quota Numbering 18, Leaves Monday, January 6th.
Announcement of the tentative list of young men who will make up the second selective service quota from here was made late yesterday afternoon by the local draft board. The youths, all volunteers, are:
Eugene Schneidkirk 21 Mt. Pleasant V5
Wilbur Gosney 22 Mt. Pleasant V14
Stanley A. Dale 22 R4, Clare V831
Clifford Forrest Ralston 34 R4, Mt. Pleasant V93
Burton Spencer Strouse 24 Mt. Pleasant V263
Gene Torres Martinez 31 Winn V598
Lod Carl Ritter 35 R4, Clare V625
Paul Joseph Jodway 22 Mt. Pleasant V788
Donald Eugene Lamphere 26 R4, Clare V1102
Russell Gordon Dowd 22 R4, Clare V1136
Melvin Roy Atkins 27 R1, Weidman V1545
Donald Burnell Boyer 36 R1, Blanchard V1709
(reached 36 two months after he registered for service)
William Robert Stout 24 Rosebush V1914
Michael Luptak 28 R4, Clare V2154
Walter Stankiewicz 22 R5, Mt. Pleasant V2342
Charles Stanley Post 21 R3, Shepherd V2548
Stanley Edward Galsky 21 R4, Clare V2672
John Boyd Calhoun 25 R5, Mt. Pleasant V19
Russell William Singer 22 Shepherd V2385
In the event that a replacement is needed, Alex Leo Kremsreiter, R1, Mt. Pleasant, has been named as an alternate. Alex is a 20 year old volunteer permitted to serve with the permission of his parents.
(Symbols following registrants names indicate order numbers. V signifies volunteer.)
Isabella county’s second selective service quota has been filled entirely by volunteers according to announcement of the local draft board. Nineteen young men will leave here at 12:45 Monday, January 6 to report to Saginaw Induction station.
This week has brought a full tide of volunteers, totaling around 30. Last week 11 volunteers had been okayed by the medical examining board, and the remainder of the quota was filled this week from the more than adequate number of volunteers. The group of 19 young men represents Isabella’s second quota of 18 youths and one replacement for the first group.
The medical examining board lost member Dr. R. H. Strange this week when he resigned to become a member of the medical advisory board in Bay City. Two new members of the local examining board, Dr. R. O. Northway and Dr. C. M. Baskerville have been notified by President Franklin Roosevelt of approval of their appointment to the local board.
The Isabella draft board begins the new year with a full two and one-half months of activity to its credit. The board has announced that 664 questionnaires have been sent out. Four hundred seventy two registrants have been classified.
Distribution in the various selective service classifications so far is as follows: 36 men in group 1A, available for general military service; 1 in 1B, available for limited service; 3 in 2A, deferred because of occupational status; 401 in group 3, having dependents; 14 in 4C, alien; 1 in 4D, conscientious objections, 1 in 4E, ministers; 15 in 4F, exempt by law or physically unfit for service.
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