There are two articles about the Baptist Church on this page.  Please scroll down for the second, which is from 1963 and gives a longer historical view of the First Baptist Church.

The Wave Edition
Isabella County Enterprise
March 29, 1895

A Sketch of Mt. Pleasant's Churches

by Mrs. J. E. Fessenden

     The development of any new town or county is often noticeable by the entrance of churches and newspapers than anything else.  The first sign of progress in a new town is to build a church for religious worship, and this is usually followed by the introduction of a newspaper, both being recognized as elements essential to the upbuilding of any community.  This town like others of its size and age, has its full quota of churches.

     The First Baptist church of Mount Pleasant was organized Aug. 20, 1882, but previous to this a Sunday school of that denomination had been organized and successful conducted.  The enrolled membership of this church has numbered as high as 202, but death, removals and the granting of church letters, has decreased the number until at present we have about 143 members.

       During its history the Baptist church has had three pastors presiding over it, namely, Rev. McDonald, Rev. Davidson and the present pastor, Rev. Mudge.

      In the church there are three societies, the B. Y. V. U., the L.A.S. and the Home and Foreign Mission Circle.

     The young people are doing excellent work and their society has enrolled thirty-four zealous members. 
The Ladies' Aid Society has earned during its existence the sum of $1,848. Another pleasant feature has been individual birthday offerings by the members, the sum thus realized being used for charitable purposes.

     The Baptist society holds regular Sunday and mid week services the same as other religious denominations.


History of First Baptist Church
Daily Times - News
Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
September 20, 1963

By Miss Mabel Harper

      In 1883, eighty years ago, the Baptist Society which later became the First Baptist Church, was founded.
      The six charter members, with the aid of Pastor Monroe of Salt River, looked in faith to God to help them
erect a church building, employ a minister of the Gospel and build up the Society.
      Their faithfulness was rewarded and Pastor Anda Pell McDonald came in March of 1886 to be the first
pastor of the new church.
      September of the same year saw the laying of the foundation for the new building on the corner of Broadway
and Fancher.  The dedication service was held December 19, 1886.
      September 28, 1905, Rev. E. L. Killam appointed a committee of four to draw up the articles of incorporation.
Appointed were: Leo J. Doul, Rev. A. F. McDonald, Ed Dunlap, and Edgar L. Killam.  After prayer service, October
12, 1905, the Articles of Incorporation, as drawn up by the committee were read, and after a few remarks and
alterations it was moved and supported that the articles be accepted and placed on record.  The motion was
carried.  The Article of Incorporation adopted by the First Baptist Church to incorporate for a period of twenty
years from the date of adoption.
      NAME: This organization shall be known as the First Baptist Church of Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, situated
in the City of Mt. Pleasant, County of Isabella and State of Michigan.
     OFFICERS: The officers of this church shall be: Moderator, Five Trustees, three Deacons, three
Deaconesses, a Treasurer, a Clerk and a Sunday School Superintendent.
     The parsonage at 201 North Fancher was purchased in 1921.  A basement unit was added to the rear of the
church in 1948.  During the 1952-1953 season many improvements were made on the church inside and out.
A new furnace was installed, a new roof put on, carpeting was laid and extensive painting was done.
     The need for a new 48-passenger GMC bus was answered in 1954 when one was purchased for the Sunday
school and youth work.
     Pastor Roger Keel was called as assistant pastor in 1955.  Also, in 1955 the Fancher Street unit of our church
was constructed and new furniture was provided upon completion in 1956.
     The Fancher Street annex was purchased for additional Sunday School rooms in 1957.
     The year 1961 saw the need of a second bus which was purchased.
     Further blessing was evident when the church was able to purchase lots located at 1802 East High Street
for a new church from Mrs. Theone Myers in 1961.
     The church building was started in 1962 and the firs service was held on June 2, 1963.  The total cost of the
new building, including equipment was $167,129.22.
     A lot east of the new church is awaiting the construction of a parsonage sometime in the future.
     Below is a list of ministers who have pastored this church down through the years:

                    Rev. Anda Pell McDonald          1886
                    Rev. Davidson                              1891
                    Rev. Mudge                                   1893
                    Rev. Fistler                                     1896
                    Rev. Northrup                                1901
                    Rev. Edgar L. Killam                     March 31, 1904
                    Rev. A. R. Harper                          1908 - 1910
                    Rev. G. T. Jack                              1910 - 1914
                    Rev. A. L. Ritts                               1914 - 1919
                    Rev. Chester S. Minot                  1919 - 1921
                    Rev. Henry Morgan                      1921 - 1935
                    Rev. Richard Elvee                       1935 - 1938
                    Rev. Wilbur C. Small                     1938 - 1940
                    Rev. R. W. Haberer                        1940 - 1942
                    Rev. Bert C. Orman                        1943 - 1950
                    Rev. Edwin a DuBois                    July 1, 1951 to the present.

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