Mt. Pleasant High School 1923
Student, Faculty  and other listings
Mary Kennedy Evelyn Conner
Kenneth Kelly Howard Stimpson
Mary Comins Sada Fox
Elizabeth Brooks Blanche Switzer
Elwood Chipman Ceylon Caszatt
Mildred DePuy Estella DeWitt
Almon McCall Thelma Robart
Merle Robart Lucile Williams
Mae Sutton Elvin Stork
Wayne Kelly George Clark
Jennie Foster Marie Seiter
Amie Roberts Harold Sheffold
Lillian Ferris Fern Brookens
Robert Harris Jerry Sprague
Charles Thayer Burdette Clark
Velma Coyne Ilah Danison
Gladys Quackenbush Clair Martin
Nellie Bellinger Merle Owen
Beatrice Walker Kathlyn Klunzinger
Benjamin Moss Lionel Haight
Cicero McCabe Isabella Burch
Beulah Switzer Harold Hursh
Benjamin Mayne Ivan Cole
Ilah Pitts Ethel Fitch
Ruth Smith Mary Dexter
Harold Paige Maynard Hicks
Elwell Graham Alton Haight
Frances Neebes Ruth Mells
Mabel Avard Lavere Cushman
Jamesena First Franklin Flory
Vera Dargitz
Lee Akin Ella Lowery
Treva Allen Helen McCully
Frances Axtel Nina Martin
Delphine Balge Roy Maxon
Margaret Beddow Thomas Maxon
Harold Bentley Marjory Moyer
Ruth Biler Marjory Morrison
Myrtle Campbell Matthew Morrison
Ronald Cameron Evellyn Mosher
Clarice Curtiss Cecelia Pasley
Josie Dalrymple Howard Patterson
Agnes DeBie Wyman Paulin
Madeline DeBie Harold Pope
Robert Doughty Selena Quick
Elwin Dunn Evelyn Robinson
Francis Durfee Genevieve Scott
Keith Entrekin Elmiran Seaton
John Farner Ferman Seaton
Neta Figg Howard Stacy
Leo Flory Irene Simonds
Lorane Flory Robert Sisco
Chester Foreman Helen Slentz
Elizabeth Francis Elmira Smith
Louise Ganiard Bernice Stirling
Vernice Gilson Charles Tambling
Olive Hanks Earle Thompson
Roy Hardgrove Echo Thorpe
Milfred Hileman Helen Tucker
Floyd Hill Cordie Vedder
Donald Holmes Purthena Walling
Bessie House Clarence Walsh
Harold Jefferson Lawrence Walton
Gladys Johnson Floyd Walton
Genevieve Jones John Warriner
Hester Kellogg Ethel Watson
Margarite Kent Naomi Welch
Donald Kidder Clifford Wightman
Raymond Kidder Audrey Wille
Roy Kimball Ruby Wilmont
Raymond Kniffen Lulu Wilson
Vera Koyl Douglas Wilson
Bessie Lignian Gertrude Winslow
Buriel Little Cornelius Wood
Nora Lockwood Ruth Wood
May Lowery Howard Woodruff
Wilda Ackerman Edna Johnson
Ronald Allyn Tom Johnson
Harper Archer Fern Jones
Hubert Archer Julia Kennedy
Lura Bailey Francis Kenney
Edwin Barnard Levi Klinger
Ethel Boyce Vivian Kniffen
Jennie Boyce Alma Lange
Beatrice Brondstetter Beula Lattimore
Dorothy Brewer Homer Lowery
Forrest Brewer Esther McCabe
Alfred Brazie Irene McCollum
Jean Brown George McCully
Robert Brown Vernon Maschke
Wilbur Bugbee Clarence Miles
Alice Burgess Mildreth Moody
Vivian Carr Harold Moore
Ernestine Cameron Elva Morey
Harry Cosford Clifford Muterspapugh
Florence Chaffee Walter Myers
Mae Chrestenson Gerald Owen
Edward Crowley Eleanor Paige
Norine Crampton Everett Philo
Hazel Dargitz Lenore Quinlan
Helen Demlow Alvah Rahl
Mildred Denslow Lawrence Robinson
Dwight Densmore Lloyd Simonds
George Dibble Marshall Smith
Florence Doud Lila Stickle
Mildred Durfee Arthur Stinson
Gracent Eidt Otto Struble
Maurice Fall Ethel Sutton
Alger Fancher Howard Switzer
Harry Fee Betty Tonkin
Bernice Fleming Richard Trim
Margery Fuller Mavis Tubbs
Winifred Garber Clifford Walsh
Gladys Goodwin Rosalie Ward
Esther Gruett Helen Wardwell
Forrest Hankins Florence Watson
Robert Hanlin Mildred Weaver
Richard Harris Claude Whitney
Mary Hart Dorothy Williams
Claribel Haskins Hilda Wyman
Jesse Henson Justin Young
William Hersee Orrmin Flynn
Velma Hill Sylar Flynn
Melvin Honeywell Lettie Knipe
Laura Houseman G. Koble
Doris Hunter Walter Leffingwell
Henrietta Isbell Harvey Lowery
Ora Belle Lowery
Maynard Allyn Walter Kennedy
Mildred Armstrong Daisy Kobel
Boyd Axtell Ila Landon
Fred Axtell Ruth Lethorn
Charles Bailey Flossie Lindsey
Carman Bailey Margretta Loughery
Donna Barnes Ester Luce
Leon Barnes Herbert McBride
Bessie Bellnap Ruth McGillis
Geneva Brady Dorothy McIntyre
Ada Brasington Ercell McGregor
Bernice Brondstetter John McKenzie
Ruth Burchfield Malcolm McShea
Ranson Campbell Charles Madison
Helen Campbell Horace Meyer
Roy Chaffee Ralph Miller
Naomi Colburn Phyllis Morrison
Dorothy Collin Audrey Moody
Isabell Collins Ethel Moody
Jim Comins Nellie Moss
Rachel Cook Barrett Muterspaugh
Rhea Cushman Dorothy Muma
Barnard Cuthbert George Neebes
Leila Darnell Haliah Phillips
George Day Jack Pierson
Clyde Dean Leonard Pierson
Louie DeBois Christine Quinlan
Milford Denslow Gilbert Reid
Helen Dersnah Raymond Reid
Mae Belle Detwiler Elizabeth Rhode
Elwyn Dexter Ruth Riley
Mary Ruth Diehl Lillian Schupbach
Adelbert Eaton Elton Shaw
Letha Edmonds Ralph Shumway
Floretta Egbert Minta Stavely
Freed Egbert Marie Seaton
Burteen Ettinger Clarence Smith
Howard Faber Harold Stinson
Audrey First Donald Taylor
Fred Fitch Doris Taylor
Ommer Foster Lanson Thayer
Herman Fox Leo Vanderpool
Mabel Foutch Theodore Waldorf
Francis Froggett Daniel Wallace
Eloida Graham Winifred Walsh
Marguerite Graham Eileen Waterman
Violet Goodwin Harold Weller
Fred Harris Lyle Whitney
Clarice Henson Mildred Wilcox
Victor Hibbeln Ethel Wilt
Dorothy Hodgins Normia Winesburgh
Edna Huber Norman Winslow
Helen Hunt Clifford Wright
Dick Hunter Minnie Wright
                                                            Jr. High 8th Grade
Viola Butah Helen Wilbur
Mamie Bushong Belle Wilson
Retha Brookins Lawrence Durfee
Elmer Chaffee Robert Dent
Nell Jane Damon Helen Adams
Arthur Dent Leonard Barnes
Marguerite Edgar Arthur Clark
Margaret Doughty Gretchen Coddington
Ada Lorene Francis Lawrence Durfee
Christine Gray Lila Feeley
Eugene Gruette Sylvester Fuller
Eva Hart Albert Getchell
Marguerite Hodgins Myra Hanthorne
Edwin House  Harold Hewett
Marian Kidder Frank Hulbert
Opal Lamphierd Hulda Kabel
Georgena Lewis Violet Knight
Goldie Martin Kenneth Paullin
Ruby Mindel Sequel Pitts
Ruth Neff Ronald Smith
Maxine Nelson Vivian Spalsbury
Helen Pease Lewis Thompson
Thelma Raymond Aeschel Vlietinck
Melvin Switzer Daniel Walker
Elmer Walling William Warnook
Donald Walsh Letha Woodard
                                                            Jr. High 7th Grade
Florence Boyce Blanche Chatfield
Irene Cook Nellie Chatfield
Rueul Cole Grace Chaffee
John Coffey Charles Day
Norine Crampton Naomi Demond
Ralph Chamberlin Delos DeBois
Russell Collin Thomas DeBois
Alma Dalrymple John Dibble
William Gover Beulah Dorn
Franklin Kidder Russell Flynn
Karl Knight Henry Graham
Jessee Schock Alta Leiby
Harold Spalsbury Otto Leiby
Dallas Spring Pearl Mason
Everett Stowell Mary Ruth McKenzie
Elmer Taylor Leah Northey
Florence Thatcher Bernice Pease
Hazel Walker Margaret Porterfield
Cora Whittaker Gerald Swindlehurst
Glenn Woodruff Floyd Taylor
Clarence Bailey Mildred Thresher
Ronald Brown Harry Wilson
Mr. G. E. Ganiard Miss Helen Vowles
Mr. C. E. Brake Miss Anice Okree
Mr. H. M. Galbraith Miss Lulu McCully
Mr. E. J. Grambau Miss Elizabeth Servis
Miss Jean Tyndall Miss Genevieve Prestige
Miss Isabel Payne Miss Irene Pfannenschmidt
Miss Virginia Anthony Miss Gladys Kellogg
Miss Ella McCully Mr. Bourke Lodewyk
Miss Edith Lemmer Mr. George Lusk
Miss Lucile McKenzie Mr. Waldo Handley
Miss Jessie McGee Miss Corabelle Morse
Mr. Edwin Clark


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