Mount Pleasant High School
Commencement Exercises
The Auditorium
Thursday Evening, June 15, 1922
Prof. W.G. French, Commencement Orator
Rev. Henry Morgan, Commencement Chaplain
1. March High School Orchestra
2. Invocation
3. (a) A Song of the Years
(b) Moonlight
High School Chorus
4. Address: “The New Education”
Prof. Walter H. French
5. (a) Only A Dream of Summer
(b) Out of the North
High School Chorus
6. Presentation of Diplomas Dr. C. D. Pullen
7. Benediction
Class Roll
William R. Avard
Elsie E. Beach
Charles Lawrence Bentley
Hervey Beutler
Roy P. Bowerman
Flossie May Buhrer
Lela Oevia Chrestenson
Phil D. Collins
Milton J. Converse
Beatrice M. Cowden
Ralph E. Crawford
Doris Davidson
Lionel L. Davis
Ralph Owen Deeter
Fannie A. Diehl
Olive M. Dorn
Leslie C. Hedrick
Lucile I. Hess
Minnie T. Honeywell
Phyllis G. Johnson
Kathlyne Kellogg
Clare B. Kidder
Susan Ellen Lesh
Oneita Ione Low
Harold McMacken
Mynard E. Maybee
Florence Meyer
Stanley A. Monroe
Audrey Isobel Morgan
Helen Margaret Morrison
Kenneth F. Moss
Harry Randle Munson
Joseph F. Olsen
Mary E. Porterfield
Marian C. Pullen
Alice Kathryn Quick
Jonly C. Ripley
Gilbert Chilson Roberts
Dorothy C. Root
Stuart N. Rowe
Arthur G.E. Savage
Laurence E. Showalter
Tillie Sisco
Leah Jeannette Smith
Ralph Lyle Stickle
Margaret Ione Warner
Wade H. Weaver
Ruth Naomi Winslow
Harold B. Wyman
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