1922 Nottawa Township Enrollment Figures by District

District One: 147 total children between the ages of 5 and 20, 71 males and 76 females, of those 142 were enrolled in school, 69 males and 73 females.

Enrollment by Grades:
Grade Boys Girls Total
Kindergarden  9 6 15
First Grade 4 9 13
Second  Grade 6 3 9
Third Grade 5 6 11
Fourth Grade 4 4 8
Fifth Grade 11 6 17
Sixth Grade 5 7 12
Seventh Grade 6 1 7
Eighth Grade 7 8 15
Ninth Grade 5 7 12
Tenth Grade 5 9 14
Eleventh Grade 2 3 5
Twelfth Grade   4 4
Totals      142


District Two: 105 total children between the ages of 5 and 20, 52 males and 53 females, of those 20 were enrolled in school, 11 males and 9 females.

Enrollment by Grades:
Grade Boys Girls Total
Kindergarden 3 2 5
First Grade 1 1 2
Second  Grade 3 1 4
Third Grade 0 1 1
Fourth Grade 0 1 1
Fifth Grade 1 0 1
Sixth Grade 2 2 4
Seventh Grade 0 0 0
Eighth Grade 1 1 2
Ninth Grade      
Tenth Grade      
Eleventh Grade      
Twelfth Grade      
Totals 11 9 20


District Three: 81 total children between the ages of 5 and 20, 30 males and 51 females, of those 35 were enrolled in school, 12 males and 23 females.

Enrollment by Grades:
Grade Boys Girls Total
First Grade 3 1 4
Second  Grade 1 5 6
Third Grade 2 5 7
Fourth Grade 2 3 5
Fifth Grade 0 3 3
Sixth Grade 1 3 5
Seventh Grade 2 3 5
Eighth Grade 1 0 1
Ninth Grade      
Tenth Grade      
Eleventh Grade      
Twelfth Grade      
Totals 12 23 35


District Four: 61 total children between the ages of 5 and 20, 36 males and 25 females, 10 were enrolled in school, 8 males and 2 females.

Enrollment by Grades:
Grade Boys Girls Total
Kindergarden 2 0 2
First Grade 4 1 5
Second  Grade      
Third Grade   1 1
Fourth Grade      
 Fifth Grade      
Sixth Grade      
Seventh Grade      
Eighth Grade      
Ninth Grade      
Tenth Grade      
Eleventh Grade      
Twelfth Grade      
 Specials 2   2
Totals 8 2 10


District Five: 50 total children between the ages of 5 and 20, 28 males and 22 females, 26 were enrolled in school, 17 males and 9 females.

Enrollment by Grades:
Grade Boys Girls Total
Kindergarden 2 0 2
First Grade 1 1 2
Second  Grade 5 1 6
Third Grade 1 1 2
Fourth Grade 1 1 2
Fifth Grade 0 0 0
Sixth Grade 2 1 3
Seventh Grade 5 4 9
Eighth Grade 0 0 0
Ninth Grade      
Tenth Grade      
Eleventh Grade      
Twelfth Grade      
Totals 17 9 26


District Six: 43 total children between the ages of 5 and 20, 24 males, and 19 females, 27 were enrolled in school, 15 males and 12 females.

Enrollment by Grades:
Grade Boys Girls Total
Kindergarden 2 2 4
First Grade 3 0 3
Second  Grade 1 3 4
Third Grade 1 1 2
Fourth Grade 3 1 4
Fifth Grade 0 2 2
Sixth Grade 1 0 1
Seventh Grade 1 3 4
Eighth Grade 3 0 3
Ninth Grade      
Tenth Grade      
Eleventh Grade      
Twelfth Grade      
Totals     27


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