1921 District 3 Nottawa School Census

School Census of the Township of Nottawa, County of Isabella for the school year ending July 11, 1921
District Three: the following is a correct list, as taken by John Fox , of the names and ages of all children belonging to district No. 3,
five years of age and under twenty years, together with the name and address of parent or guardian and that said census was taken in a house to house
canvas during the fifteen days prior to June 1, 1921.
Eight grades were taught in the school, with 2 pupils graduating from the eighth grade during the year.

KEY: Date of Birth is for those age 5 and 19 at the time of the census; the date of birth is entered as entered by the enumerator.
         All spellings of names, both given and surname, are as the enumerator recorded them.
         There were 88 children between the ages of 5 and 20 in the district, 33 males and 55 females.  Of those 44 attended school
         during the school year, 17 males and 27 females. 
         A district library was established in 1907. In 1920-21 there were 10 new volumes added for a total of  190 volumes.
         Explanation of the relationship to the child is given if it is not the parent in the column Full Name of Parent or Legal Guardian.   
Teachers:  Regina Faber, taught 9 months for $900.00
Enumerator:  John Fox

Enrollment by Grades:
Grade Boys Girls Total
Kindergarden 4 4 8
First Grade 3 8 11
Second  Grade 0 2 2
Third Grade 2 3 5
Fourth Grade 1 2 3
Fifth Grade 1 2 3
Sixth Grade 3 4 7
Seventh Grade 3 0 3
Eighth Grade 8 2 2
Ninth Grade      
Tenth Grade      
Eleventh Grade      
Twelfth Grade      
Totals  17  27  44

Stephen Fox12 John FoxMt. Pleasant 53
Marguerita Fox8   3
Loretta Fox6   3
Frances Bauer12 Frank BauerMt. Pleasant 53
Anglina Bauer11   3
Anna Bauer9   3
Frank Bauer8   3
Henry Bauer6   3
Carl Bauer5Feb 17 1916  3
Leo Schafer6 Mat. Grinzinger, Legal GuardianMt. Pleasant 53
Joe Antoszczak12 Mike Finnerty, Legal GuardianMt. Pleasant 53
Agnes Finnerty8 Mike FinnertyMt. Pleasant 53
Marie Swindlehurst14 William SwindlehurstMt. Pleasant 53
Sherman Swindlehurst13   3
Robert Swindlehurst10   3
Isabella Swindlehurst8   3
Theotina Andres10 Joseph AndresMt. Pleasant 53
Celestine Andres8   3
Loretta Andres6   3
Lorane Andres6   3
Margret Funnel19Apr 28 1902Thomas FunnelMt. Pleasant 53
Hazel Funnel14   3
Marin Funnel10   3
Bertha Funnel17   3
Maurina Nolan10 George NolanRosebush 33
Lillian Hauck17 John HauckRosebush 33
Irena Hauck10   3
Helen Hauck13   3
Fredrick Hauck5Aug 2 1915  3
Dortha Hauck11 Hary HauckRosebush 33
Anna Hauck10   3
Walter Hauck9   3
Luellia Hauck7   3
Carl Hauck6   3
Betrice McGuirck7 Francis McGuirkRosebush 33
Walter Roelisberger11 Fred RoelisbergerRosebush 33
Harold Roelisberger8   3
Mabel Roelisberger6   3
Jimmie McGuirck17 Minnie McGuirckRosebush 33
Thomas McGuirck15   3
Gertrude McGurck11   3
Frank Berg18 Frank BergRosebush 33
Albert Berg16   3
Loretta Berg10   3
Marita Pasch8 Mike PaschRosebush 33
Martha Pasch6   3
Gerold Fox12 Frank FoxRosebush 33
Florance Fox10   3
Christina Fox8   3
Ramond Fox5March 24, 1916  3
Edward Dole18 Anthony DoleRosebush 33
Lorane Dole7   3
Mildred Schumacher8 Joseph SchumacherRosebush 33
Martha Schumacher5Feb 22, 1916  3
Irnest Schmidt17 Carl SchmidtRosebush 33
Elizabeth Schmidt16   3
Charley Schmidt10   3
Emalia Schmidt8   3
Jerone Bitchnau14 Mike BitchnauRosebush 33
Vernon Bitchnau15   3
Evelin Bitchnau11   3
Joseph Peters18 Frank PetersRosebush 33
Lena Peters10   3
Mary Peters7   3
Celia Kremsreiter`14 Joseph KremsreiterMt. Pleasant 53
Thessia Kremsreiter12   3
Richard Kremsreiter9   3
Luellia Kremsreiter7   3
Bernard Kremsreiter5`Dec 17, 1915  3
Ida Bierschbach18 Peter BierschbachMt. Pleasant 53
Clara Bierschbavh16   3
Frank Bierschbach14   3
Julius Bierschbach12   3
Agnes Bierschbacvh10   3
Geraldine Miller7 Peter Bierschbach, Grand Faterh, Mother DeadMt. Pleasant 53
Harold Miller5Aug 19 1915  3
Anna Fussmann16 Henry FussmannMt. Pleasant 53
Rosa Fussmann12   3
Christ Fussmann14   3
Joseph Fussmann9   3
Edward Fussmann8   3
Sophia Fussman6   3
Dora Zeien19July 2, 1901  3
Lousia Zeien11   3
Gusta Zeien12   3
Edward Zeien15   3
Luellia Zeien9   3
Lucel Zeien9   3


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